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Diagnostics & Common Optics LUSI WBS 1.5
Yiping Feng – DCO Lead Scientist Eliazar Ortiz – DCO Lead Engineer DCO Engineering Staff June 03, 2009
Acknowledgment DCO Engineering Staff Tim Montagne Marc Campell
Profile/wavefront monitor Intensity monitor Intensity-position monitor Harmonic rejection mirror Marc Campell Attenuator X-ray focusing lens Richard Jackson Slits system Pulse picker
Outline Distribution Diagnostics Status Common Optics Status
Profile Monitor Profile-Intensity Monitor Intensity-Position Monitor Common Optics Status Slits Attenuator & Pulse Picker X-Ray Focusing Lens Cost & Schedule Summary
Components Distribution
Components locations Distributed throughout the XPP, CXI, and XCS instruments, including X-ray transport tunnel MEE CXI Endstation X-ray Transport Tunnel Near Experimental Hall XCS Endstation XPP Endstation Far Experimental Hall LCLS X-ray FEL SXR AMO
Components Distribution
Diagnostics/Optics XPP CXI XCS Total Location Profile Monitor 3 1 in Hutch 2 2 in Hutch 3 (combined with Intensity monitor) 2 in Hutch 5 1 in Hutch 5 (combined with Intensity monitor) 6 4 in XRT (combined with Intensity monitor) 2 in Hutch 4 (combined with Intensity monitor) 12 Wavefront Monitor - - 1 Hutch 5 Intensity Monitor 2 Hutch 3 (combined with Profile monitor) Hutch 5 (combined with Profile monitor) 4 in XRT (combined with profile monitor) 2 in Hutch 4 (combined with Profile monitor) 9 Intensity-Position Monitor 2 in Hutch 3 4 in XRT 2 in Hutch 4 11 X-Ray Focusing Lenses Hutch 3 2 XRT 4 Slit System 1 double slit system in Hutch 3 1 single slit system in Hutch 3 1 single slit system in Hutch 2 7 2 double slit systems in XRT 2 single slit systems in XRT 3 single slit systems in Hutch 4 14 Attenuators-Filters Hutch 4 Pulse Picker Harmonic Rejection Mirrors 15 29 59
DCO Distribution on CXI
CXI Instrument* Intensity-position Intensity-position Profile/ Intensity Intensity/ profile Intensity-position wavefront Not shown are attenuator, pulse picker situated in X-ray transport Slits Slits Slits Slits *There are 15 diagnostics/common optics components in CXI
Diagnostics Status Profile & Intensity Monitor Status
Brazed chamber 6 DOF Stand Motorized zoom lens Optical CCD Camera Diode Electronics (Charge sensitive amplification) Quartz window Hollow shaft for cable routing 100 mm travel linear stage with smart motor LCLS Beam Profile & Intensity Monitor Status PM and IM collocated in same chamber when applicable FDR completed April 2009 Commonality for all Monitors Chamber 6 DOF Alignment Stands Stages Same design for wavefront monitor w/o intensity monitor Attenuation needed YAG:Ce screen Diode Assy. 45º mirror 1 JAI/Pulnix TM-6740CL. TM-6740CL $2,400 2 12V 1.2A Universal power supply with US plug conforming to JAI/Pulnix 12pin Hirose power connectors. 6' cable PD-12UUP-2 $85 3 Camera Link cable. 3 meter. For camera to frame grabber communications. Eleven shielded pairs and four drain wires. Entire cable bundle is shielded with foil and braid. Rugged MDR ribbon type contact. Positive retention thumbscrew shell CB-CL-03M $140 4 12X Zoom, Mot. Zoom 2 phase stepper, 12 mm manual FF $2,425 5 Pwr Sply, Univ, VAC, 47 $90 6 2 Phase Stepper Motor PCB Cont $500 7 0.67x Mini Adapter $350 8 0.75x Lens Attachment f/12x Zoom $215 9 C-mount Coupler 1-6010 $50 11 Flat Mount for use with 12X motorized lenses $115
Diagnostics Status Profile & Intensity Monitor Next Steps
Place orders for vendor items- Started April 09 Place order for fabricated components – June 09 Test First Articles- July 09 Update Models and Drawings based on First Article tests- August 09 Order production chamber assembliesDetail Design PM and PIM–Aug 09
Diagnostics Status Intensity-Position Monitor FDR completed April 2009
Commonality for all Monitors Chamber 6 DOF Alignment Stands Stages 4-channel Diode Electronics (Charge sensitive amplification) Hollow shaft for cable routing Be target changer 100 mm travel linear stages with smart motor Roller Stages Smart Motor for X-axis motion* LCLS Beam 1 JAI/Pulnix TM-6740CL. TM-6740CL $2,400 2 12V 1.2A Universal power supply with US plug conforming to JAI/Pulnix 12pin Hirose power connectors. 6' cable PD-12UUP-2 $85 3 Camera Link cable. 3 meter. For camera to frame grabber communications. Eleven shielded pairs and four drain wires. Entire cable bundle is shielded with foil and braid. Rugged MDR ribbon type contact. Positive retention thumbscrew shell CB-CL-03M $140 4 12X Zoom, Mot. Zoom 2 phase stepper, 12 mm manual FF $2,425 5 Pwr Sply, Univ, VAC, 47 $90 6 2 Phase Stepper Motor PCB Cont $500 7 0.67x Mini Adapter $350 8 0.75x Lens Attachment f/12x Zoom $215 9 C-mount Coupler 1-6010 $50 11 Flat Mount for use with 12X motorized lenses $115 Be targets 4-Diode Assy. (inclined in y for uniform response) Brazed chamber 6 DOF Stand *IPM needs calibration in both x & y directions
Diagnostics Status Intensity-Position Monitor Next Steps
Place orders for vendor items- Started April 09 Place order for fabricated components – June 09 Test First Articles- July 09 Update Models and Drawings based on First Article tests- August 09 Order production chamber assembliesDetail Design PM and PIM–Aug 09
Common Optics Slits System UHV compatible Low-z & high-z blades
Single/Double configurations Double blades configuration (4 sets of blades) Low-Z High-Z Pink beam Single blades configuration (2 sets of blades) Blades/ blade mounts Mono beam High-Z Rigid Stand w/o DOF 1 JAI/Pulnix TM-6740CL. TM-6740CL $2,400 2 12V 1.2A Universal power supply with US plug conforming to JAI/Pulnix 12pin Hirose power connectors. 6' cable PD-12UUP-2 $85 3 Camera Link cable. 3 meter. For camera to frame grabber communications. Eleven shielded pairs and four drain wires. Entire cable bundle is shielded with foil and braid. Rugged MDR ribbon type contact. Positive retention thumbscrew shell CB-CL-03M $140 4 12X Zoom, Mot. Zoom 2 phase stepper, 12 mm manual FF $2,425 5 Pwr Sply, Univ, VAC, 47 $90 6 2 Phase Stepper Motor PCB Cont $500 7 0.67x Mini Adapter $350 8 0.75x Lens Attachment f/12x Zoom $215 9 C-mount Coupler 1-6010 $50 11 Flat Mount for use with 12X motorized lenses $115 Optical encoder Blade Form Factor
Common Optics Status Slits Status Purchase Item
Vendor Evaluation in Process Confirmed compatibility with controls Added to APP in January Performance data from vendor March 09 Coupling for double assembly configuration will be done at SLAC. Coupler has been identified One has been ordered and received
Common Optics Status Slits Next Steps
Secure additional funding- June 09 Award Contract June 09 Order Supports – June 09 Detail Assembly Drawings –June 09
Common Optics Status Attenuator-Pulse Picker Status
Combined attenuator and pulse picker Commercial pulse-picker packaged into same chamber Final Design Review Completed Chamber shared with Attenuator Test Program Blade coating PP performance with coated blade Shared Design 6 DOF Alignment Stands Stage Motorized actuators for attenuator filters 6 DOF Stand Optical CCD Camera LCLS Beam View port Hollow shaft for cable routing 50 mm travel linear stage with smart motor 6” Rotating flanges Lens Si filters Pulse-picker 1 JAI/Pulnix TM-6740CL. TM-6740CL $2,400 2 12V 1.2A Universal power supply with US plug conforming to JAI/Pulnix 12pin Hirose power connectors. 6' cable PD-12UUP-2 $85 3 Camera Link cable. 3 meter. For camera to frame grabber communications. Eleven shielded pairs and four drain wires. Entire cable bundle is shielded with foil and braid. Rugged MDR ribbon type contact. Positive retention thumbscrew shell CB-CL-03M $140 4 12X Zoom, Mot. Zoom 2 phase stepper, 12 mm manual FF $2,425 5 Pwr Sply, Univ, VAC, 47 $90 6 2 Phase Stepper Motor PCB Cont $500 7 0.67x Mini Adapter $350 8 0.75x Lens Attachment f/12x Zoom $215 9 C-mount Coupler 1-6010 $50 11 Flat Mount for use with 12X motorized lenses $115 AZSOL Shutter
Common Optics Status Attenuator-Pulse PickerNext Steps
Finalize Blade coating test –June 09 Order Supports Design – Feb 09 Place orders for vendor items- June 09 Linear stage Motors Actuators Place Order for fabricated Items- June 09 Chamber Stage support bracket Mirror & Filter holders Shaft Weldment
Common Optics Status X-Ray Focusing Lenses Status
Commonality with Monitors Chamber 6 DOF Alignment Stands Stages Final Design Review- June 09 6 DOF Stand LCLS Beam Z-axis translation stage (±200mm) XPP only Chamber similar to monitors Actuator design similar to IPM Lens Holder Accommodates 3 different lens configurations Quick lens stack removal 1 JAI/Pulnix TM-6740CL. TM-6740CL $2,400 2 12V 1.2A Universal power supply with US plug conforming to JAI/Pulnix 12pin Hirose power connectors. 6' cable PD-12UUP-2 $85 3 Camera Link cable. 3 meter. For camera to frame grabber communications. Eleven shielded pairs and four drain wires. Entire cable bundle is shielded with foil and braid. Rugged MDR ribbon type contact. Positive retention thumbscrew shell CB-CL-03M $140 4 12X Zoom, Mot. Zoom 2 phase stepper, 12 mm manual FF $2,425 5 Pwr Sply, Univ, VAC, 47 $90 6 2 Phase Stepper Motor PCB Cont $500 7 0.67x Mini Adapter $350 8 0.75x Lens Attachment f/12x Zoom $215 9 C-mount Coupler 1-6010 $50 11 Flat Mount for use with 12X motorized lenses $115
Common Optics Status X-Ray Focusing Lenses Next Steps
Order lens holder parts for validation test- May 09 Issue award for lenses- July 09 Order other vendor Items- July 09 Linear Stages Motors Be lenses 1 JAI/Pulnix TM-6740CL. TM-6740CL $2,400 2 12V 1.2A Universal power supply with US plug conforming to JAI/Pulnix 12pin Hirose power connectors. 6' cable PD-12UUP-2 $85 3 Camera Link cable. 3 meter. For camera to frame grabber communications. Eleven shielded pairs and four drain wires. Entire cable bundle is shielded with foil and braid. Rugged MDR ribbon type contact. Positive retention thumbscrew shell CB-CL-03M $140 4 12X Zoom, Mot. Zoom 2 phase stepper, 12 mm manual FF $2,425 5 Pwr Sply, Univ, VAC, 47 $90 6 2 Phase Stepper Motor PCB Cont $500 7 0.67x Mini Adapter $350 8 0.75x Lens Attachment f/12x Zoom $215 9 C-mount Coupler 1-6010 $50 11 Flat Mount for use with 12X motorized lenses $115
Cost 36% 64%
Cost & Schedule Performance – WBS 1.5
The x-ray pump-probe instrument will take advantage of the ultrashort pulse duration of the LCLS to take snapshots of a photo-induced phenomena. In general, the experiments performed as this endstation will use an ultrafast laser pulse to initiate a transient response in a system. The system will be probed using various x-ray scattering techniques. The time evolution of the response will be mapped by variably delaying the arrival time of the x-ray pulse with respect to the pump laser pulse. The success of this end station will depend upon the ability to accommodate a wide variety of laser excitation techniques, samples, sample environments and x-ray scattering methods.
The project is monitoring strings of activities with the least float
Project Critical Path DCO has one design effort and multiple procurements to support the Instrument requirements. The project is monitoring strings of activities with the least float Items on the critical path are: XFLS Procurement Preps (14 day float, start May 2010) HRM Procurement Preps (19 day float, start Oct 2010) Activities to monitor from falling on the critical path: Check and Approve Dwgs PP (24 day float, start May 09) PP procurement preps XPP (24 day float, start June 09)
Major Milestones The x-ray pump-probe instrument will take advantage of the ultrashort pulse duration of the LCLS to take snapshots of a photo-induced phenomena. In general, the experiments performed as this endstation will use an ultrafast laser pulse to initiate a transient response in a system. The system will be probed using various x-ray scattering techniques. The time evolution of the response will be mapped by variably delaying the arrival time of the x-ray pulse with respect to the pump laser pulse. The success of this end station will depend upon the ability to accommodate a wide variety of laser excitation techniques, samples, sample environments and x-ray scattering methods.
Procurement Schedule The x-ray pump-probe instrument will take advantage of the ultrashort pulse duration of the LCLS to take snapshots of a photo-induced phenomena. In general, the experiments performed as this endstation will use an ultrafast laser pulse to initiate a transient response in a system. The system will be probed using various x-ray scattering techniques. The time evolution of the response will be mapped by variably delaying the arrival time of the x-ray pulse with respect to the pump laser pulse. The success of this end station will depend upon the ability to accommodate a wide variety of laser excitation techniques, samples, sample environments and x-ray scattering methods.
Summary Scope of DCO components for XPP, CXI, and XCS instruments has not changed significantly since CD-02 The design of key diagnostics devices and optical components is mature and based on proven developments at synchrotron sources worldwide by XTOD and LCLS e-beam groups No major risks associated with the design or procurement of the DCO components Bought components (slits) are “off the shelf” items Assembly components (CCD cameras, zoom lens, actuators, connectors) are commercially made with known performance In-house electronics design are based on proven technology and implementations DCO overall cost and schedule performance is kept within margins. Critical Path is defined and monitored Advanced Procurements identified DCO is on track to support accelerated schedule! Page 23
Overview DCO will provide to all LUSI instruments
Common diagnostics for measuring FEL properties Transverse beam profile Incident beam intensity Beam positions and pointing Wavefield measurement at focus Common Optical components for performing FEL manipulations Beam size definition and clean-up Attenuation Pulse pattern selection and/or repetition rate reduction Isolation of fundamental from high order harmonics Focusing Monochromatization* *Engineering of mono is now managed by the XCS team
DCO CD-2 Scope DCO suites Diagnostics suite Common Optics suite
Pop-in Profile/Wavefront Monitor Pop-in Intensity Monitor Intensity-Position Monitor Common Optics suite Offset Monochromator (XCS only)* X-ray Focusing Lenses (XPP & XCS only) Slits System Attenuators Pulse Picker Harmonic Rejection Mirrors (XPP & XCS only) *Engineering of mono is now managed by the XCS team
Global Physics Requirements
Physics requirements remained same as CD-2 and were based on characteristics of LCLS FEL Ultra short pulses ~ 100 fs, and rep. rate of 120 Hz Pulse energy 2 mJ, peak power ~ 20 GW, ave. power ~ .24 W Fully coherent in transverse directions ~ expected to be predominantly TEM00* Exhibiting intrinsic intensity, temporal, spatial, timing fluctuations on per-pulse basis†, i.e., LCLS Expected Fluctuations Pulse intensity fluctuations ~ 30 % (in contrast to synchrotron where fluctuation is Poisson limited) Position & pointing jitter (x, y, a, b) ~ 10 % of beam diameter ~ 10 % of beam divergence Source point jitter (z) ~ 5 m (leads to variations in apparent source size, or focal point location if focused) Higher order Laguerre-Gaussian modes possible but negligible †FEL amplification process based on SASE from noise
Challenges Addressed Scientific/technical challenges that were addressed Sustaining the instantaneous LCLS X-ray FEL peak power Exercising careful material selection Filters, scattering target, slits materials, focusing lens, beam stop etc. Based on thermal calculations including melting threshold and onset of thermal fatigue & limited experimental data from FLASH But no active cooling necessary Providing coherent beam manipulation Minimizing wavefront distortion/coherence degradation Filters, scattering target, slits, focusing lens Reducing surface roughness and bulk non-uniformities Minimizing diffraction effects i.e., utilizing cylindrical blades for slits
Challenges Addressed Scientific/technical challenges that were addressed Detecting ultra-fast signals Extracting electrical signals in ~ ns to minimize dark current contribution i.e., charge-sensitive detection using diodes Making per-pulse measurement if required Each pulse is different Averaging over pulses may NOT be an option, requiring sufficiently high S/N ratio for each pulse i.e., high-precision intensity measurements at < 0.1% based on single pulses, requiring larger raw signal than synchrotron cases
Pop-in Profile Monitor (WBS
Purposes Aid in alignment of X-ray optics FEL is serial operation, automation enables maximum productivity Characterization of X-ray beam spatial profile FEL spatial mode structure Effects of optics on fully coherent FEL beam Characterization of X-ray beam transverse spatial jitter FEL beam exhibits intrinsic spatial fluctuations Implementation X-ray scintillation 50-75 mm thin YAG:Ce single crystal scintillator Optical imaging Capable of diffraction limited resolution if required Normal incidence geometry w/ 45º mirror Motorized zoom lens 120 Hz optical CCD camera YAG:Ce screen 45º mirror Requirements Destructive; Retractable Variable FOV and resolution At 50 mm resolution, 12x12 mm2 FOV At 4 mm resolution, 1x1 mm2 FOV Capable of per-pulse 120 Hz if required Attenuation used if necessary
Pop-in Intensity Monitor (WBS
Purposes Aid in alignment of X-ray optics FEL is serial operation, automation enables maximum productivity Simple point detector for physics measurements In cases where 2D X-ray detector is not suitable Implementation Direct X-ray detection using Si diodes Advantageous in cases of working w/ spontaneous or mono beams Capable of high quantum efficiency (> 90% at 8.3 keV) 100 – 500 mm depletion thickness Using charge sensitive amplification Applicable to pulsed FEL Commercially available Large working area (catch-all) easily available simplifying alignment procedure Si diode Requirements Destructive; Retractable Relative accuracy < 1% Working dynamic range 100 Large sensor area 20x20 mm2 Per-pulse 120 Hz Attenuation used if necessary
Intensity-Position Monitor (WBS
Purposes Allow precise measurement of the intensity for normalization Critical to experiments where signal from underlying physics is very small Characterization of FEL fluctuations Positional jitter ~ 10% of beam size Pointing jitter ~ 10% of beam divergence Slitting beam down creates diffraction which may cause undesirable effects Implementation Based on back scattering from thin-foil Detecting both Compton scattering & Thomson scattering Using Low-z (beryllium) for low attenuation especially at low X-ray energies Using Si diode detectors Array sensors for position measurement Pointing measurement using 2 or more monitors Be thin foil Array Si diodes Requirements In-situ, retractable if necessary Highly transmissive (> 95%) Relative accuracy < 0.1% Working dynamic range 1000; Position accuracy in xy < 10 mm; Per-pulse op. at 120 Hz;
Wavefront Monitor (WBS [in lieu of wavefront sensor]
Purposes Wavefront characterization of focused X-ray beam at focal point Wavefront measurement at focal point is not feasible by conventional methods due to damages Providing supplemental scattering data in low Q w/ high resolution Resolution obtained using X-ray direct detection is limited by detector technology, i.e., pixel sizes and per-pixel dynamic range Implementation X-ray scintillation 50-75 mm thin YAG:Ce single crystal scintillator Optical imaging Capable of diffraction limited resolution if required Using computational algorithm for reconstruction of wavefield at focus Iterative, post processing only if no large computer farm YAG:Ce screen 45º mirror Requirements In-situ; Retractable Variable FOV and resolution At 50 mm resolution,12x12 mm2 FOV At 4 mm resolution, 1x1 mm2 FOV Per-pulse 120 Hz Attenuation used if necessary
X-ray Focusing Lenses (WBS
Be Lens stack Purposes Increase the X-ray fluence at the sample Produce small spot size in cases where slits do not work due to diffraction, i.e., sample too far from slits Implementation Based on refractive lenses concept* Concave shape due to X-ray refractive index 1-d+ib Using Beryllium to minimize attenuation In-line focus Simpler than KB systems no diff. orders as in Fresnel lens Chromatic Con: re-positioning of focal point Pro: Providing harmonic isolation if aperture used Some attenuation at very low X-ray energies ~ 2 keV Be lenses Requirements Produce variable spot size For XPP instrument 2-10 mm in focus 40-60 mm out-of-focus Minimize wavefront distortion and coherence degradation Withstand FEL full flux *B. Lengeler, et al, J. Synchrotron Rad. (1999). 6,
Slits System (WBS Purposes Implementation Requirements
define beam transverse sizes Pink and mono beam Clean up scatterings (halo) around beam perimeter Implementation Based on cylindrical blades concept* Minimize scattering from edges and external total reflections Offset in Z to allow fully closing Using single or double configurations for pink or mono beam applications Single configuration Blade material: Si3N4 to stop low energies Or blade material: Ta/W alloy to stop low fluence low or high energies Double configuration 1st blades: Si3N4, 2nd blades: Ta/W alloy to stop low and high energies High-Z Low-Z Pink beam Mono D=3 mm Requirements Repeatability in x&y < 2 mm 0 – 10 mm gap setting 10-9 in transmission from 2-8.3keV 10-8 in transmission at 25 keV Minimize diffraction/wavefront distortion Withstand FEL full flux *D. Le Bolloc’h, et al, J. Synchrotron Rad. (2002). 9,
Attenuator/Filters (WBS
Purposes Reduce incident X-ray flux Sample damage Detector saturation Diagnostic saturation Alignment of optics and diagnostics Implementation Using Si wafers of various thicknesses Highly polished to minimize wavefront distortion & coherence degradation For a given attenuation, use one wafer whenever possible Commercially available (< 1 nm rms roughness) For energies < 6 keV in NEH-3 and in pink beam Employing a pre-attenuator, i.e., LCLS XTOD gas/solid attenuators Requirements 108 attenuation at 8.3 keV 104 attenuation at 24.9 keV 3 steps per decade for > 6 keV Minimize wavefront distortion and coherence degradation Withstand unfocused flux
Pulse Picker (WBS Purposes Implementation Requirements
Select a single pulse or any sequence of pulses Reduce LCLS repetition rate Important if longer sample recover time is needed Damage experiments - sample needs to be translated Implementation Based on a commercial mechanical teeter-totter* Steel blade fully stops beam Capable of ms transient time Simple to operate Use TTL pulses Requires 100 mm Si3N4 to protect the steel blade Requirements < 3 ms switching time < 8 ms in close/open cycle time Only for < 10 Hz operation Withstand full LCLS flux *
Harmonic Rejection Mirrors (WBS
Purposes Provide isolation of FEL fundamental from high harmonics LUSI detectors not designed to be energy resolved Implementation Low pass filter using X-ray mirrors at grazing incidence Using highly polished Si single crystal substrates 3.5 mrad incidence angle 300 mm long No pre-figure, no bender Figure-error specs defined to ensure FEL natural divergence not effected R ~ 150 km Roughness specs to minimize wavefront distortion and coherence degradation rms ~ 0.1 nm A B C Requirements Energy range: keV 104 contrast ratio between fundamental and the 3rd harmonic 80% overall throughput for fundamental Minimize wavefront distortion Withstand full FEL flux
DCO Integration into Instruments
XPP Instrument* Intensity-position Intensity-position Intensity/ profile Intensity/ profile Slits Slits Be-focusing lens DCO components are embedded in XPP, CXI, and XCS instruments in NEH, XTT, and FEH Pulse picker /Attenuator Harmonic rejection *There are 15 diagnostics/common optics components in XPP
Work Breakdown Structure
DCO Scope Work Breakdown Structure Scope/CD-2 Includes: Physics support & engineering integration (WBS ) Diagnostics (WBS 1.5.2) Pop-in Profile/Wavefront Monitor (WBS ) Pop-in Intensity Monitor (WBS ) Intensity-Position Monitor (WBS ) Common Optics (WBS 1.5.3) Offset Monochromator (WBS )* X-ray Focusing Lenses (WBS ) Slits System (WBS ) Attenuators (WBS ) Pulse Picker (WBS ) Harmonic Rejection Mirrors (WBS ) *Engineering of mono is now managed by the XCS team
Device/Component Counts
Total device/component counts Diagnostics/Optics XPP CXI XCS Total Pop-in Profiler/ Wavefront Monitor (WBS ) 3 2 6 11 1 Pop-in Intensity Monitor (WBS ) 10 Intensity-Position Monitor (WBS ) Offset Monochromator* (WBS ) X-Ray Focusing Lenses (WBS ) 4 Slits System (WBS ) 7 14 Attenuators/Filters (WBS ) Pulse Picker (WBS ) Harmonic Rejection Mirrors (WBS ) 15 29 59 Since CD-2, 1 profile, 1 intensity, 1 intensity-position, and 1 slits were added to XCS 1 profile, 1 intensity, 1 intensity-position were removed from CXI *Engineering of mono is now managed by the XCS team
Progress Since CD-2 DCO progress Diagnostics/Optics CD-2 CD-2 status
(Aug. 08) CD-2 status (Apr. 09) Pop-in Profiler/ Wavefront Monitor PRD release FDR complete FDR in May Pop-in Intensity Monitor Intensity-Position Monitor Offset Monochromator* PRD in work APR on Apr. 23 X-Ray Focusing Lenses PDR complete Slits System RFP sent Attenuators/Filters Pulse Picker Harmonic Rejection Mirrors PDR in June Since CD-2, 1 profile, 1 intensity, 1 intensity-position, and 1 slits were added to XCS 1 profile, 1 intensity, 1 intensity-position were removed from CXI *Engineering of mono is now managed by the XCS team
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