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Distributed Systems Lecture #2 URL:

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Presentation on theme: "Distributed Systems Lecture #2 URL:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Distributed Systems Lecture #2 URL:

2 Operating System Securely and efficiently multiplex hardware –Abstraction Memory Processor (clock) Peripherals –Communication

3 Single Processor OS Memory P1P2 Processor OS Kernel Process management Memory management IPC -- Naming, Concur Storage

4 Distributed OS Memory P1P2 Processor OS Kernel Process management Memory management IPC -- Naming, Concur Storage Processor Memory

5 Issues Same but different: Distributed P1P2 Network Delay Lossy

6 Big Debate Hide or expose? –Distributed OS: Hide –Middleware: Expose Resource Management Communication –How: Naming!!

7 Why Distribute? To access resources Improve availability Enhance fault-tolerance Consider Yahoo Mail vs. Airline Ticketing System

8 Yahoo Mail Millions of users Quite a heck lot of data Do all on one machine? Distribute? –Performance? Distributed Load –Reliability? Replicate Data –Scalability? –Security

9 Airline Ticketing System Distribution not exactly by choice –Consistency? –Performance? –Reliability? –Scalability?

10 Illegal MP3 Sharing Loosely coupled Scalable? Consistent? Highly Available? Secure?

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