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CONSULTING NETWORK Creation of an information network service in the consultancy field for SME development projects Project presented by Victor Cladera.

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Presentation on theme: "CONSULTING NETWORK Creation of an information network service in the consultancy field for SME development projects Project presented by Victor Cladera."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONSULTING NETWORK Creation of an information network service in the consultancy field for SME development projects Project presented by Victor Cladera and Gisela Romanach for the 2nd International SEPT Workshop “Marketing Strategies for Innovative Products from Developing Countries” (Nov. 03 – 12, 2003 Leipzig Germany)

2 What we want? To have access to local information in different countries about biddings and whatever demand in SME consultancies. Information Exchange about Consultancy supply and Consultancy Experts in SMEs, business opportunities between developing countries and European countries and whatever information about SMEs. LA RAZÓN

3 Why? Market niche Characteristics (Consulting services) Low competence, low offer of same or similar services, big demand. Entrance difficulties for enterprises with no local knowledge and international experience, a) Lack of local Knowledge and contacts from German consultants, b) Lack of international contact from local experts. Low access to local information about Small programs for SME promotion Consultancy,

4 Opportunities market weaknesses: Low competence, low offer of same or similar services, big demand. lack of experience and contacts of new formed SME in Germany few brokers who offer affordable BDS to the SME in order to penetrate European markets. Low access to local information about Small programs for SME promotion Consultancy

5 OBJECTIVES Short Term Create a Consultants network for SME promotion (INC) Data gathering and generation of a data base (BDB). Virtual platform (Info exchange in General)

6 OBJECTIVES Medium Term Create the appropriate conditions to have a share of consultancy services market in many countries, where the European Aid is dominant Consultancy supply for SME Market, participate on Biddings

7 How are we going to make it? Market Intelligence (Target, needs, competence, segmentation) Network design (Target groups) Recruitment (competences) Assignments (work areas) Work strategy

8 For example..!!! Local Biddings Info Distribution Search for German Partners Search for local experts Search for local partners JOINT WORK PROPOSAL Enterprise B Enterprise A

9 Success elements Strengths professionals in different fields of SME of many countries, connection and support of German institutions and universities, local Know-How in different countries of the world

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