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1 Quantitative Evaluation of Secure Network Coding Dawn Meeting UCSC Nov 4, 2010 SeungHoon Lee, Mario Gerla In collaboration with IBM researchers.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Quantitative Evaluation of Secure Network Coding Dawn Meeting UCSC Nov 4, 2010 SeungHoon Lee, Mario Gerla In collaboration with IBM researchers."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Quantitative Evaluation of Secure Network Coding Dawn Meeting UCSC Nov 4, 2010 SeungHoon Lee, Mario Gerla In collaboration with IBM researchers

2 2  Improves throughput and reliability in disruptive MANETs  Packets mixed by intermediate nodes  Receivers still can recover original data under partial packet drop 2 Network Coding (NC) Decoding success pkt drop

3 3  Single Source PUSHES data to mobile nodes  Typically, real time stream (say, from a UAV); unicast or multicast  Errors/losses can be tolerated; latency requirements are strict  Stream can be directed to a selected set of destinations, or coalitions  A data file (say terrain file) is available at many mobile nodes (servers); multiple clients PULL the file from the servers in an asynchronous way, as they need  Non real time requirement  File integrity is important 3 Network Coding in Coalition Operations

4 4  Network Coding characteristics:  Small generation size (8 or 16 blocks) to meet latency constraints  High throughput to meet Quality of Service requirements  An incomplete generation is dropped after time-out  Redundancy control (at intermediate nodes)  Rate/congestion control via backpressure 4 Push Scenario

5  Network Coding characteristics:  Generation can be ENTIRE file, say up to 1000 blocks optionally, subdivided for O/H mitigation  Soldiers can pull from UAVs, trucks or other soldiers BitTorrent, CarTorrent type downloading  No delay or throughput constraints (DTN OK)  File integrity required security and protection from attacks is critical  Line O/H must be minimized (background process) 5 Pull Scenario

6  No pollution detection/prevention in conventional NC protocols  Internal/ external attacks possible  Even one invalid packet can disrupt the entire data  Homomorphic cryptography can protect NC However, Computation is cumbersome, discouraging implementations 6 Vulnerability of NC Decoding Failure Pollution Attack

7  Investigate the scalability of secure network coding based on homomorphic functions  We address PUSH scenario only (PULL is an extension)  Perform practical evaluation of the theoretical work [1] GKKR by TA2 researchers on secure network coding  Over the INTEGERS (as opposed to Galois field) 7 Objective of this work [1] R. Gennaro, J. Katz, H. Krawczyk, and T. Rabin. Secure network coding over the integers. In Public Key Cryptography, pages 142–160, 2010. Implementation of Secure NC (Linux) Experimental Measurement Qualnet Network Simulator

8 8 Implementation: NC + NSig Source Intermediate node Destination X1X1 X2X2 X3X3

9 9 Implementation: NC + NSig (1)NSig(): Computing signatures of each block *Only once at the beginning Source Intermediate node Destination X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 σ1σ1 σ2σ2 σ3σ3

10 10 Implementation: NC + NSig (1)NSig(): Computing signatures of each block *Only once at the beginning Source Intermediate node Destination + X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 e1e1 e2e2 e3e3 e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ1σ1 σ2σ2 σ3σ3 (2) encode(): Generating a coded block NC: Random linear network coding

11 11 Implementation: NC + NSig (1)NSig(): Computing signatures of each block *Only once at the beginning Source Intermediate node Destination x X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ1σ1 σ2σ2 σ3σ3 (2) encode(): Generating a coded block NC: Random linear network coding (3) combine(): Combining signatures σ e1e1 e2e2 e3e3

12 12 Implementation: NC + NSig (1)NSig(): Computing signatures of each block *Only once at the beginning Source Intermediate node Destination x X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ1σ1 σ2σ2 σ3σ3 (2) encode(): Generating a coded block NC: Random linear network coding (3) combine(): Combining signatures σ e1e1 e2e2 e3e3

13 13 Implementation: NC + NSig Source Intermediate node Destination e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ

14 14 Implementation: NC + NSig Source Intermediate node Destination e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ (1)vry_NC(): Checking linear independency (By Gaussian Elimination)

15 15 Implementation: NC + NSig Source Intermediate node Destination e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ (1)vry_NC(): Checking linear independency (By Gaussian Elimination) If independent, (2) vry_Sig(): Validating signatures

16 16 Implementation: NC + NSig Source Intermediate node Destination e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ (1)vry_NC(): Checking linear independency (By Gaussian Elimination) If independent, (2) vry_Sig(): Validating signatures If valid, store the coded block *If either verification fails, immediately drop.

17 17 Implementation: NC + NSig Source Intermediate node Destination e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ (1)vry_NC(): Checking linear independency (By Gaussian Elimination) If independent, (2) vry_Sig(): Validating signatures If valid, store the coded block *If either verification fails, immediately drop. Generate a new coded block by encode(data), combine(signatures)

18 18 Implementation: NC + NSig Source Intermediate node Destination e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ (1)vry_NC(), vry_Sig() If valid, store the coded block.

19 19 Implementation: NC + NSig Source Intermediate node Destination e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] σ (1)vry_NC(), vry_Sig() If valid, store the coded block. Once collect m blocks (valid & independent), (2) decode(): Recover the original data *m: # of blocks of data in the generation

20  Another way of Secure Network Coding instead of NSig (computing/validating signatures)  Hash Verification: verify multiple coded blocks with a single verification 20 Implementation: NC + NHash + X1X1 X2X2 X3X3 e1e1 e2e2 e3e3 e 1 X 1 +e 2 X 2 +e 3 X 3 [e 1,e 2, e 3 ] x encode() vry_Hash() If vry_Hash() passes, sends out the coded block

21  Hardware  Intel Core 2 Duo T9600 processor (2.8GHz, 6MB cache)  RAM: 2GB  Software  Linux platform  C++ / GMP library [2] (for cryptography implementation) 21 Experimental Setup (1) [2] The GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library.

22  A coded block fits into a single IP packet, thus Generation Size S decided by S/m + (m+n)*L*(8+log m) <= 1500*8 (1500Bytes: Size of IP packet)  m: # of blocks per generation, n: # of symbols per block  L: maximum hop counts  Size of e (RSA exponent) |e| > L * (log m + log 256 ) + |M| + log m  |M|: maximum symbol size of initial vector)  We use generation size:  10KB(m=8), 20KB(m=16)  Block Size: 1280Bytes  Symbol Sizes: 1280Bytes(n=1), 320Bytes(n=4) 22 Experimental Setup (2)

23 23 Experimental Results (1) vry_NC()  Processing delays are proportional to # of blocks  As downloaded more blocks, vry_NC() requires more delay for processing Gaussian elimination

24 24 Experimental Results (2)  Processing delays of vry_Sig() and vry_Hash() do not depend on m  The operations done with only a coded block being verified  In general, Secure NC operations require more delay than NC  0.015ms (vry_NC) vs 22.5ms (vry_Sig), m=8

25  Evaluate the performance in realistic network scenario (PUSH Model)  QualNet 3.9.5  Bandwidth: 2Mbps (broadcasting)  Data rate at source: 256Kbps  Network Topology (static topology)  1 Source/ 1 destination  Variable # of hops H  We compare four schemes  NC_Only: Plain NC  NC + Nsig  NC + Nhash  BFKW [3] : Previously proposed homomorphic signature schemes 25 Simulation Setup [3] D. Boneh, D. Freeman, J. Katz, and B. Waters. Signing a linear subspace: Signature schemes for network coding. In Public Key Cryptography (PKC), 2009.

26 26  Network Coding characteristics:  Small generation size (8 or 16 blocks) to meet latency constraints  High throughput to meet Quality of Service requirements  An incomplete generation is dropped after time-out  Redundancy control (at intermediate nodes)  Rate/congestion control via backpressure 26 Corridor Scenario

27 27 Simulation Results  Delay increases with more hops between Src/ Dst  NSig/NHash take less delay than BFKW

28 Conclusion 28  Studied feasibility of secure network coding schemes  Implemented the theoretical works and measured processing overhead from experiments  Integrated the experimental results into a packet-level network simulator, and evaluated the schemes in a realistic network scenario  Secure NC increases delay by only 30% with respect to plain NC  GKKR secure NC outperforms previously proposed BFKW  Ongoing work  Extend to PULL model (large generation)  Comparison with end-to-end coding schemes (Fountain/ Raptor codes)  Protected from internal attacks by conventional signatures  More dynamic network scenarios: node mobility, pollution attacks  Heterogeneous nodes(some cannot do Homomorphic operations)

29 Question & Answer 29 Thank You!

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