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1 Network Metrics: A Network Analysis Engine ICCS 2006 Conference June 2006 Boston MA Joseph E. Johnson, PhD Department of Physics University of South.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Network Metrics: A Network Analysis Engine ICCS 2006 Conference June 2006 Boston MA Joseph E. Johnson, PhD Department of Physics University of South."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Network Metrics: A Network Analysis Engine ICCS 2006 Conference June 2006 Boston MA Joseph E. Johnson, PhD Department of Physics University of South Carolina June 22, 2006 ©

2 2 Executive Overview Networks are extremely difficult to track We have discovered new network metrics These metrics can be used with all networks Our algorithms detect network changes We seek to deploy our code in all domains

3 3 The Network Problem Networks are ubiquitous and complex They are at the foundation of a large number of mathematically unsolved problems Large networks are difficult to analyze and to dynamically track. We have found an a promising set of metrics that can be used to characterize networks

4 4 Executive Summary 1 Networks: defined by a connection matrix C ij We assign specific diagonal values Then M = e C is a Markov matrix M has columns are probability distributions We compute generalized column entropies

5 5 Executive Summary 2 The spectral curve characterizes the network’s topological structure Determine ‘normal’ spectra Identify nodes that are topologically aberrant

6 6 Executive Summary 3 Do this for both columns and rows Network behavior can be further reduced Use 3 parameters track deviancy from normal We have developed algorithms in JAVA and Mathematica

7 7 The Technical Details

8 8 Our Insights to be here presented – We will show that: I: Networks are 1-1 with Markov transformations. II: Conserved Markov network flows track topology III. Compute entropy functions on Markov matrices IV: 2N entropy spectra proposed as network metrics V: Our software algorithms are general purpose VI: A totally solid mathematics & intuitive model

9 9 Background from our Past Work on Markov Transformations Let x 1, x 2, x 3 … be the probabilities for something to be at the locations 1, 2, 3, …. Consider the group of transformations, x(t) = M(t) x(t=0), that preserves the total probability  x i (t) =  x i (0) This is similar to the rotation group which preserves  x i2 (t) =  x i2 (0)

10 10 An Example: Einstein – random walk, diffusion theory 1905 Markov (1906) transformations (80% probable to stay put and 10% probable to move to the two adjacent cells): |X’> = M |X> can be written as (note columns sum to unity):

11 11 GL(n,R) – Lie Algebra Decomposition The N 2 matrices with a 1 at the i,j position, and 0 elsewhere, form a basis of GL(n,R) Matrices with a ‘1’ at the ij position and a -1 on the diagonal at jj can be shown to close into a (Markov type) Lie Algebra and still form a basis of the off- diagonal matrices. Matrices with only a ‘1’ on a diagonal position are a complete basis for the Abelian scaling Lie group. All general linear transformations are decomposable into these two Lie groups: Markov type & scaling.

12 12 Define the Lie Algebra for Markov Transformations The Markov Lie Group is defined by transformations that preserve the sum of the elements of a vector ie  x i ’ =  x i The generators are defined by ‘rob Peter to pay Paul’ for M = e t  L where  L=  ij  ij L ij is defined by the summation over L with a ‘1’ in row i and column j along with a ‘-1’ in the diagonal position row j and column j In two dimensions we get: L 12 = L 21 =

13 13 Lie group defined: And the Markov group transformation then takes the form: M(t) = e s = One notes that the column sums are unity as is required for a Markov transformation. This transformation gradually transforms the x 2 value into the x 1 value preserving x 1 + x 2 = constant.

14 14 Higher Dimensions: This Markov Lie Algebra can be defined on spaces of all integral dimensions (2, 3,….) and has n 2 - n generators for n dimensions representing basis elements with a ‘1’ in the ij position and a ‘-1’ in the jj position. This makes this basis a complete basis for all off- diagonal matrices. E.g. in 5 dimensions: L 14 =

15 15 Graphically, One can Visualize This These transformations in two dimensions define the group of motions on a straight line. The Markov Lie group is a mapping of this line back into itself – but is NOT a translation group. In generally one gets hyperplane motions.

16 16 Loss of the Markov Inverse giving a Lie monoid To be probabilities, non-negative values must be transformed into nonnegative values This exactly removes all inverses Allowable transformations are those with non- negative linear combinations This gives us a Lie Monoid & Irreversibility.

17 17 Our New Applications to Networks

18 18 Networks described: Networks are defined by off-diagonal non- negative elements. A network is totally defined by the flow rates in C

19 19 Network topologies are 1-1 with Markov Lie generators The Lie monoid basis for transformations is identical to a connection matrix where the diagonals are set to the negative of the sum of other values. Thus network topologies are then 1-1 with Markov Lie generators Every possible network corresponds to exactly one Markov family of transformations

20 20 Entropies can be computed on column probability densities Markov matrix columns are probabilities Actually this holds to any order of expansion of M=e C if care is taken to use small Thus we can compute entropy on each column distributions. We prefer to use second order Renyi entropy: log 2 (N(  x i2 ))

21 21 Asymmetry gives more information Asymmetry detection in the network is important This asymmetry results in two spectral entropy curves – one for rows and one for columns

22 22 Spectral curve from sorted entropies We only care about the overall pattern Thus entropies are sorted in order to derive a spectral curve At each window of time, the sorting is redone

23 23 Normal & Anomalous Spectra Spectral form studied relative to normal Correlation to normal studied by many methods such as sums of squares of differences between current and normal entropy Two values now represent the network at a given time: row and column sum of squares deviation from the normal Wavelets and other expansions can be used on the spectra

24 24 Underlying Interpretation and Model 1 to 1 correspondence: one network to one family of Markov transformations. The interpretation of M is a conserved flow Flows are at the rates indicated in C

25 25 Entropy Interpretation of the Flows The altered C matrix is evolving family of Markov conserved flows corresponding exactly to the topology. The entropy encapsulates the order/disorder of that nodes topology. The entire spectra captures the entire order and disorder for the entire network

26 26 Eigenvalue Interpretation The eigenvalues of C are rates of approach to equilibrium of a conserved fluid (probability) – like normal modes. The eigenvectors are linear combinations of nodes that have simple exponential decays

27 27 Interpretation of Generalized Entropy x(i) has a high degree of information (order) when it is concentrated in one area The integral of the squares is maximum when x(i) is concentrated. To obtain addativity of independent systems, we define the negative entropy (information) as I = log 2 (N  x i2 )

28 28 Entropy used as a metric The entropy spectra is the order associated with the distributed transfer A random uniform distribution to all nodes gives high entropy while an organized transfer to a few nodes give low entropy. The entropy function is thus measuring the order associated with transfer process.

29 29 Other Choices of Diagonal Values Any diagonal value can be inserted into the generator from the scaling group. Such action is equivalent to providing a source or sink of the conserved probability fluid at that node by the amount of deviation from the Markov value.

30 30 Abelian Scaling Group Consider the Abelian scaling group generated by L ii = 1: When adjoined to the Markov group, one obtains the entire general linear group, GL(n,R). It is obvious that the combined Lie algebra spans all n x n matrices.

31 31 Practical Application -1 Use Time, Node i, Node j, and weight for C Fix diagonals for Markov generation. Normalize C matrix Adjust Compute M to a given order of expansion

32 32 Practical Application - 2 Compute entropy for each column of M Sort entropies to obtain a spectral curve Establish the ‘normal’ distribution

33 33 Practical Application - 3 Compute/display current-normal entropy spectral Compute the sums of squares of deviations Do all this also for rows

34 34 Software Applications to Network Monitoring

35 35 Process Network represented by two entropy spectral curves for incoming and outgoing links. They represent entropy of a conserved fluid flow on that topology Eigenvectors and eigenvalues have clear interpretation.

36 36 Software Functionality Software is general purpose Normality for that network is established

37 37 Normal spectra is subtracted from the current distribution. The network is thus reduced to two values whose deviation from normal is tracked

38 38 Utility of the algorithm We seek to test the utility of these algorithms in all network domains. Patents have been filled on these processes by the University of South Carolina

39 39 Thank You

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42 42 Examples of Networks: Communication Networks The Internet Phone (wired & wireless) Mail, Fed-Ex, UPS Transportation Networks Air Traffic Highways Waterway Railroads Pipelines

43 43 More Examples: Financial Networks Banking & Fund Transfers Accounting Flows Ownership & Investments Input-Output Economic Flows Utility & Energy Networks Electrical Power Grids Electrical Circuits & Devices Water & Sewer Flows Natural Gas Distribution Biological Networks esp. Disease Contagious Diseases Neural Nets

44 44 Markov Theory “Markov Type Lie Groups in GL(n,R)”, Joseph E Johnson, 1985, J Math. Phys. GL(n,R) = M(n,R) + A(n,R) Then M(n,R) = MM(n,R) + their inverses where MM refers to the Markov Monoid MM contain diffusion, entropy, & irreversibility

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46 46 Unanswered Questions for Further Research ** The window of time when chosen too short gives low entropy as it does not reflect the true distribution of the connections. The entropy is not additive from one time to another i.e. 2 windows taken as 1 window does not give a linear composition of the combined entropy. **What spectral curves are possible – derive them.

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