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SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 16: Social Exclusion.

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Presentation on theme: "SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 16: Social Exclusion."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOSC 103D Social Inequality in HK Lecture 16: Social Exclusion

2 L16: 06.11.06 Marginalized groups Groups of people who have encountered difficulties in participating fully in society Who are they?  Lack of economic resources (poverty)  Lack of social rights (citizenship)  Lack of community support (discrimination)

3 L16: 06.11.06 Problem of social exclusion Social isolation (vicious circle) Hostility (crime, social instability) Lack of social cohesion  Recent problem: –From neglect to concern? –Stigmatization (role of government, media, etc.) –Discrimination (role of the general public and employers) –Further marginalized

4 L16: 06.11.06 How to help? Social welfare –Economic support? –Other social and community support Law-enforcement –Anti-discrimination law? –Law relating to the informal economy –Implementation of laws and policies

5 L16: 06.11.06 食環署捉小販冷血無情 粗暴捉殘障小販 一個聾啞、一個智障, 兩名自力更生男小販, 每晚在深水  「通宵 墟」擺賣舊雜貨維生, 昨晨被食環署販管隊 職員掃蕩,兩人成為 捕捉目標 (20.10.06)

6 L16: 06.11.06 How to help? (continue) Public education –General education in schools? –Change of social attitudes towards the marginalized groups (government and public) Education & Training (break the cycle)

7 L16: 06.11.06 What is inequality?  Inequality = Injustice?  Equality = Justice?  Is all inequality unjust?! Inequality in Distribution Inequality in Opportunities

8 L16: 06.11.06 Suppose you are a teacher. Facing students with different needs and unequal capabilities, how would you allocate your time and attention for your students? 1.Treat everyone equally regardless of ability, effort, past treatment, or chances of benefiting (Egalitarian) 2.Reward those who make the most effort (Desert-based) 3.To help those who will benefit most from your attention (Utilitarianism) 4.To compensate those who have gotten less than their share in the past (Weak human justice) 5.To help those with poorest grades, regardless of why they do badly (Strong human justice)

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