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Oznur Tastan 10601 Machine Learning Recitation 3 Sep 16 2009
Outline A text classification example – Multinomial distribution – Drichlet distribution Model selection – Miro will be continuing in that topic
Text classification example
Text classification We are not into classification yet. For the sake of example, I’ll briefly go over what it is. Classification Task: You have an input x, you classify which label it has y from some fixed set of labels y 1,...,y k
Text classification spam filtering Input: document D Output: the predicted class y from {y 1,...,y k } Spam filtering: Classify email as ‘Spam’, ‘Other’. P (Y=spam | X)
Text classification Input: document D Output: the predicted class y from {y 1,...,y k } Text classification examples: Classify email as ‘Spam’, ‘Other’. What other text classification applications you can think of?
Text classification Input: document x Output: the predicted class y y is from {y 1,...,y k } Text classification examples: Classify email as ‘Spam’, ‘Other’. Classify web pages as ‘Student’, ‘Faculty’, ‘Other’ Classify news stories into topics ‘Sports’, ‘Politics’.. Classify business names by industry. Classify movie reviews as ‘Favorable’, ‘Unfavorable’, ‘Neutral’ … and many more.
Text Classification: Examples Classify shipment articles into one 93 categories. An example category ‘wheat’ ARGENTINE 1986/87 GRAIN/OILSEED REGISTRATIONS BUENOS AIRES, Feb 26 Argentine grain board figures show crop registrations of grains, oilseeds and their products to February 11, in thousands of tonnes, showing those for future shipments month, 1986/87 total and 1985/86 total to February 12, 1986, in brackets: Bread wheat prev 1,655.8, Feb 872.0, March 164.6, total 2,692.4 (4,161.0). Maize Mar 48.0, total 48.0 (nil). Sorghum nil (nil) Oilseed export registrations were: Sunflowerseed total 15.0 (7.9) Soybean May 20.0, total 20.0 (nil) The board also detailed export registrations for subproducts, as follows....
Representing text for classification ARGENTINE 1986/87 GRAIN/OILSEED REGISTRATIONS BUENOS AIRES, Feb 26 Argentine grain board figures show crop registrations of grains, oilseeds and their products to February 11, in thousands of tonnes, showing those for future shipments month, 1986/87 total and 1985/86 total to February 12, 1986, in brackets: Bread wheat prev 1,655.8, Feb 872.0, March 164.6, total 2,692.4 (4,161.0). Maize Mar 48.0, total 48.0 (nil). Sorghum nil (nil) Oilseed export registrations were: Sunflowerseed total 15.0 (7.9) Soybean May 20.0, total 20.0 (nil) The board also detailed export registrations for sub-products, as follows.... y How would you represent the document?
Representing text: a list of words argentine, 1986, 1987, grain, oilseed, registrations, buenos, aires, feb, 26, argentine, grain, board, figures, show, crop, registrations, of, grains, oilseeds, and, their, products, to, february, 11, in, … Common refinements: remove stopwords, stemming, collapsing multiple occurrences of words into one…. y
Representing text for classification ARGENTINE 1986/87 GRAIN/OILSEED REGISTRATIONS BUENOS AIRES, Feb 26 Argentine grain board figures show crop registrations of grains, oilseeds and their products to February 11, in thousands of tonnes, showing those for future shipments month, 1986/87 total and 1985/86 total to February 12, 1986, in brackets: Bread wheat prev 1,655.8, Feb 872.0, March 164.6, total 2,692.4 (4,161.0). Maize Mar 48.0, total 48.0 (nil). Sorghum nil (nil) Oilseed export registrations were: Sunflowerseed total 15.0 (7.9) Soybean May 20.0, total 20.0 (nil) The board also detailed export registrations for sub-products, as follows.... y How would you represent the document?
‘Bag of words’ representation of text ARGENTINE 1986/87 GRAIN/OILSEED REGISTRATIONS BUENOS AIRES, Feb 26 Argentine grain board figures show crop registrations of grains, oilseeds and their products to February 11, in thousands of tonnes, showing those for future shipments month, 1986/87 total and 1985/86 total to February 12, 1986, in brackets: Bread wheat prev 1,655.8, Feb 872.0, March 164.6, total 2,692.4 (4,161.0). Maize Mar 48.0, total 48.0 (nil). Sorghum nil (nil) Oilseed export registrations were: Sunflowerseed total 15.0 (7.9) Soybean May 20.0, total 20.0 (nil) The board also detailed export registrations for sub-products, as follows.... grain(s)3 oilseed(s)2 total3 wheat1 maize1 soybean1 tonnes1... wordfrequency Bag of word representation: Represent text as a vector of word frequencies.
Bag of words representation document i Frequency (i,j) = j in document i word j A collection of documents
Bag of words What simplifying assumption are we taking?
Bag of words What simplifying assumption are we taking? We assumed word order is not important.
‘Bag of words’ representation of text ARGENTINE 1986/87 GRAIN/OILSEED REGISTRATIONS BUENOS AIRES, Feb 26 Argentine grain board figures show crop registrations of grains, oilseeds and their products to February 11, in thousands of tonnes, showing those for future shipments month, 1986/87 total and 1985/86 total to February 12, 1986, in brackets: Bread wheat prev 1,655.8, Feb 872.0, March 164.6, total 2,692.4 (4,161.0). Maize Mar 48.0, total 48.0 (nil). Sorghum nil (nil) Oilseed export registrations were: Sunflowerseed total 15.0 (7.9) Soybean May 20.0, total 20.0 (nil) The board also detailed export registrations for sub-products, as follows.... grain(s)3 oilseed(s)2 total3 wheat1 maize1 soybean1 tonnes1... wordfrequency ?
Multinomial distribution The multinomial distribution is a generalization of the binomial distribution. The binomial distribution counts successes of an event (for example, heads in coin tosses). The parameters: – N (number of trials) – (the probability of success of the event) The multinomial counts the number of a set of events (for example, how many times each side of a die comes up in a set of rolls). – The parameters: – N (number of trials) – (the probability of success for each category)
Multinomial Distribution From a box you pick k possible colored balls. You selected N balls randomly and put into your bag. Let probability of picking a ball of color i is For each color W i be the random variable denoting the number of balls selected in color i, can take values in {1…N}.
Multinomial Distribution W 1,W 2,..W k are variables Number of possible orderings of N balls order invariant selections Note events are indepent A binomial distribution is the multinomial distribution with k=2 and
‘Bag of words’ representation of text ARGENTINE 1986/87 GRAIN/OILSEED REGISTRATIONS BUENOS AIRES, Feb 26 Argentine grain board figures show crop registrations of grains, oilseeds and their products to February 11, in thousands of tonnes, showing those for future shipments month, 1986/87 total and 1985/86 total to February 12, 1986, in brackets: Bread wheat prev 1,655.8, Feb 872.0, March 164.6, total 2,692.4 (4,161.0). Maize Mar 48.0, total 48.0 (nil). Sorghum nil (nil) Oilseed export registrations were: Sunflowerseed total 15.0 (7.9) Soybean May 20.0, total 20.0 (nil) The board also detailed export registrations for sub-products, as follows.... grain(s)3 oilseed(s)2 total3 wheat1 maize1 soybean1 tonnes1... word frequency
‘Bag of words’ representation of text grain(s)3 oilseed(s)2 total3 wheat1 maize1 soybean1 tonnes1... wordfrequency Can be represented as a multinomial distribution. Words = colored balls, there are k possible type of them Document = contains N words, each word occurs n i times The multinomial distribution of words is going to be different for different document class. In a document class of ‘wheat’, grain is more likely. where as in a hard drive shipment the parameter for ‘wheat’ is going to be smaller.
Multinomial distribution and bag of words Represent document D as list of words w1,w2,.. For each category y, build a probabilistic model Pr(D|Y=y) Pr(D={argentine,grain...}|Y=wheat) =.... Pr(D={stocks,rose,in,heavy,...}|Y=nonWheat) =.... To classify, find the y which was most likely to generate D
Conjugate distribution If the prior and the posterior are the same distribution, the prior is called a conjugate prior for the likelihood The Dirichlet distribution is the conjugate prior for the multinomial, just as beta is conjugate prior for the binomial.
Drichlet distribution The Dirichlet parameter i can be thought of as a prior count of the ith class. Dirichlet distribution generalizes the beta distribution just like multinomial distribution generalizes the binomial distribution Gamma function
Dirichlet Distribution Let’s say the prior for is From observations we have the following counts The posterior distribution for given data So the prior works like a pseudo-counts.
Pseudo Count and prior Let’s say you estimated the probabilities from a collection of documents without using a prior. For all unobserved words in your document collection, you would assign zero probability to that word occurring in that document class. So whenever a document with that word comes in, the probability will be zero for that document being in that class. Which is probably wrong when you have only limited data. Using priors is a way of smoothing the probability distributions and leaving out some probability mass for the unobserved events in your data.
Generative model C w N D
Model Selection
Polynomial Curve Fitting Blue: Observed data True: Green true distribution
Sum-of-Squares Error Function
0 th Order Polynomial Blue: Observed data Red: Predicted curve True: Green true distribution
1 st Order Polynomial Blue: Observed data Red: Predicted curve True: Green true distribution
3 rd Order Polynomial Blue: Observed data Red: Predicted curve True: Green true distribution
9 th Order Polynomial Blue: Observed data Red: Predicted curve True: Green true distribution
Which of the predicted curve is better? Blue: Observed data Red: Predicted curve True: Green true distribution
What do we really want? Why not choose the method with the best fit to the data?
What do we really want? Why not choose the method with the best fit to the data? If we were to ask you the homework questions in the midterm, would we have a good estimate of how well you learned the concepts?
What do we really want? Why not choose the method with the best fit to the data? How well are you going to predict future data drawn from the same distribution?
General strategy You try to simulate the real word scenario. Test data is your future data. Put it away as far as possible don’t look at it. Validation set is like your test set. You use it to select your model. The whole aim is to estimate the models’ true error on the sample data you have. !!! For the rest of the slides..Assume we put the test data aldready away. Consider it as the validation data when it says test set.
Test set method Randomly split some portion of your data Leave it aside as the test set The remaining data is the training data
Test set method Randomly split some portion of your data Leave it aside as the test set The remaining data is the training data Learn a model from the training set This the model you learned.
How good is the prediction? Randomly split some portion of your data Leave it aside as the test set The remaining data is the training data Learn a model from the training set Estimate your future performance with the test data
Train test set split It is simple What is the down side ?
More data is better With more data you can learn better Blue: Observed data Red: Predicted curve True: Green true distribution Compare the predicted curves
Train test set split It is simple What is the down side ? 1. You waste some portion of your data.
Train test set split It is simple What is the down side ? 1.You waste some portion of your data. What else?
Train test set split It is simple What is the down side ? 1.You waste some portion of your data. 2.You must be luck or unlucky with your test data
Train test set split It is simple What is the down side ? 1.You waste some portion of your data. 2.If you don’t have much data, you must be luck or unlucky with your test data How does it translate to statistics? Your estimator of performance has …?
Train/test set split It is simple What is the down side ? 1.You waste some portion of your data. 2.If you don’t have much data, you must be luck or unlucky with your test data How does it translate to statistics? Your estimator of performance has high variance
Cross Validation Recycle the data!
LOOCV ( Leave-one-out Cross Validation ) Your single test data Let say we have N data points k be the index for data points k=1..N Let (x k,y k ) be the k th record Temporarily remove (x k,y k ) from the dataset Train on the remaining N-1 Datapoints Test your error on (x k,y k ) Do this for each k=1..N and report the mean error.
LOOCV ( Leave-one-out Cross Validation ) There are N data points.. Do this N times. Notice the test data is changing each time
LOOCV ( Leave-one-out Cross Validation ) There are N data points.. Do this N times. Notice the test data is changing each time MSE=3.33
LOOCV ( Leave-one-out Cross Validation ) Let say we have N data points k be the index for data points k=1..N Let (x k,y k ) be the k th record Temporarily remove (x k,y k ) from the dataset Train on the remaining N-1 datapoints Test your error on (x k,y k ) Do this for each k=1..N and report the mean error.
K-fold cross validation k-fold traintest Train on (k-1) splits Test In 3 fold cross validation, there are 3 runs. In 5 fold cross validation, there are 5 runs. In 10 fold cross validation, there are 10 runs. the error is averaged over all runs
Model Selection In-sample error estimates: Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) Minimum Description Length Principle (MDL) Structural Risk Minimization (SRM) Extra-sample error estimates: Cross-Validation Bootstrap Most used method
References ml ml
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