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How Hawaii Does It: IT Security for K-20: Bridging the Islands Jodi Ito Information Security Officer Information Technology Services University of Hawaii.

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Presentation on theme: "How Hawaii Does It: IT Security for K-20: Bridging the Islands Jodi Ito Information Security Officer Information Technology Services University of Hawaii."— Presentation transcript:


2 How Hawaii Does It: IT Security for K-20: Bridging the Islands Jodi Ito Information Security Officer Information Technology Services University of Hawaii

3 Agenda  Background  HENC & HERN  State Network  K-12 & University Environments  Security Challenges  Where we are today

4 Geography of Hawaii

5 Island Facts  Population of Hawaii: approx. 1.2 million  Oahu: pop. 900,000; 597 sq. miles  Kauai: pop. 55,000; 533 sq. miles  Maui: pop. 92,000; 727 sq. miles  Molokai: pop. 7000; 261 sq. miles  Lanai: pop. 3000; 144 sq. miles  Hawaii (Big Island): pop. 135,000; 4027 sq. miles and still growing

6 Hawaii Education Network Consortium (HENC)  Established in 1993  Collaboration between: University of Hawaii (UH), Hawaii State Department of Education (HiDOE), Hawaii Association of Independent Schools (HAIS), East-West Center (EWC)  Facilitate & coordinate Hawaii-based activities relating to the development, promotion and support of telecommunications technology in education and research 

7 Ke Ala 'Ike: Path of Knowledge  One of the initial HENC projects  Mission:  interconnect all public educational institutions  provide ALL Hawaii students & educators equal access to information resources, the Internet and related national and international networking initiatives;  provide in-service training & research opportunities regarding networking services and especially as applied to transforming education to meet society's changing needs;  provide access to educational electronic information resources to the public in their homes and workplaces.

8 Hawaii Education & Research Network (HERN)  NSF Grant: $4M over 3 years (1995-1998)  To study:  Develop the management procedures & organizational methods to support a statewide educational network  Develop and institutionalize methods for training network users  Experiment with educational reforms to prepare Hawaii students to be competitive in the 21st century workplace

9 Statewide IP Backbone  Leverage Wide-Area Assets  Analog + digital microwave radio  INET fiber capacity assets  Carrier connectivity  Specialized links (Loe ’ a, 802.11)  Internet + Internet2  Long-Haul connections  Local backup commodity  HIX

10 Statewide IP Backbone

11 Microwave Network

12 The Hawaii GigaPoP Hawaii GigaPoP @ UH-Manoa (IPv4, Multicast, IPv6) DoD HIC BYUH Commodity Internet Connections Hawaii DOE Mauna Kea Internet2 (PNWGP ) DREN 100Mb -> 175Mb (local) OC3 (mainland) HIX GigE MHPCC PMRF “Hui” SPAWAR State of Hawaii East-West Center UH Campuses Japan R&E (APAN) Australia R&E (AARNet) 2x10G+OC3 OC3 2x10G+OC3

13 K-12 Environment  One Unified School District for entire state  Single Board of Education (13 elected, 1 non-voting student)  286 schools ( 256 regular, 2 special, 28 charter)  181,000 students  State Superintendent  Complex Superintendents for each complex Superintendent Patricia Hamamoto

14 Schools By Island  Hawaii: 54  Niihau: 1  Kauai: 18  Lanai: 1  Maui: 26  Molokai: 6  Oahu: 180

15 Distance Learning  TeleSchool Branch  Responsible for distribution/production of video programming & management of video conferencing network   E-school  USDOE Challenge Grant  Offer high school credit courses through the use of multimedia technologies & the Internet   Video Conferencing Facilities at almost every school

16 Technology Support  State Level: Network Support Services Branch (NSSB)  Manage Wide Area Network (WAN)  Statewide policies including security policies  Provide guidance and support for school networks & video conferencing (including purchasing contracts, hardware & software standardization)   School Level: Technology Resource Teacher

17 UH Governance  One public higher education system  Governed by one Board of Regents;  15 regents appointed by the Governor  Approved by Legislature  Office of the President  Each campus: Chancellor President David McClain

18 The University of Hawaii System Hawaii UH Campuses University of Hawaii Education Center Kauai Oahu Lanai Molokai Maui 30+ assorted research facilities, including biomedical Multiple astronomy facilities Several ships and a harbor Marine biology on a 7 th island Global reach

19 UH Campuses  Total Enrollment: 50,000 students  Four year institutions:  UH Manoa: Flagship research campus; 20,000 students  UH West Oahu: upper division campus; 860 students  UH Hilo: Bachelors & Masters ’ degrees; 3400 students

20 UH Community College Campuses  Honolulu CC: 4200 students  Kapiolani CC: 7300 students  Leeward CC: 5700 students  Windward CC: 1700 students  Maui CC: 2900 students  Kauai CC: 1100 students  Hawaii CC: 2400 students

21 University & Education Centers  3 University Centers: facilitates the delivery of 4 year & advanced degrees via distance learning technologies  4 Education Centers: facilitates the delivery associate degrees or certificates via distance learning technologies

22 UH Distance Learning  Two way interactive video (HITS)  Broadcast Cable TV  On-line    HITS site at every campus

23 UH Technology Support  System level: VP IT & CIO Office - Information Technology Services  Manage Wide Area Network and Manoa Campus Network (voice, video, data)  System-wide policies including security policies  Provide guidance and support for campus networks & video conferencing (including purchasing contracts, hardware & software standardization)  Campus (& some departments/units: have IT Support Staff  Highly decentralized 

24 Security Similarities HiDOE  Spam Filter  Anti-Virus Software  Policies:  Acceptable Use Policy  Internet Access Policies  School policies  Intrusion Prevention System UH  Spam Filter  Anti-Virus Software  Policies:  Acceptable Use Policy  General Confidentiality Notice  Information Security Policy  Campus policies  Intrusion Prevention System (Planned)

25 Additional HiDOE Security  Central Firewall  Proxy Server  Content Scanner  IPS @ each school  NSSB meets with Technology Coordinators twice a year  Will run scans against school computers on request

26 UH Security Infrastructure  Anti Spyware software  Firewall for institutional applications  Access Control Lists (ACLs) at border routers  Information security standards (encryption, deletion, disposal, etc.)  Campuses and/or departments may have own firewalls  Training - ad hoc

27 UH & HiDOE Infrastructure Hawaii GigaPoP @ UH-Manoa (IPv4, Multicast, IPv6) Commodity Internet Connections Hawaii DOE Hawaii CC 100Mb -> 175Mb (local) OC3 (mainland) HIX GigE UH Hilo Kauai CC Maui CC UH WO Leeward CC Honolulu CC Kapiolani CC Windward CC Firewall IPS

28 Security Challenges  Security is as strong as the weakest link  Technology is constantly evolving  Threats are constantly changing  Phishing, Malware, Botnets, Insider threat, etc.  Underground economy  Technology & threats are changing faster than humans can learn  Make security training meaningful  Protect the network vs. Protect the information

29 More Security Issues  “ Cyber ” Bullying (K-12)  Plagiarism & Copyright & P2P  On-line Predators (K-12)  Social Networks  Protecting Privacy “ Cultural Transformation ”

30 Partnerships  Leverage relationships  Infragard - Hawaii Chapter: Internet Safety Award Video Contest  State of Hawaii, UH, Infragard, HiDOE* - unified effort to deliver IT security message  Leverage resources: Educause, EduTech, iKeepSafe, iSafe, FTC, etc.

31 Resources        

32 More Links       

33 Thank You! (808) 956-2400

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