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The Presentation How should we present? Who are we presenting to? In what order should we have our material? How long should it last?

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Presentation on theme: "The Presentation How should we present? Who are we presenting to? In what order should we have our material? How long should it last?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Presentation How should we present? Who are we presenting to? In what order should we have our material? How long should it last?

2 How should we present? Power Point is appropriate Other audio visual aids are welcome

3 How should we present? Everyone must speak and be a part of the presentation!!

4 How should we present? We should be dressed appropriately!

5 Who are we presenting to? Bankers Investors Other interested parties

6 What order? Just like our plan – sort of –Description of the business –Description of the location –Organization and management plan –Marketing plan –Financials –Summary –Questions???

7 How long? Long enough to stimulate interest Short enough to prevent boredom What’s that?? About half as long as one of my lectures Figure 20 minutes give or take a few –That should include a question and answer period

8 The idea here is that we want to get done before the sun sets!!

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