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Extracting Data using Excel (Don’t tell Microsoft)

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Presentation on theme: "Extracting Data using Excel (Don’t tell Microsoft)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Extracting Data using Excel (Don’t tell Microsoft)

2 Open the file Download the data from:http://dana.ess.w ol410/lab3/. Select lab3-partI.xls, and download it to your computer. Open it using Excel.http://dana.ess.w ol410/lab3/ Select the Tropical worksheet

3 How to extract the data (1) You have several choices. First, let your cursor hover over part of the data set (make sure that Excel is the active application (it should be blue rather than grey). The X and Y information for the point that your cursor is over should be displayed after a couple of seconds.

4 How to extract the data (2) Select column B, by clicking on the B at the top of the column. Column B is the wavelength in microns. Select Edit->Find (or hit control-F), and enter the wavelength you want to look up, in the dialog box, and hit Find Next Read the information directly from Co1umn C

5 How to extract the data (3) Redo the plot so it can be read directly off. Right click on the X axis and select Format Axis->Scale Change parameters (eg Minimum 1, Maximum 1.1), hit okay.

6 You could adjust the Y axis parameters also if you wanted to. How to extract the data (3.1)

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