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People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. What is PeTA? *PeTA is an international nonprofit organization based in Norfolk, VA. *Founded in 1980, PeTA.

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Presentation on theme: "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. What is PeTA? *PeTA is an international nonprofit organization based in Norfolk, VA. *Founded in 1980, PeTA."— Presentation transcript:

1 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

2 What is PeTA? *PeTA is an international nonprofit organization based in Norfolk, VA. *Founded in 1980, PeTA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat, wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment.


4 What Does PeTA Do? *PeTA educates policymakers and the public about animal abuse and promotes an understanding of the right of all animals to be treated with respect.


6 PeTA is Responsible For… *The closure of the largest horse slaughterhouse in the United States. *The closure of a military laboratory in which animals were shot. *Stopping the use of cats and dogs in all wound laboratories.

7 What can PeTA provide for you? *News updates *A guide to shop for animal free products *Meat-free recipes *How to teach your children to be respectful to animals *Campaigns and Action Alerts

8 Taking Donations!

9 Why Donate? *We need your financial support in order to put a stop to animal cruelty. *Alone, we can accomplish little. Together, we can make the world a better place for all beings. *Your donation will go to work instantly to help animals suffering and dying in laboratories, on factory farms, in the fur industry, in circuses, and in other forms of "entertainment."

10 How to Donate… *Go to— and you can donate via e-mail, fax, mail or by phone.

11 Please Remember to Donate Today and Help Your Fellow Animal!

12 Thank You & Goodnight!

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