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1 CSc100: Lecture 11 MP Johnson Hunter

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1 1 CSc100: Lecture 11 MP Johnson Hunter

2 2 Agenda Admin: –Hw2 due tonight –MT tomorrow MT review: –Data, bits, gates –Base-2, 2’s comp –Fl pt IEEE std –Log, exp –ML, OS, processes –Algs, cmplx Search, tsp, stable marriage –Estimation –HTML –JavaScript

3 3 MT review: data Gates & circuits –All 4 gates –Eval circuit –Draw circuit for given function Bits & bytes –Base-2 for non-neg –Base-2 addition Conversion: dec  bin

4 4 Log & exp Log & exp as inverses Log-base-10 v. log-base-2 Important log & exps –2,8,10,16,20,30 –10  multiples of 10 Log and exp by looping

5 5 Opopsdescrip Data: 1RXYLOAD val from Ram XY to reg R 2RXYLOAD val XY to reg R 3RXYSTORE val from reg R in Ram XY 40RSMOVE val from reg R to S (ignore 0) Math/logic: 5RSTADD vals in S and T (2’s comp)  R 6RSTADD vals in S and T (float pt)  R 7RSTOR (bitwise) vals in S and T  R 8RSTAND (bitwise) vals in S and T  R 9RSTXOR (bitwise) vals in S and T  R AR0XROTATE val in R X places to right (ignore 0) Control: BRXYJUMP to instr in Ram XY, if val in reg R = 0 C000HALT (ignore 0s) Sample ML R,S = reg, XY = RAM

6 6 ML Understanding program: –What is result? ML syntax CPU –Machine cycle –Registers, PC, IR –bootstrapping Von Neuman arch 0010 0104 0230 0345 04C0 0500

7 7 OS & networks Multi-tasking / time-sharing –Why? –How works? –Time-slices & interrupts Sharing resources –Semaphores & deadlock Token-Ring Ethernet Circuit-switched v. packet-switched –Packets –Routing/forwarding – TCP/IP –Why not direct connections?

8 8 Problems & algorithms Comparing functions: –Constant, log, linear, poly, exp, fact Algs: times & how they work Search –Sequential –Binary TSP –Greedy –Brute-force Stable Marriage

9 9 HTML Basic tags: i/b/p/a Idea of links Write html to look like X

10 10 What else? Important concepts, technologies from class, reading Problem-solving –If unfamiliar, ask self how can you figure this out? What do you know? How does that help?

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