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Marvin Zuckerman (1928-) Sensation seeking. Do you easily get bored? Perhaps you are high in sensation seeking Take an online test to find outonline test.

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Presentation on theme: "Marvin Zuckerman (1928-) Sensation seeking. Do you easily get bored? Perhaps you are high in sensation seeking Take an online test to find outonline test."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marvin Zuckerman (1928-) Sensation seeking

2 Do you easily get bored? Perhaps you are high in sensation seeking Take an online test to find outonline test to find out How did you come out? What dimensions were high, what dimensions were lower?

3 Sensation seeking and biology Some aspects of sensation seeking may be related to some biological characteristics of extraversion, to having a nervous system that is not very sensitive and thus needs a lot of stimulation to stay aroused. Introverts, on the other hand have more sensitive nervous systems that easily get overloaded, and prefer quiet environments.

4 Sensation seeking and egocentrism Zuckerman suggests that high sensation seekers tend to consider other people mostly as an audience or as a source of stimulation. If true, this would reflect some immaturity, a need to grow in empathy etc.

5 Gender and sensation seeking It is most likely not true that men are higher in sensation seeking than women It IS true that men and women show different profiles of sensation-seeking. Women's strongest sensation seeking mode is that of "experience seeking", in which they surpass men. Adventure and thrill seeking, disinhibition and boredom susceptibility are higher in men.

6 Positives and negatives of sensation seeking Energy, risk taking, tolerance for stress, initiative, confidence are some of the strengths of high SS Impulsivity, impatience, lack of perseverance are some of the down sides of high SS, and why they sometimes underachieve.

7 Overall… Whether one has a high or low SS temperament is probably biological, and neither good nor bad One just has to learn how to manage this. For example, using one's energy in constructive ways, understanding oneself.

8 The end

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