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Bill Blyth Global Methods Director, TNS Changing Respondent Pathways in the Eurobarometer Landscape Better EB for better understanding the citizens’ needs.

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Presentation on theme: "Bill Blyth Global Methods Director, TNS Changing Respondent Pathways in the Eurobarometer Landscape Better EB for better understanding the citizens’ needs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bill Blyth Global Methods Director, TNS Changing Respondent Pathways in the Eurobarometer Landscape Better EB for better understanding the citizens’ needs

2 2 Too often, international studies are regarded as the sum of national studies conducted in different countries. The key principles of our philosophy: Method and mode evaluative criteria ConsistencyReplicabilityReliabilityTimeliness Cost effectiveness Validity

3 The Quality Triangle Quant. alone has its limits Fitness Process User Design

4 Eurobarometer Surveys Mode Assessment Need explicit feasibility assumptions Consistent coverage definition Regular coverage benchmarking and updating Country by country evaluation Transparent ‘Fitness for Purpose’ criteria Agreed decision-making process

5 CAPI availability- drivers and constraints Respondent independent Internet dependent Very high capital investment Sophisticated IT infrastructure need Multi-country inter-operable capabilities The EB gold standard

6 CATI feasibility- drivers and constraints Respondent dependent Fixed line diminishing Mobile only growing rapidly in some countries Response declining Legislative issues (do not call etc…)

7 % Individuals with a phone of any sort Source: Eurobarometer 2005 & 2008

8 % Individuals with a mobile phone Source: Eurobarometer 2005 & 2008

9 % Individuals with mobile and no fixed line Source: Eurobarometer 2005 & 2008

10 Individuals with a mobile but no fixed line Penetration within age Source: Eurobarometer 2005 & 2008

11 Mobile only challenges Inadequate/non-existent sampling frames Legislative/ethical barriers to RDD - e.g. cost to respondents Multiple chances of selection Questionnaire length restrictions Poor response levels

12 CAWI feasibility- drivers and constraints Respondent dependent Little defined best practice Coverage variability Sample frame availability Access panel approach the norm Results are design and process sensitive

13 % Individuals with internet access at home Source: Eurobarometer 2005 & 2008

14 Individuals with internet at home Penetration within age Source: Eurobarometer 2005 & 2008

15 Summary Fixed-line below 70% in a number of EU countries Rate of mobile-only coverage growth can invalidate national trend comparisons for fixed-line designs Internet penetration under 60% in around 50% of EU countries Internet penetration is highly skewed Internet skew by education suggests a minority will never access mode Fixed-line and Internet coverage gaps are different Questionnaire effects compound coverage and frame bias

16 A way forward? Fitness for purpose model provides optimal approach Re-visit and clearly articulate priorities for Flash- for example speed, validity and consistency Evaluate mobile-only coverage gap effects against priorities, by re-analysis of standard EB data Assess alternative single mode designs Expert group to advise on mixed-mode design implications

17 A way forward? Choose uni-mode or mixed-mode model Expert group to produce detailed specification and consensus view on budget requirement Specification to include ongoing validation and detailed quality control metrics supported by audit Tender evaluation using a ceiling price accompanied by quality base contract award as opposed to current price/quality hybrid Expert group provides independent ongoing performance and validation monitoring

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