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RWS 200 Assessment James Towner Katie Hughes Liane Bryson James Towner Katie Hughes Liane Bryson January 10, 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "RWS 200 Assessment James Towner Katie Hughes Liane Bryson James Towner Katie Hughes Liane Bryson January 10, 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 RWS 200 Assessment James Towner Katie Hughes Liane Bryson James Towner Katie Hughes Liane Bryson January 10, 2006

2 Innovations  Students created PowerPoint presentations addressing central course concept  Students researched and used blogs as evidence of contemporary discussion of paper topic  Students imported a photographic image into their essays  Students constructed visual arguments with PowerPoint using internet sources, including

3 Assessment approaches  Blackboard surveys  Criterion-based assessment allowing for comparison of student proficiency before and after innovation

4 Factors contributing to use of this assessment approach  Easy access to Blackboard Survey  Analysis of results available through Blackboard

5 Conclusions based on assessment :  Criterion-based assessment showed marked improvement in student work  Higher grades in projects one and four

6 Student Surveys Show Intervention Success  Written Comments Project 3:  I realize using visuals is effective in supporting arguments and claims. Project 4:  I think that the use of technology is very helpful for [making] an argument, and the visual presentation is a great way to expand the understanding of the argument.  I learned that there are many ways to make an argument by using technology, speech, or writing.

7 Using PowerPoint to teach Central Course Concepts:  “To what extent did using technology help in understanding the basic course concepts and being able to demonstrate that understanding?”

8 Using a Visual Image in Project Three Essay:  “Using a visual image in my paper helped me understand how images can be seen in different contexts and how different viewers might interpret the image differently.”

9 Constructing a Visual Argument with PowerPoint:  “Creating a visual argument to complement a written argument enhanced my understanding of visual rhetoric.”

10 Feedback from Assessments  Feedback from  Criterion-based assessments and  Blackboard surveys  Confirmed our expectations and observations.

11 Problems we encountered:  Using blogs problematic in academic writing  Smart classrooms are scarce  Difficult to setup in standard classrooms

12 Changes or Improvements Based on Assessments  No major changes  We will continue with our course pICT innovations

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