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Blood Components and Plasma derivatives

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1 Blood Components and Plasma derivatives
M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

2 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
The anticoagulants and preservatives that are added to blood nowadays enable storage for long periods of time Before acid-citrate-dextrose (ACD) was used- 21 days Aseptic separation of blood into cellular & plasma components by the introduction of plastic collection systems Before glass bottles were used M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

3 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Blood collection Blood is collected in plastic bag systems with anticoagulant & preservative Whole blood can be stored at 4oC for up to 5 weeks Whole blood contains many components Wasteful to give whole blood if only red cells are needed M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

4 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Blood Components Human blood consists of plasma, in which cells are suspended The plasma also contains other specialised substances, which are important for blood clot formation (e.g. clotting factors) Whole blood can be separated at the blood bank into various components M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

5 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
BLOOD COMPONENTS Blood separated into different parts: Packed red cells Platelets Fresh frozen plasma Cryoprecipitate Granulocytes Factor IX conc. Factor VIII conc. There are more than 20 different products available M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

6 (Fresh) frozen plasma (FFP)
Whole blood Red cells Granulocytes Plasma Platelets (Fresh) frozen plasma (FFP) Fractionated products Immuno- globulins F Vlla Cryoprecipitate Stored Plasma F Vlll Albumin F lX M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

7 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Whole Blood One unit contains 450 ml of blood & 63 ml of anticoagulant-preservative M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

8 RBC Anticoagulant/Preservative Solutions
Purpose of RBC Preservation Designed to prevent clotting and maintain red cell viability and function during storage. Usual anticoagulant-preservative is CPD-A (Citrate Phosphate Dextrose Adenine ) Anticoagulant-Preservative Contents Citrate: anticoagulant (binds plasma calcium and prevent activation of coagulation cascade) Phosphate: provide substrate to help maintain red cell 2,3 DPG levels Dextrose: a sugar, provides substrate for ATP production. Adenine: Acts as a substrate for RBC synthesis of ATP It binds with greater affinity to deoxygenated hemoglobin (e.g. when the red cell is near respiring tissue) than it does to oxygenated hemoglobin (e.g. in the lungs). In bonding to partially deoxygenated hemoglobin it allosterically upregulates the release of the remaining oxygen molecules bound to the hemoglobin, thus enhancing the ability of RBCs to release oxygen near tissues that need it most. M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

9 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
During storage at 4oC Platelets and WBCs become nonfunctional during hours of collection Red cells 5 weeks in CPD-A have a mean recovery 70% Plasma  K+,  H+ →  pH Levels of coagulation factors V & VIII decrease M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

10 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Blood Components Refers to a product separated from a single unit of whole blood The term plasma derivative indicates a blood product separated from a large volume of pooled plasma by a process called fractionation M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

11 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Blood components Oxygen carrying components Red cell concentrates (RCC) Leukocyte poor blood Frozen-thawed red cells Platelet products Platelet rich plasma (PRP) Platelet concentrates (PC) Plasma products Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) Frozen plasma (FP) Cryoprecipitate Stored plasma Plasma Derivatives Coagulation Factor concentrates Factor VIII concentrates Factor IX complex concentrates & others Oncotic agents Albumin Plasma protein fraction (PPF) Immune serum Globulin Hepatitis B Ig (HBIG) Varicella-zoster Ig (VZIG) Rh Ig (RhIG) Tetanus Ig (TIG) M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

12 A- Blood components that carry oxygen
Increase the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood by increasing the circulating red blood cell mass. Carry oxygen and nourishment to the tissues and take away carbon dioxide. M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

13 1- Red blood cell concentrates
Prepared by removing approx. 200 ml of plasma from whole blood after centrifugation RBCs plus 100 ml of residual palsma In CPD-A can be stored for 35 days at 4oC M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

14 1- Red blood cell concentrates
Whole Blood Red cell concentrate Total Volume 500 ml 300 ml Volume of red cells 200 ml Volume of plasma 100 ml Hematocrit 40 % 70 % M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

15 1- Red blood cell concentrates
High hematocrit → viscous → infuse slowly Rate of infusion increased by adding saline Other fluids should not used Calcium containg fluids (eg. Ringer’s lactate) should not be added May cause clotting Glucose solutions can cause clumping Only saline can be added to blood M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

16 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
2- Leukocyte poor blood No viable leukocytes WBCs are of no consequence In some patients cause febrile transfusion reaction Should receive leukocytes poor-blood WBCs can be removed by discarding the buffy coat (inverted centrifugation) Or by washing RBCs or by using filters Buffy coat Red cells M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

17 3- Frozen-thawed red cells
Red cells can be frozen with use of cryopreservation techniques Permit storage for up to 10 years Expensive procedure & recommended only in special circumstances e.g. Individuals with rare blood types For auto-transfusion M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

18 3- Frozen-thawed red cells
The RBC's are first incubated in a 40% glycerol solution which acts as an "antifreeze" within the cells. The units are then placed in special sterile containers in a deep freezer at less than degrees C. Cryopreserved units are thawed and washed free of glycerol prior to use as saline suspended RBC's. M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

19 4- Synthetic oxygen carrying agents
Perfluorochemical (e.g. Fluosol-DA ) Fluorinated hydrocarbons Readily dissolve oxygen Poor soluble in plasma Side effects: Hypotension DIC Chemically modified hemoglobin Free Hb has a very short half life Chemically modified to: increase intravascular survival and to make it more effective in carrying oxygen M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

20 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
B- Platelet Products Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Gentle centrifugation of whole blood Supernatant transferred to the 2nd bag Platelet Concentrates Prepared from PRP by a 2nd centrifugation Removal of all but 50 ml of plasma Contain approx. 6X1010 platelets 60 – 80% Plts present in whole blood unit Remain 5 days Longer at 22oC with continuous agitation M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

21 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
B- Platelet Products Contamination by WBCs & RBCs is usually small But there is enough to induce alloimmunization Plt concentrates from Rh +ve should not be administered to Rh –ve women Storage at 22oC, therefore care to prevent contamination M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

22 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
C- Plasma Products Plt poor plasma can be separated into a number of products Fresh frozen plasma Frozen plasma Cryoprecipitate Stored plasma M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

23 1- Fresh frozen plasma (FFP)
Prepared from whole blood within 6 hours of collection Rapid freezing of plasma preserves the labile coagulation factors at maximum levels Donot contain cellular elements 200 ml volume Stored at -30oC for 12 months M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

24 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
2- Frozen Plasma (FP) Separated from whole blood within 24 hours of collection Contains at least 50 % of original factor VIII & factor V frozen plasma Adequate source for treatment of mild to moderate coagulation factor deficiencies 200 ml volume Storage at -30oC for up to 12 months M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

25 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
3- Cryoprecipitate Produced from freshly separated plasma by freezing at -70oC followed by thawing at 4oC Flocculent precipitate is rich in factor VIII, fibrinogen and fibronectin Once thawed, mixture is centrifuged to sediment the cryoprecipitate & all but 5 to 10 ml of supernatant plasma is removed Contains 250 mg fibrinogen 80 clotting units of factor VIII Stored at -30oC for 12 months Fibronectin plays a major role in cell adhesion, growth, migration and differentiation, and it is important for processes such as wound healing and embryonic development.[1] Altered fibronectin expression, degradation, and organization has been associated with a number of pathologies, including cancer and fibrosis M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

26 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
3- Cryoprecipitate Increase of 2% of factor VIII level for each bag of cryoprecipitate infused Supernatant plasma removed is called stored plasma Must be used within 5 weeks if stored at 4oC Lasts for 2 years at -30oC M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

27 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
4- Stored plasma Plasma separated from whole blood after 24 hours of storage at 4oC Can also be derived from cryoprecipitate production Contain reduced levels of labile coagulation factors V VIII & fibrinogen It is indicated for patients requiring volume expansion or protein replacement when labile clotting factors are not required Plasma products do not require crossmatch prior to use but should be ABO compatible M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

28 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Plasma Derivatives M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

29 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Certain plasma derivatives can be obtained by fractionating the fresh frozen plasma or stored plasma Fractionation: Allows the processing of large volumes of pooled plasma Pooling of many units increases the risk of viral transmission to the recipient M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

30 Plasma protein fractionation
Plasma proteins are separated according to differences of each protein. Fractionation involves changing the conditions of the pooled plasma (e.g. the temperature or the acidity) Proteins that are normally dissolved in the plasma fluid become insoluble, forming large clumps, called precipitate. The insoluble protein can be collected by centrifugation. M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

31 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
One of the very effective ways for carrying out this process is the addition of alcohol to the plasma pool while simultaneously cooling the pool. This process is sometimes called cold alcohol fractionation or ethanol fractionation. This procedure is carried out in a series of steps so that a single pool of plasma yields several different protein products, such as albumin and immune globulin. M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

32 Preparation avaliable M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Plasma Derivatives Plasma Derivatives Preparation avaliable Coagulation Factors Factor VIII concentrates Factor IX concentrates Anti-thrombin III Albumin Plasma protein fraction Immune globulins Non-specific immune serum globulin (ISG) Rh immune globulin (RhIG) Hepatitis B immune globulin (HBIG) Varicella-Zoster immune globulin (VZIG) Tetanus immune globulin (TIG) M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

33 1- Coagulation Factor Concentrates
Prepared in a freeze-dried form Indicated for patients with congenital coagulation deficiencies Risk of hepatitis is high Should not used for mild acquired coagulation deficiencies Should be treated with FP or FFP M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

34 Factor VIII Concentrate
Commercially prepared, lyophilized powder purified from human FFP Contain also small amounts of fibrinogen & other proteins Can contain blood group Abs Treat patients with hemophilia A M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

35 Differences of Cryoprecipitate & Factor VIII concentrates
Storage Temp. -30oC 4oC Short period RT Risk of Hepatitis Low High Treatment of hemophilia A Yes Treatment of vW disease no M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

36 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Factor IX Concentrate For the treatment Factor IX deficiency or Hemophilia B (Christmas Disease). Have been used to treat patients with acquired inhibitors of factor VIII Have factor VIII bypassing activity Contains also factors II, VII & X in concentrated form Vials containing 500 units of factor IX M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

37 Factor IX Concentrate & liver disease
It is contraindicated in patients with liver disease Have low levels of circulating antithrombin III Activation of clotting factors present in some factor IX concentrates, cause DIC M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

38 Blood products & treatment of specific clotting factor deficiencies
Deficiency Blood product Indicated Fibrinogen Cryoprecipitate Stored plasma Factor V Fresh frozen plasma Frozen plasma Factor VII Factor IX concentrate Factor VIII Factor VIII concentrate Von Willebrand’s Disease Factor IX Factor X Factor XI Factor XIII M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

39 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
2- Oncotic Agents Albumin: volume expansion Other colloids are available for blood volume expansion Dextran Gelatin Hydroxyethyl starch Polyvinylpyrrolidone M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

40 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Albumin Albumin is prepared by ethanol fractionation of pooled plasma Available in 5% and 25% concentrations. Have physiological sodium content No risk of hepatitis, sterilized during preparation No coagulation factors or blood group Abs M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

41 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
Albumin Used for treatment of hypovolaemia and hypoalbuminaemia (result from abnormal synthesis, increased metabolism or loss) It maintains capillary osmotic pressure Carrier protein for drugs, hormones, enzymes & metabolites M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

42 Plasma protein Fraction
Partially purified albumin Contains ≈ 85% albumin & 15% other plasma proteins M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

43 M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009
3- Immune Globulins Contains immune IgG antibodies, prepared from pools of plasma. For disease prophylaxis, hepatitis A, measles, varicella and rubella. For the treatment of hypogammaglobulin-emia and agammaglobulinemia. Measles الحصبة Varicellaجدري الماء Rubellaالحصبة الالمانية M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

44 Immune Serum Globulin (ISG)
Primarily IgG Ab Prevention of some viral diseases Hypogammaglobulinemia Congenital immune deficiency Given by IM injection (aggregates of IgG) M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

45 Hepatitis B Immune Globulin (HBIG)
Contains Hepatitis B immune antibodies. From plasma of donors with high titer of Ab to HBsAg Provides passive immunization for HBV. For treatment after exposure to HBsAg. For the prevention of maternally transferred HBV (perinatal exposure). M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

46 Varicella-Zoster immune globulin (VZIG)
Derived from patients had recent Herpes Zoster infections Herpes Zoster infections result in severe fatal infection in immunocompromised individuals Passive administration of VZIG during 72 hours of exposure can prevent or attenuate infection M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

47 Rh Immune Globulin (RhIG)
Derived from Rh -ve individuals Contains IgG antibodies to the D antigen on red blood cells. Given during pregnancy and post-natally to Rh negative mothers to prevent the development of anti-D and hemolytic disease of the newborn (HDN) due to anti-D. Given prophylacticaly following abortion, or invasive maternal procedures (e.g., amniocentesis). M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

48 Tetanus Immune Globulin (TIG)
Prepared from individuals specifically immunized for tetanus toxoid Available for individuals at risk following injury M. Zaharna Blood Bank Lab. 2009

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