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A Multi Gigabit FPGA-based 5-tuple classification system Author: Antonis Nikitakis, Ioannis Papaefstathiou; Publisher: Communications, 2008. ICC '08. IEEE.

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Presentation on theme: "A Multi Gigabit FPGA-based 5-tuple classification system Author: Antonis Nikitakis, Ioannis Papaefstathiou; Publisher: Communications, 2008. ICC '08. IEEE."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Multi Gigabit FPGA-based 5-tuple classification system Author: Antonis Nikitakis, Ioannis Papaefstathiou; Publisher: Communications, 2008. ICC '08. IEEE International Conference on Presenter: Yu-Ping Chiang Date: 2008/10/15

2 Outline 2sBFCE Architecture  Overview  Single Field Operations  Permutation Engine  Bloom Filter (2nd stage)  Rule Table Simulation Result


4 Outline 2sBFCE Architecture  Overview  Single Field Operations  Permutation Engine  Bloom Filter (2nd stage)  Rule Table Simulation Result

5 Single Field Matching Two Bloom Filters used in Src IP / Dest IP field  For most common lengths (16, 24, 32).  For other lengths. →Complete stage1 in 17 clock cycles. One Bloom Filter used in other field.

6 Single Field Matching Internal representation: IP field + length  SourceIP / DestIP: 32+6 bits  Source-Port/Dest-Port: 16+5 bits  Protocol: 2 bits →120-bit rule vector (use by hash function as input)

7 Permutation Engine.  #Src IP / #Dest IP = 33  #Src Port / #Dest IP = 17  #Protocol = 2 (deal at last stage) Usually less than 5 match in each field.

8 Bloom Filter Two hashing function  2 bits access, 2 memory access. →dual port memory module Hash function . q(i) = derives from randomized vector x(i) = rule vector

9 Bloom Filter False positive Don’t support incremental updates. One memory access each permutation.  Avg.10-15 clock cycles

10 Rules Table Keep whole information of rule and FlowID  If match, output FlowID.. 12-bit FlowID (4K rules) Set priority for finding best one.

11 Rules Table Hash indexing  Variable size blocks holding colliding FlowIDs. → search sequentially. Deal protocol field

12 Outline 2sBFCE Architecture  Overview  First Stage Single Field Operations Permutation Engine  Second Stage Bloom Filter Rule Table Simulation Result

13 Results Memory requierment:  Single field & second stage: 178 KB Query time:  Primary design: avg. 42 clock cycles/query 42 * 6.56ns = 275.5 ns/packet 3.63 Mpps (MegaPacketsPerSecond)  Improved design: avg. 26 clock cycles/query 26 * 6.56ns = 170.56 ns/packet 5.86 Mpps

14 Results

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