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Advancing system design technology asc SBIR: start-up funding and sustained growth A case study for “No Money Down: Raising Capital From Unconventional.

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing system design technology asc SBIR: start-up funding and sustained growth A case study for “No Money Down: Raising Capital From Unconventional."— Presentation transcript:

1 advancing system design technology asc SBIR: start-up funding and sustained growth A case study for “No Money Down: Raising Capital From Unconventional Sources”

2 222 advancing system design technology asc Early Stage Funding  No business plan, no VC funding  Credit card increased limits  SBIR Phase I contract $50K  SBIR Phase II contract $437K Home office University as development partner  Founders equity with minimum cash

3 333 advancing system design technology asc SBIR funds initial development  Prove feasibility of innovation in Phase I  Fund prototype development in Phase II  Phase III requires non-SBIR funding Government programs Private equity Industrial partnerships

4 444 advancing system design technology asc Converting Liabilities to Profit  We had no marketing or sales resources  Engineers lacked marketing experience  No independent quality assurance program  Large company missed a product opportunity   There was a match, so a deal was made …  Prepaid royalty in exchange for 3-year exclusive  30% royalty for our part of OEM sales  We retained rights to design translator products  Renewed OEM contract without exclusive clause

5 555 advancing system design technology asc Parlayed SBIR Opportunities  Low power challenge exceeded scope of single agency SBIR Phase I and II awards 3 agencies awarded 4 SBIR contracts  Needed capital to complete development Did not match VC investment guidelines Banks increased credit lines in stages Applied power synthesis concepts to radiation hardening architecture for more SBIR awards

6 666 advancing system design technology asc Crossroads To Opportunity  Sell technology rights Test insertion ALF library compiler  Organize by product Design Translation Radiation hardening by design Block level library characterization  Form new company for Low Power

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