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Binarity & Symbiotics Hugo E. Schwarz. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, NAOA/AURA.

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Presentation on theme: "Binarity & Symbiotics Hugo E. Schwarz. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, NAOA/AURA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Binarity & Symbiotics Hugo E. Schwarz. Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, NAOA/AURA.

2 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 20032 Asymmetries in PNe. Most field stars are unpolarized. 3/4 of AGB stars is polarized. (Johnson, Jones 1991, AJ 101, 1735) Most PNe are not circular, many are extreme. Some ~50% have binaries. Extreme global asymmetries due to binaries. Point symmetry due to precession. Links to symbiotics & symbiotic nebulae. Different properties of bipolar PNe.

3 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 20033 Bipolar properties Scale height 130pc v. 260pc Nearer pure circular Galactic rotation Hotter central stars 145kK v. 75kK He, N, & Ne are overabundant Vexp higher 150km/s v.15km/s Large size 0.76pc v. 0.1pc More massive progenitors >1.5M 

4 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 20034 Bipolars-Symbiotics-PNe 40% of D&D’ symbiotics have nebulae. Post-PN nebulae: BI Crucis (3 nebulae). AS201 fossil PN, ionized nebula, G star. 5/14 symbiotic nebulae are bipolar. Binaries explain both phenomena. M2-9 needs faint, hot star  binary. Blue-red shifts in the same lobe (IC4234). Point symmetry explained by precession.

5 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 20035 NameTypeSize[“]ShapeV exp [km s -1 ] AG Peg (?) S8irregular AS 201yellow13elliptical16 BI CruD150bipolar+jetup to 280 CH CygS32jet+irregular>65 (>>?) H 1-36D0.9-1.5 H 2-2 (?)S1.4 HBV 475S0.4irregular He 2-104D952 bipolar+jet6 to 240 He 2-147D5ring100 HM SgeD30irregular>65 R AqrD120bipolar+jet55 to 500 RX PupD4bipolar?>80 V417 Cenyellow100bipolar10: V1016 CygD20elliptical>30 Corradi et al. 1999 A&A 343, 841 Symbiotics with optical nebulae

6 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 20036 Symbiotic nebulae

7 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 20037 Symbiotic nebulae (SyNe) Nearly 4 times more are bipolar cf. PNe. Average Vexp is 140km/s as for BPNe. Average z = 133pc as for BPNe. For BSyNe z = 98pc (only 5 objects) Most have [NII] as strongest lines. SO SYMBIOTIC NEBULAE SHARE MANY PROPERTIES WITH BPNe & are binaries…

8 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 20038 Post-PN-Nebula Schwarz & Corradi 1992, AA 265, 37 Model of Morris 1987, PASP, 95, 1115 BI Cru V exp = 280 km/s V H  = 3000 km/s Central reversal 2 nebulae: H/L exc. D = 1.8kpc S = 1.3pc, Age = 3ka L = 4300L  High excitation nebula (unresolved)

9 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 20039 M2-9: PN & symbiotic Size = 115“, outer lobes point symmetric, Inner nebula has plane symmetry. Outer lobes reflecting dust L=553L  ; d=640pc; age=1200yrs; s=0.37pc HST image Both plane and point symmetries due to binary orbit phenomena: rotating central dustclouds and precession? “Symbiotic“ emission lines, prob. disk. [OIII] line, so hot, subluminous *: WD+MS or RG are present = binary. Schwarz et al. 1997 AA 319, 267 Doyle et al. 2000 AJ 119, 1339

10 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200310 Sa2-237 Vexp=308km/s S = 0.37 pc 34” L = 340 L  D = 2.1kpc Age = 624 a As M2-9: [OIII] present, low L, so WD, so binary. Study CS….

11 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200311 AS201: P-PN-N in the making? AS 201 Schwarz 1991 A&A 243, 469 Low excitation nebula, old, faint, extended. High excitation inner nebula. Symbiotic & PN. When CS forms disk… get an object like BI Cru?

12 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200312 A79, He2-428, M1-91 Rodriguez, Corradi, Mampaso 2001 AA 377, 1042 Strong mass loss/exchange in unresolved cores. CaII triplet in emission, high , excretion disk. Cont. and absorption lines indicate hot star with cool companion. Equatorial rings and polar lobes.

13 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200313 Precession, point symmetry Red and blue shifts on the same side of the object. Only if LoS or Sky cut precession cone. Observed in IC4634 IC4634 Long slit spectrum. SPATIAL VELOCITYVELOCITY

14 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200314

15 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200315 Strong links: PNe-Symbiotics-Binaries All (extreme) bipolars are binaries All symbiotics are binaries Evolutionary stage is important (P-PN-N) Some equatorial density enhancement Orientation effects should occur Model these, cf. observations.

16 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200316 Inclination effects. High inclination objects hide the central object behind their equatorial mass concentration, and therefore show more FIR radiation; low inclination objects show the central object and this increases the fraction of visible & NIR light we see. So… Computing the UBV (VIS), JHK (NIR), & IRAS (FIR) relative fraction of the total flux, we should see an effect.

17 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200317 Crude model of inclined nebulae Donut (BB) around point source (BB) Stellar flux captured is converted to IR Random i orientation in space Plot fractions of BVR, JHK, & IRAS (i) Cf. observations for various BBs: Donut 600K; Star 10, 20, 40, 80kK

18 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200318 Observed sample ~30 objects, partial SEDs, some distances Estimate inclinations from images (3x) Use BVR, JHK, IRAS “bands” relative to sum of these bands. Do same for simulation data, compare.

19 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200319 FIR VIS & NIR Observed sample

20 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200320 Random sample Generate random binaries. i random with sin(i) histogram Donut dust distribution, 15% stellar Plot same parameters as observed data.

21 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200321 Random sample  = FIR  = NIR  = VIS 1000WD 200RG 200K dust 1000WD 200RG 400K dust

22 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200322 LUMINOSITIES Another predicted effect is that high inclination objects should have lower apparent luminosities due to the fact that only the equatorial “donut” is seen, while for low inclination the central object plus donut is observed giving an apparent over-luminosity. Over all angles, averaging makes sure that no energy conservation laws are broken; L tot = n.L ave Distances being uncertain for all but a few objects, we have: High inclination (>45  ) Sa2-237 I=70 2.1kpc 340 Lo M2-9 I=75 0.64kpc 553 Lo He2-104 I=50 1kpc 205 Lo He2-111 I=70 2.8kpc 440 Lo M1-16 I=70 1.8kpc 194 Lo 346 Lo Low inclination (<45  ) R Aqr I=20 0.2kpc 2800 Lo BI Cru I=40 1.8kpc 4300 Lo 3550 Lo There is some indication of lower luminosities being associated with high inclinations.

23 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200323 Luminosity v. inclination from the same simulation.

24 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200324 Note that the number of objects increases with inclination as sin(i); this is expected just from the statistics of randomly orientated objects, and is strengthened by observational selection of bipolars by their morphology. Objects that are (near) pole-on are not recognized as bipolars and are therefore selected against. We have: 0  - 30  3 objects 31  - 60  11 objects 61  - 90  14 objects This is the expected behavior and is of the right order but there are too few objects to make this harder. Statistics

25 Asymmetric PNe 28 Jul - 1 Aug 200325 Conclusions PNe, SyNe are linked. PNe, SyNe are often indistinguishable Asymmetrical nebulae ( nearly always) have binaries. Orientation effects are important in interpreting & constraining observations.

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