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Marion White Magnets & Supports April 16, 2007 Undulator Magnets and Supports Status.

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Presentation on theme: "Marion White Magnets & Supports April 16, 2007 Undulator Magnets and Supports Status."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marion White Magnets & Supports April 16, 2007 Undulator Magnets and Supports Status

2 Marion White Magnets & Supports April 16, 2007 Where are the Undulators? 20 at SLAC Metalex: 8 ready to ship as soon as we get the ShockLogs back to them from the last shipment. The Last 5 are in process; Remember that Metalex kindly shipped 5 of their strongbacks to Hi-Tech so that Hi-Tech could continue, and then had to make 5 more strongbacks for themselves. Expected completion by June. 6 ready to ship at Hi-Tech Hi-Tech is finished 1 st Hi-Tech Undulator accepted March 2006 20 th Hi-Tech Undulator accepted March 2007 1 at Argonne in the LTT Total = 40

3 Marion White Magnets & Supports April 16, 2007 20 th Undulator Accepted @Hi-Tech – 29 March 07

4 Marion White Magnets & Supports April 16, 2007 Quadrupoles Proceeding well at Everson-TESLA We have a test plan for the first articles The 1 st comes to ANL – expected in May, gets accepted [hopefully], and then gets sent to SLAC for further testing. The 2 nd 1 st article gets accepted at ANL followed by a more rigorous testing wrt hysteresis effects. Magnet Engineer and QA will visit ET soon.

5 Marion White Magnets & Supports April 16, 2007 Support and Motion System Bids have been returned and are being analyzed. We anticipate being able to award soon. We are fabricating and testing the camshaft mover test system that will be provided to the vendors.

6 Marion White Magnets & Supports April 16, 2007 LTT The LTT is being built up at Argonne. Pedestals - in place with insulating jackets Interface plates Girder

7 Marion White Magnets & Supports April 16, 2007 Summary Undulator Assembly is nearing successful completion Quadrupole Magnet delivery should start next month Support and Motion system award will be made soon. Work is proceeding on the LTT

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