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Dissemination pathways Science and policy
Beyond publication Dissemination pathways Science and policy Mohammed Y Said International Livestock Research Institute P.O. Box 30709 Nairobi
Definitions Research: “any systematic effort to increase the stock of knowledge” Policy: a “purposive course of action followed by an actor or set of actors” Agendas / policy horizons Official statements documents Patterns of spending Activities on the ground Implementation processes
Dissemination pathways
Journal Articles Information or fact sheet Newspaper (feature, special articles, narratives) Radio and TV Acting, Folk Stories, Open day Internet and group discussions Policy briefs Researchers Public, farmers Decision and Policy Makers Questions What message do we want to pass? Who is the audience? and What you want to see as an outcome or Whom do you want to influence?
The Analytical Framework
External Influences Socio-economic and cultural influences, donor policies etc The Political Context – political and economic structures and processes, culture, institutional pressures, incremental vs radical change etc. The Links between policy and research communities – networks, relationships, power, competing discourses, trust, knowledge etc. The Evidence – credibility, the degree it challenges received wisdom, research approaches and methodology, simplicity of the message, how it is packaged etc
Communication Clear strategy (& strategic opportunism)
Strenuous efforts are often needed Packaging Interactive Multiple approaches Seeing is believing How? Who? What? Audience Promotion Message Identify – Design – Develop - Review
Research-Policy “critical issue for the future is how to improve researchers’ effectiveness in producing outputs that directly and indirectly change both policy and practice, are truly relevant to poor people’s needs, and are effectively taken up.” (DFID) Implications: 1. Researchers – Relevance and Communication 2. Systems of Demand & Uptake
1. What Should Researchers Do? A Practical Framework
External Influences political context Politics and Policymaking Campaigning, Lobbying Policy analysis, & research Media, Advertising, Networking Scientific information exchange & validation Research, learning & thinking evidence links
Putting it into practice
What researchers need to know What researchers need to do How to do it Political Context: Evidence Links Get to know the policymakers. Identify friends and foes. Prepare for policy opportunities. Look out for policy windows. Work with them – seek commissions Strategic opportunism – prepare for known events + resources for others Who are the policymakers? Is there demand for ideas? What is the policy process? Establish credibility Provide practical solutions Establish legitimacy. Present clear options Use familiar narratives. Build a reputation Action-research Pilot projects to generate legitimacy Good communication What is the current theory? What are the narratives? How divergent is it? Get to know the others Work through existing networks. Build coalitions. Build new policy networks. Build partnerships. Identify key networkers, mavens and salesmen. Use informal contacts Who are the stakeholders? What networks exist? Who are the connectors, mavens and salesmen?
Tools for policy entrepreneurs
Overarching Framework - The RAPID Framework - Using the Framework Context Assessment Tools - Stakeholder Analysis - Forcefield Analysis - Writeshops - Policy Mapping - Political Context Mapping Communication Tools - Communications Strategy - SWOT analysis - Message Design - Making use of the media Research Tools - Case Studies - Episode Studies - Surveys - Bibliometric Analysis - Focus Group Discussion Policy Influence Tools - Influence Mapping & Power Mapping - Lobbying and Advocacy - Campaigning: A Simple Guide - Coalitions NB: Research is one component.
Who is the audience and what information do we want convey?
Newspaper Article – turning research to public good
Open Day
Internet and e-group discussions
Key Message Important challenges lie ahead of the Maasai as their traditional migration pathways are blocking up and they are themselves settling. What if the land belonging to one does not have as much rain and green pastures as the neighbours’ property? That is why harvesting and managing water is crucial. The evaluation report will provide some understanding of the impacts, efficiency and sustainability of the RELMA project and, by extension, be a good source of lessons for future rainwater harvesting projects among pastoral communities.
Empowering community with information
Briefs on Impacts – World Agroforestry Centre
Exercise Group 1 Group 2 Policy Brief (1 page) Material
Radio Talk Show (5 minutes) Material
What have we learnt ……
Thank you very much
Work as group and get focus on the issues and be innovative
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