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Component Software Beyond Object-Oriented Programming Clements Szyperski Chapter 27 – New Professions Alexandre Alvaro Universidade Federal.

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Presentation on theme: "Component Software Beyond Object-Oriented Programming Clements Szyperski Chapter 27 – New Professions Alexandre Alvaro Universidade Federal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Component Software Beyond Object-Oriented Programming Clements Szyperski Chapter 27 – New Professions Alexandre Alvaro Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

2 Agenda Overview New Professions

3 Overview Component Technology Organizational Structure – Define stakeholders

4 Component System New Professions Component system architect – The most important and most demanding Component Framework

5 New Professions Component framework architect – Independent creation – Evolution of components Compatibility Preservation of interoperability roles Component Framework Specify very precisely what the framework expects from and provides to a component

6 New Professions Component developer – Greatest replaceability – Cross-organizational exchange – Well-define and bounded functionality – Component bounds is what a single person can manage Component Framework

7 New Professions Component assembler Tool Support Provides Feedback


9 Component Software Beyond Object-Oriented Programming Clements Szyperski Chapter 28 – A component marketing paradox Alexandre Alvaro Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE)

10 Agenda Overview Paradox – Branding – Pay per use – Co-placement of advertisements – Leveraging on newly created markets – Leverage of integrative forces

11 Overview Hardware x software Customer seem to get something for their money Internet – Store to virtual stores If customers do not want to pay for software components they download from the internet, how should the investment in producing the components be amortized ?

12 Branding Control quality and prices... – Example: banana Branding is associated with: – Quality – Performance – … Success examples… – IBM’s WebSphere – Microsoft’s.NET

13 Pay per use [Brad Cox, 1990] – Every use of component must be tracked and billed – But this approach is flawed… Service could be collapsed – Transparency of cost is essential Example: browsing through web pages – Pay-per-use is inadequate… The concept of late composition…

14 Pay per use Advantage… – Small component shops can exist… – Billing transparency [Brad Cox, 1996] – Transitive payment contracts between components [Steel, 1996] – How the software they have acquired (Customer) is actually used ? – Comparison – Competition

15 Co-placement of advertisements TV…. Early 2000… – A major source of income on the web The web can be “subject-oriented” – Depends on the user profile Privacy… Example: Linux OS Link to information search and retrieval…

16 Leveraging on newly created markets “The first will be the major favored” Companies highly specialized domain expertise

17 Leveraging on newly created markets

18 Biggest success stories – Contextual composition frameworks for transactional applications (MTS, EJB, COM+, J2EE and CLR)

19 Leverage of integrative forces



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