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Homework 3 Ed Kaszubowski. Timing Assignment Rcvd Mon, Feb 26 th Due in 2 weeks – Mon, Mar 12 th Didn’t work on it in week 1 Didn’t get the Reschedule.

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Presentation on theme: "Homework 3 Ed Kaszubowski. Timing Assignment Rcvd Mon, Feb 26 th Due in 2 weeks – Mon, Mar 12 th Didn’t work on it in week 1 Didn’t get the Reschedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 Homework 3 Ed Kaszubowski

2 Timing Assignment Rcvd Mon, Feb 26 th Due in 2 weeks – Mon, Mar 12 th Didn’t work on it in week 1 Didn’t get the Reschedule message in-time In week 2…

3 Timing Early in week…Travel to Vendor site…

4 Timing When we got there, there was some drinking…

5 Timing Then I got sick…

6 Timing The second night with the vendor brought more drinking

7 Timing From the vendor visit, I went directly to meet my girlfriend’s parents… Which is a bit stressful…

8 Timing

9 Finally…. Finished late late late Sunday night… So here goes:

10 WSDL #1 – RPC / Encoded

11 WSDL #1 – RPC / Encoded (cont)

12 Sample Request Message (generated by xmlspy) 0.0 0 WSDL #1 – RPC / Encoded (cont)

13 Sample Response Message (hand-written) <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:m0=""> 1.0 0 1.0 1.12 1.0 WSDL #1 – RPC / Encoded (cont)

14 Sample Request Message (generated by xmlspy) 0.0 0 WSDL #1 – Document/Literal (cont)

15 Sample Response Message (hand-written) <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:m0=""> 0.0 0.0 WSDL #1 – Document/Literal (cont)

16 WSDL #2 Mostly more of the same…. Slight differences: –xml inputs and xml outputs –a need for more namespaces –Fairly simple message setups

17 WSDL #2 ( cont ) RPC DOC

18 Finally… WSDL #3 – no new techniques Had to modify some xsd files with HW1 and HW2 WS-I compliant? That’s It!!!

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