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Homeland Security and Organization Theory. Objectives for Week Thirteen Discuss Challenges to Organizing for Homeland Security Discuss Content of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Homeland Security and Organization Theory. Objectives for Week Thirteen Discuss Challenges to Organizing for Homeland Security Discuss Content of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homeland Security and Organization Theory

2 Objectives for Week Thirteen Discuss Challenges to Organizing for Homeland Security Discuss Content of the Course Rough Drafts Due by this Friday – Drop off drafts at CPR – Double-space your drafts – Include all relevant tables and items – can add additional non- essential material to final draft

3 Homeland Security Why did it take 9/11 to uncover the organizational problems within the current administrative apparatus that provides for “homeland security”? What characteristics, qualities, competencies, or powers must a DHS have? Will the proposed DHS be more or less centralized than the current arrangement?

4 Homeland Security “The potential problem is that by fixing the structure in law now, the government runs the risk of not only achieving a suboptimal organization, but also of prematurely shutting off organizational learning and adaptation of organizational activities to address emerging threats and consequences.” (Wise, p. 137)

5 Homeland Security Will the proposed DHS be more or less centralized than the current arrangement? What are the obstacles or barriers to creating an effective DHS? Assess the simplicity of the proposed DHS organizational chart. What are the implications of a more flexible personnel system within DHS? How do we determine success here?

6 Homeland Security What theoretical concepts relate to how we organize for Homeland Security? What are the obstacles or barriers to reorganization?

7 Democratic Theory and Public Organizations Ideally, in a democracy we enhance the role and voice of citizens in public processes How has the course content implicated democratic theory or the democratic process? Are there any circumstances when too much “democracy” is bad for public organizations? Are there any circumstances when it is okay to limit public input and access?

8 Lessons From PPA 709 On the front of the notecard (lined) – write down one insight or lesson relating to organizations and organization theory that you drew from this course and found particularly useful On the back of the notecard (blank) – write down one issue or area relating to organizations and organization theory that you wished in retrospect we would have covered or covered in more depth

9 What We Tried to Accomplish This Semester Core features of organizations Roles as leaders, managers, and in groups Link theory to practice through cases and projects Performance measurement and success Organizational change and the challenges of crafting/testing theory Collecting, interpreting, and presenting information to clients Diagnosing organizational problems and developing proposals for solutions

10 Next Class Period – After Thanksgiving Rough Drafts of Reports Due by Friday Email Prof. Allard with client presentation times and dates – (4 more groups) Prepare 15 minute presentation for last class period on Dec. 3 rd /5 th Send your slides to me by: – Tuesday Section: Monday, 9am December 2 nd – Thursday Section: Wednesday, 9am December 4th Course evaluations on Dec. 3 rd /5 th

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