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The GreenWheel : The design of a self- contained bicycle electric-assist system. 2 Arthur Petron Smart Cities.

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Presentation on theme: "The GreenWheel : The design of a self- contained bicycle electric-assist system. 2 Arthur Petron Smart Cities."— Presentation transcript:

1 The GreenWheel : The design of a self- contained bicycle electric-assist system. 2 Arthur Petron Smart Cities

2 3. Originality eBike Comparison Contributions to Field 4. Evaluation Evaluation Methodology Expected Outcomes Schedule 1. Purpose Problem Importance 2. Approach Modules/Parts Technology and Testing

3 Problem: Assisted biking dramatically expands the market, but current eBike systems are unintelligent, ugly, and cumbersome. Importance: The research areas required are motor design, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and industrial design. It is intended that the work be published in a way that makes is a useful reference for the process of building an electromechanical system. Purpose General Information Purpose  The Problem and Importance 2

4 ABS braking Data logging and workout plans Fully wireless control Gearless drivetrain Integrated energy storage and charger in wheel Ratiometric torque control mode Water-resistant Approach features Approach  Features 3

5 Two main modules Module Breakdown modules Approach  Module Breakdown  Modules 4

6 Module Breakdown modules Approach  Module Breakdown  Modules 5 Outer Casing Motor Electronics and Batteries

7 Module Breakdown modules Approach  Module Breakdown  Modules 6 Gear and Mount (15) Enclosure (19) Electronics and Batteries (16, 17)

8 Intelligent velocity matching toque assist can provide either adjustable 1x - 2x torque or full torque Data-logging enables users to retrieve vital statistics such as calories burned or distance traveled Safety countermeasures provide back-up circuitry in the event of hardware failure Technology onboard intelligence Approach  Technology  Onboard Intelligence 7

9 Mechanical and Electronic devices can be tested to determine specifications and areas of improvement User experience is determined by mass interaction with the device in order to determine flaws The look and feel of the device (subjective artistic impression) gauged by polling, art history, etc. Testing methodology Approach  Testing  Methodology 8

10 Originality electric bikes Originality  Competitive Analysis  E-bikes 9

11 GreenWheel is the least expensive kit when paired with a < $200 bicycle Most powerful motor Competitive cycle life and charge time Most advanced features (ABS/data-logging/workout plan potential) Competitive Analysis advantages Originality  Competitive Analysis  GreenWheel Advantages 10

12 As much about the innovations required to make the device as the process through which the innovations are made Goal is to have a guide, or design reference, that can be used by others to design anything from a better toaster to a world ending robot Contributions Originality  Contributions to the Field 11

13 In-field faculty and local expert consultations to determine the extent to which the goals of the work have been met Physical evaluation similar to testing Evaluation methodology Evaluation  Methodology 12

14 Strong Engineering Successful Industrial Design Useful Resource to Others Evaluation expected outcomes Evaluation  Expected Outcomes 13

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