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Genesys Solutions University of Sheffield Experiences with Extreme Programming since 2000.

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1 Genesys Solutions University of Sheffield Experiences with Extreme Programming since 2000

2 Genesys Solutions Small company with 47 part time staff – all advanced computing students (4 th year/MSc) Bespoke software development for business. Web based data bases etc. Established 5 years ago. Personnel stay for 1 year at most. Project continuation is an issue.

3 1. Are you interested in XP and/or AMs? Why? Interested in XP because of problems with traditional approaches. Maintenance and project pick up issues. Design documentation unreliable. Quality issues – inadequate testing. Dynamic client requirements XP seemed to address these.

4 2. What have been or would be your motivations to explore and/or experience XP ? Interest in testing and requirements capture. Need for incremental development. Lightweight and rapid development framework. Disillusionment with UML.

5 3. Are you working for a company doing some sort of XP and/or AMs? Genesys adopted XP 2 years ago. Detailed research into its effectiveness. Exploring which practices are key. Looking into the sort of infrastructure and learning support needed. How to manage or self manage XP?

6 4. How has such company introduced XP and/or AMs? Each year a presentation is made to the new personnel. R & D group given the role of process support, QA and improvement. Some staff have used XP before.

7 5. What XP and/or AMs practices has the company adopted? How? Why? Pair programming – partially successful – good for testing, learning new technology etc. Test first – some success but need to do better. Incremental delivery.

8 5. Coding standards imposed. Close client communication. Simple design emphasised. Planning game – some success. Need detailed documentation for project continuation.

9 6. How successful has the company been in achieving its original goals for introducing XP and/or AMs? What have been the major success factors? What the inhibitors? Partially successful, learning all the time. Problems programmer attitude – test first is unnatural because of the way programming is usually taught. Will continue – it has to be better than trad!

10 7. What is the impact of XP and/or AMs on its business? Quality has improved. Programmers seem more satisfied that what they do is valuable – less vapourware! Need to improve management and test support.

11 8. What are the long term goals of and operational plans of the company with respect to XP and/or AMs? Continue with XP. Research into improving it and supporting through further development of the company intranet and processes. Combine it with personal software improvement process.

12 9. What are your expectations on the future evolution of XP and AMs? Do you foresee a specific interaction with other research areas, such as component based development, open source development, etc.? WSDL will be important for what we do. More emphasis on services components and standards. XP needs to evolve better testing methods.

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