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Website Evaluation in the Tourism Industry Evaluating Quality of Customer Service in Airline B2C Systems Prof. Niv Ahituv, Gil Amoray כנס תיירות ואינטרנט.

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Presentation on theme: "Website Evaluation in the Tourism Industry Evaluating Quality of Customer Service in Airline B2C Systems Prof. Niv Ahituv, Gil Amoray כנס תיירות ואינטרנט."— Presentation transcript:

1 Website Evaluation in the Tourism Industry Evaluating Quality of Customer Service in Airline B2C Systems Prof. Niv Ahituv, Gil Amoray כנס תיירות ואינטרנט בכפר הגלובלי, מכון נטוויז'ן 013 לחקר האינטרנט, 8.6.09 Based on a Research performed for M.Sc. Thesis in Management Sciences - Technology and Information Systems, 2006

2 2  Research Introduction, Objectives and Scope  Assumptions and Hypotheses  Methodology  Results and Best Practices Agenda

3 3  WWW introduced new method of communication: Research Introduction, Objectives and Scope In-Store Service/Sales Phone Service/Sales Web-Based Service/Sales  Companies and non-profit organizations have recognized the benefits and values of online communication channels  Reducing operating costs  Increasing sales opportunities  Improving customer service by:  Reducing wait times and expanding service hours (24/7/365)  Enabling self-sufficiency of customers Research Introduction

4 4  Define criteria for the evaluation and measurement of the Quality of Service (QoS) in airline B2C systems  Demonstrate the applicability of those criteria through an empirical study  Substantiate applicability of evaluation tool (AWET-- Airline Website Evaluation Tool) in other industries Research Objective Research Introduction, Objectives and Scope

5 5  Website Evaluation Highlights of Literature Review Interface & Design 18 evaluation criteria: Graphic design and multimedia Style & text Flexibility 20 evaluation criteria Logical structure Ease of use Search engine Help functions Navigation necessities Navigation 15 evaluation criteria Prod/Service-related content Company info Information quality Interactivity Reliability 28 evaluation criteria: Customer profile Order process After-sale support Customer service Technical Aspects 12 evaluation criteria Speed Security Software and database Content

6 6  Assumptions: tested using non-statistical sample  A1 – Streamlined process and improved website design are the main reasons for users to favor a website  User group had to identify dominant criteria in favoring websites: Website design, Process, Content, Technical Aspects, Other  A2 – Users do not consider technical aspects to be a significant factor in the quality of service provided by airline websites  Technical aspects were not mentioned as a contributor for an award-winning website in previous studies Research Assumptions Assumptions and Hypotheses

7 7  Hypotheses: tested by evaluating 33 airline websites  H1 – Web-based QoS level in the airline sector is higher in N.A compared to Europe and Israel  Percentage of online sales: 40% in N.A vs. 14% in Europe and lower rate in IL  Purchasing patterns are expected to drive higher standards of service  QoS incurs costs, therefore investment decisions seek value and ROI  H2 – Web-based QoS of competitors working in the same region and industry will be similar  High competition is expected to result in resemblance of websites w/i industry  H3 – QoS in websites of “low-fare” airlines is superior comparing to QoS of “Major” Airlines’ websites  Direct sales (e.g.: online) are expected to impel outstanding service levels Research Hypotheses Assumptions and Hypotheses

8 8 Hypotheses Analysis Results & Best Practices  H1 – Web-based QoS level in the airline sector is higher in N.A compared to Europe and Israel  Validated: Average total score of 67% vs. 64% vs. 59% respectively  H2 – Web-based QoS of competitors working in the same region and industry will be similar  Could not be categorically validated or refuted: airlines differ by category  H3 – QoS in websites of “low-fare” airlines in superior comparing to QoS of “Major” Airlines’ websites  Rejected: Average total score of 67% for major airlines vs. 63% for low-fare  Possible explanation: better capabilities to make significant investment by major airlines   X

9 9  Innovative multi-phased approach, embracing various techniques: Methodology Phase 1Phase 2Phase 3 Implementation Literature review Identification of evaluation criteria Identification of participating websites Preliminary questionnaire Industry characteristic mapping Development of AWET, v1 SME review and feedback Development of AWET, v2 Phase 4 Analysis Self evaluation of 33 websites Results analysis Hypotheses validation Evaluation Tool DevelopmentPreparations

10 10  Interface and Design  Navigation  Content  Technical  Reservation Process  Usability  Customer Support Evaluation Categories in AWET Methodology Total of 73 Questions in 7 Categories 30 Yes/No Questions 43 Descriptive Questions

11 11 Implementation  Self evaluation of 33 airline websites Methodology Major Airlines Continental United American Airlines Delta U.S. Airways Air Canada Northwest Airlines Alaska Airlines Hawaiian Alitalia British Airways Air France Lufthansa Iberia Olympic Swiss El Al “Low-Fare” Airlines America West JetBlue Southwest Spirit ATA Ted Song USA3000 Frontier Independence Air EasyJet Sky Europe Virgin Atlantic Air One Arkia Israir

12 12 AWET Demonstration Enter Search Parameters (Reservation Process) Methodology 1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2 adults, 1 child (age: 12) NY (LGA) to San Diego Prefer non-stop Date and time specified Flexible plans for better deal Assign seats together Obtain flight info 11 12 13

13  19 questionnaires sent to non-random B2C system users  Return rate = 68% (13 surveys)  Total of 26 evaluations, for 21 airline websites:  12 American airlines (46%)  6 European airlines (23%)  5 Israeli airlines (19%)  3 Canadian airlines (12%)  User group members average 11 trips per year  Performing 58% of airline reservations online Results: Preliminary Questionnaire User Group Demographics Results & Best Practices

14 14  Process and Website Design are most important for online QoS  Average number of evaluation criteria mentioned by users per group: Results: Preliminary Questionnaire Dominant Criteria Groups and Validation of Assumptions  Assumptions A1 & A2 have been validated:  A1 – Streamlined process and improved website design are the main reasons for users to favor a website  A2 – Users do not consider technical aspects to be a significant factor in a quality of service provided by airline websites   Results & Best Practices

15 15 Results: Self-Evaluation of 33 Airline Websites Total Score Results & Best Practices Average Total Score: 237 Points = 65% Best Performer Worst Performer 69%65%64%63%59% Avg Group Score

16 16 Evaluation Results: Relative Ranking  Results reveal significant performance gaps:

17 17 Evaluation Results: Distribution  Results are in proximity to Normal Distribution:

18 18  Based on evaluation results, best performance values have been established for every question within AWET Best Practices Results & Best Practices Example of Best Practices for Questions 1-9

19 19 תודה על ההקשבה

20 Appendix: AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

21 21 AWET (1/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

22 22 AWET (2/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

23 23 AWET (3/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

24 24 AWET (4/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

25 25 AWET (5/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

26 26 AWET (6/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

27 27 AWET (7/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

28 28 AWET (8/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

29 29 AWET (9/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

30 30 AWET (10/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

31 31 AWET (11/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

32 32 AWET (12/12) AWET: Airline Website Evaluation Tool

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