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1 Murali Mani Topics projects in databases and web applications and XML Database Systems Research Lab @cs.wpi.eduWebpages:

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Presentation on theme: "1 Murali Mani Topics projects in databases and web applications and XML Database Systems Research Lab @cs.wpi.eduWebpages:"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Murali Mani Topics projects in databases and web applications and XML Database Systems Research Lab Email: mmani @cs.wpi.eduWebpages:

2 2 Databases making their data accessible to web applications.

3 3 XML Views over Relational DBs Database (Oracle) (Oracle) XMLview mapping Xpath/Xquery

4 4 Problem 1  XQuery  SQL Query Processing  Translate query  Retrieve data from database  Return result in XML  Task : Produce “minimal” SQL queries that are efficient, especially re its joins

5 5 Problem 2  XQuery  SQL Update Processing  is it translatable  If so, how to translate  If no, give error message  Task : Develop techniques for above three issues, implement and evaluate

6 6 Elke A. Rundensteiner Topics projects in database and Information systems, such as, web information systems, distributed databases, Etc. Database Systems Research Lab Email: Office: Fuller 238 Phone: x – 5815 Webpages:

7 7 Project Topics in a Nutshell:  Distributed Data Sources:  EVE : Data Warehousing over Distributed Data Sources  TOTAL-ETL : Distributed Extract Transform Load Tools  Web Information Systems:  RAINBOW : XML to Relational Database Management  MASS : Native XQuery Processing System  Databases and Visualization:  Visualization-Driven Data Caching  Prefetching based on User Access Patterns  Stream Monitoring Systems:  Querying of Data Streams  Monitoring Applications

8 8 CAPE : Engine for Querying and Monitoring Streaming Data Example of Stream Data Applications: Market Analysis –Streams of Stock Exchange Data Critical Care –Streams of Vital Sign Measurements Physical Plant Monitoring –Streams of Environmental Readings

9 9 Databases Upside Down Databases Upside Down data Query data streams of data static data Standing queries one-time queries

10 10 MQP Projects in CAPE  Work on core engine, such as query processor, scheduler, query approximator, data shedder, distributer, resource allocator, etc.  Develop full example application, e.g.: TRAFFIC,  Load real data streams : traffic simulation  Develop useful queries, like “average density in city region X over last 5 minute window”  Provide GUI to specify query, eg. By drawing a rectangle over city map.  Supply visual results to traffic monitor, e.g., in charts of time trends.

11 11 If Questions, email me: or visit DSRG at Fuller 319 & 318.

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