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Ronnie Saurenmann Principal Architect Microsoft Switzerland.

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Presentation on theme: "Ronnie Saurenmann Principal Architect Microsoft Switzerland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ronnie Saurenmann Principal Architect Microsoft Switzerland

2 “WPF/.NET for the WEB” 4 MB, <1 Minute install OS Win (2000, XP, Vista) Mac OS-X Linux (Moonlight) IE, Firefox and Safari

3 Silverlight V2 March 5 th Beta 1 (non-commercial go-live) Q208:Beta 2 (go live) Tools Expression Blend and Visual Studio updates for all public Silverlight releases Visual Studio Designer support (Cider) later this year


5 Subset of WPF Layout containers Canvas, Grid, StackPanel, Border Layout properties Width, MinWidth, MaxWidth, ActualWidth Height, MinHeight, MaxHeight, ActualHeight Margin and Padding Layout extensibility


7 REST Services “Mashup APIs” “Web APIs” JSON Services “POX” (Plain Old XML) services Human-Readable Documentation 1. Build a URL 2. Make a request with WebClient or HttpWebRequest 3. Work with request/response data (XML or JSON) 1. Build a URL 2. Make a request with WebClient or HttpWebRequest 3. Work with request/response data (XML or JSON) Only Async supported – otherwise browser would hang

8 Silverlight looks for two policy files: Silverlight policy: clientaccesspolicy.xml Adobe Flash policy: crossdomain.xml Already used by etc… All public services that work with Flash – will also work with Silverlight


10 Convert XML data to.NET objects Options: LINQ to XML XMLReader XML Serialization


12 Canvas FileOpenDialog Grid Image ItemsControl MediaElement MultiScaleImage StackPanel TextBox TextBlock Button Popup CheckBox* DataGrid* DateTimePicker* GridSplitter* Hyperlink* ListBox* Calendar* RadioButton* Slider* ToggleButton* Tooltip* WatermarkTextBox* * ship in a separate library Note: additional controls to follow between Beta 1 and final release

13 Property Binding One way, two way and one time Use “DataContext” property Supports value converters Collection/List Binding Support data templates (repeater) Use “ItemsSource” property


15 Customize the look of an application without changing it’s behavior 3 levels of customization:

16 Customize the look of an application without changing it’s behavior 3 levels of customization: default

17 Customize the look of an application without changing it’s behavior 3 levels of customization: style

18 Customize the look of an application without changing it’s behavior 3 levels of customization: template

19 Data Template:


21 Scenario Fixed look with some logic Split large page into smaller chunks Reuse xaml/logic in multiple places Platform Support … public partial class MyControl : UserControl {} XAML is optional


23 Allows an end-user to choose a file Application gets access to a stream Supports multi-selection and file extension filtering Enables: File uploading (w/ HttpWebRequest) Viewing local images (w/ Image element) Playing local media (w/ MediaElement)

24 WCF Service 1. Create the Service 2. Define what it does 3. “Add Service Reference” 4. Use the Service! Only asynchronous calls supported!


26 Silverlight apps are browser apps Interacting with the browser host is critical Interact with HTML elements and script objects through.NET code Expose.NET objects to javascript


28 Start using WPF & Silverlight today You will not regret it

29 V1 announced last week (no.NET) CTP available shortly Runs on Windows Mobile and Symbian! V2 (with.NET) coming next year

30 Provides seamless viewing & zooming of huge images Loads only the data necessary to show the part of an image the user is viewing Effectively turns a large image into an efficiently scaling vector

31 Preprocessing tool breaks image into 256 x 256 tiles Then generates pyramids of tiles at lower resolutions

32 When the image is displayed on the client the lowest resolution tiles are shown first Then as the higher quality tiles are downloaded, they are smoothly blended in

33 When the image is displayed on the client the lowest resolution tiles are shown first Then as the higher quality tiles are downloaded, they are smoothly blended in

34 When the image is displayed on the client the lowest resolution tiles are shown first Then as the higher quality tiles are downloaded, they are smoothly blended in

35 Exposed through the MultiScaleImage Preprocessing tool outputs image tiles and XML description file

36 © 2008 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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