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Introduction to classification of impairments and learning difficulties and policy MSc IT in Education Course Module: Enabling Technologies.

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1 Introduction to classification of impairments and learning difficulties and policy MSc IT in Education Course Module: Enabling Technologies

2 What is an impairment? When a person’s faculties are diminished so that his or her ability to see, walk, talk and judge distances is below the normal level as set by the state.

3 Main Groups of Impairments People with Vision Impairments People with Hearing Impairments People with Mobility Impairments, People with Cognitive Impairments

4 Cognitive Impairments Cognitive and language impairments range from dyslexia to difficulties remembering, solving problems, or perceiving sensory information, to problems comprehending and using language.

5 Policy in USA Section 508 “The Rehabilitation Act requires access to electronic and information technology provided by the Federal Government. The law applies to all Federal agencies when they develop, procure, maintain or use electronic and information technology. Federal agencies must ensure that this technology is accessible to employees and members of the public with disabilities to the extent it does not pose an “undue burden.” August 1998, President Clinton

6 Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) This statute guarantees students with disabilities with a “free, appropriate public education.” School districts are required to provide assistive technology devices and services to individual students if a student’s individualised education program (IEP) team determines that the student needs them.

7 Definitions of SEN in Ireland The Special Education Review Committee (SERC) in 1993 defined needs under four broad areas: 1.General learning disabilities, 2.Emotional and behaviour disturbance, 3.Language and communication difficulties and disorders, 4.Physical and sensory disabilities.

8 “Appropriate provision of computer hardware and software for both teachers and learners can be a significant factor in meeting the needs of children and young people with special needs”. European Commission 1996

9 Building on Best Practice Best Practice would recommend careful consideration of access issues prior to technology purchase. Schools, companies and the community require support when considering the purchase of Assistive Technology (AT).

10 Technology Ramps Adaptations can be thought of as “technology ramps” similar to “structural ramps” that provide an alternative to stairs for physical access.


12 I really came to believe that I can do the same things as everyone else, even though I may need more time. People may or may not be there when you need them, but devices are still in the place where you last used them. Quotes taken from the MPT Homepage

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