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1 Privacy-Preserving Relationship Path Discovery in Social Networks Ghita Mezzour, Adrian Perrig, Virgil Gligor Carnegie Mellon University Panos Papadimitratos.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Privacy-Preserving Relationship Path Discovery in Social Networks Ghita Mezzour, Adrian Perrig, Virgil Gligor Carnegie Mellon University Panos Papadimitratos."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Privacy-Preserving Relationship Path Discovery in Social Networks Ghita Mezzour, Adrian Perrig, Virgil Gligor Carnegie Mellon University Panos Papadimitratos EPFL 8 th International Conference on Cryptology & Network Security Dec 13 th, 2009

2 BC E F Social Trust is Useful 2 BuyerSeller People nearby in a social network are more trusted D A Privacy-preserving relationship path discovery scheme B E A D ? ? score d=3

3 A Social Networking Problem  Relationships => private information  Personal attributes  Personal associations 3 Just by looking at a person’s online friends, they could predict whether the person was gay. Gay men had proportionally more gay friends than straight men. _mit_experiment_raises_new_questions_about_online_privacy /  Private information is revealed by most SN sites

4 Partial Solution: Decentralization  Characteristics  Friend list managed locally  Secure channels between friends  Users may be offline  Some privacy concerns are alleviated  Censorship resistance 4 B E A A Friend list A B E Secure channel

5 Agenda  Problem Definition  Protocol Overview  Analysis  Related Work  Conclusion 5

6 Private-Path Discovery  Private relationship path  First person on the relationship path  Distance to an individual on a relationship path 6 Example of private paths from A to D of distance d ≤ 3 Example of relationship paths from A to D D ABC E F B ? E ? D A d=3

7 Goal 1: Relationship Privacy 7 C A B E F D Ideal Model A B E C F D A D Real Model A Friends = B & E Trusted 3 rd party A A B E D ? ? A B E Private paths to D? C F ✕ ✕ Friends = A & C B Private paths to D ? ? A B E D ? ? C F ✕ ✕

8 Goal 2: Distance Integrity  Trust => Distance integrity  Higher trust requires shorter distances  1 st user on path is most trusted 8 +  Non-integrity Concern  User shortens paths for succeeding users (but not past herself) D AB ? ? C D

9 Goal 3: Completeness  Discovery of all private paths  Consent of individuals on path needed 9 Corresponding private paths 2 relationship paths between A & D of distance ≤ 3 D A BC E F B ? E ? D A d=3 1 relationship path between A & D Corresponding private path Consent

10 Adversary Model  User of the system  Single adversary  Account creation  Relationship establishment  Free to arbitrarily deviate from the protocol  Goal  Break relationship privacy  Break distance integrity 10 Example D ABC E F

11 Agenda  Problem Definition  Protocol Overview  Analysis  Related Work  Conclusion 11

12 Solution Overview  Token flooding phase  Periodic run e.g. 1 st day of each month Token Flooding phase Example: 1 st day of each month Example: When A & D meet at CANS Path discovery phase D A BC E F A B E A D ? ? D D C F d= 3  Private path discovery phase  On demand  Existing private paths returned

13 Token Flooding Phase (1/2) 13 T’Computed token TReceived token ctrCounter dDistance Originator A DA BC E F d max =3 T 1 =H(z||1), 1 T 3 =H(T 1 ||1), 2 T 2 =H(z||2), 1 T 5 =H(T 2 ||1), 2 T 4 =H(T 3 ||1), 3 T 6 =H(T 5 ||1), 3 z T’=H(T||ctr), d T1T1 T2T2 T3T3 T4T4 T5T5 T6T6

14 Token Flooding Phase (2/2)  Local hash tree computation by originator  Depth  Maximum degree  In the paper: originator only computes propagated tokens ? ? ? ? T 1 =H(z||1) T 3 =H(T 1 ||1) T 8 =H(T 1 ||2 ) ? ? T 4 =H(T 3 ||1) T 7 =H(T 3 ||2) ? ? T 9 =H(T 8 ||1) T 10 =H(T 8 ||2) T 5 =H(T 2 ||1) T 12 =H(T 2 ||2) ? ? T 6 =H(T 5 ||1) T 11 =H(T 5 ||2) ? ? T 13 =H(T 12 ||1) T 14 =H(T 12 ||2) T 2 =H(z||2) B E A A locally computes z d max =3

15 A Path Discovery Phase  User sends the tokens it received to the originator  Originator looks up tokens in the computed hash tree  Phase runs once for a given pair of users 15 A D d=3 T 4, T 6 ? D T 1 =H(z||1) ? BA T 3 =H(T 1 ||1) T 4 =H(T 3 ||1) ? D E ? A T 2 =H(z||2) T 5 =H(T 2 ||1) T 6 =H(T 5 ||1)

16 Multiple Originators D A BC E F Token distribution phase with A & E as originators D A Private set intersection protocol Private path discovery between A & D Input: Output: A D No output

17 Agenda  Problem Definition  Protocol Overview  Analysis  Related Work  Conclusion 17

18 Network Topologies Used 18 FlickrLiveJournalOrkutYouTube Number of users 1.8 million5.2 million3 million1.1 million % of population crawled 26.9 %95.4 %11.3 %unknown Number of friend links 22.6 millions77.4 millions223.5 millions4.9 millions Mislove et al. IMC 07

19 Complexity 19 Computation overhead Token flooding O(F 3 + 2 F 1. F 2 ) hash computation Private path discovery User discovering the private paths F 3 homomorphic encryptions (once per input set) F 3 homomorphic decryptions Other user O(F 3 + F 3 ln ln F 3 ) exponentiations F i : Number of relationship paths of distance ≤ i starting from user X d max = 3

20 Token Flooding – Computation Overhead 20 10 -5 10 -3 10 -1 10 1000 Computation overhead per user (Token Flooding by all users) ≅ 90%: 100 ms ≅ 95%: 10 s More connected

21 Path Discovery – Computation Overhead 21 10 -2 1 10 2 10 4 Computation overhead for the user discovering the private paths ≅ 70 %: 10 s ≅ 90%: 2 min ≅ 80 %: 16 min More connected

22 Future Work  Overhead reduction  Randomized discovery  Full dynamic topology support  New relationships established  Old relationships revoked  Colluding adversaries  Untrusted server 22

23 Related Work  RE: Reliable Email S. Garris, M. Kaminky, M. J. Freedman, B. Karp, D. Mazieres, H. Yu. In Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), 2006  Private Relationships in Social Networks B. Carminati, E. Ferrari, and A. Perego. In International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, 2007  A public-key protocol for social networks with private relationships J. Domingo-Ferrer. In Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, 2007  Privacy Preserving Grapevines: Capturing Social Network Interactions Using Delegatable Anonymous Credentials. Vijay A. Balasubramaniyan, Yunho Lee, and Mustaque Ahamad. Georgia Tech Technical Report GT-CS-09-12, Sept 2009. 23

24 Conclusion  People nearby in a social network are more trusted  We proposed a scheme for privacy-preserving relationship path discovery  Works in decentralized social networks  Avoids privacy issues common in centralized sites  Many potential applications  Trust establishment  Access control  Email whitelisting 24

25 Backup Slides 25

26 One Intermediate Friend vs. Longer Relationship Paths  One intermediate friend  Sufficient information available to users  Privacy-preserving information sharing  Longer relationship paths  Insufficient initial information  Privacy-preserving information distribution & sharing 26 A B A E C F BC D A discovers that B is a common friend with C without knowing the other friends of C Missing information B ? E ? C D F D B

27 Background – Private Set Intersection Protocol 27 D A AD Computation overhead k A homomorphic encryptions (once per input set) k D homomorphic decryptions O(k A + k D ln ln k A ) exponentiations Trusted Third party ≈ Freedman et al. Eurocrypt 04 No output

28 Background- Private set intersection  Private set intersection [Freedman et al. Eurocrypt 07]  Based on homomorphic encryption  Similar to public key encryption  Some operations on plaintext are possible without the private key 28 AD Computation overhead k A homomorphic encryptions (once per input set) k D homomorphic decryptions O(k A + k D ln ln k A ) exponentiations Communication overhead k A + k D exchange of homomorphic ciphertexts

29 Complexities 29 ComputationCommunication Token flooding O(F 3 + 2 F 1. F 2 ) hash computation O(F 3 + 2 F 1. F 2 ) Hash exchange Private path discovery User A F 3 A homomorphic encryptions (once per input set) F 3 D homomorphic decryptions F 3 A + F 3 D homomorphic ciphertexts exchange User D O(F 3 A + F 3 D ln ln F 3 A ) exponentiations F 3 A + F 3 D homomorphic ciphertexts exchange F i X Number of relationship paths of distance ≤ i starting from user X

30 Token Flooding Phase – Communication Overhead 30 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8 10 10 Communication overhead per user 1 MB 10 MB 100 MB

31 Path Discovery Phase – Communication Overhead 31 Communication overhead for both users involved in the discovery 10 2 10 4 10 6 10 8

32 Basic Scheme – Privacy Leak  Leakage of the relative positioning of users  After private path discovery phase with multiple users 32 A C B E D F Example topology F F D A’s perception of the social network topology ? A C B T 1 =H(z||1),1 T 2 =H(z||2),1 T 3 =H(T 1 ||1), 2 T 4 =H(T 2 ||1), 2 T 7 =H(T 4 ||1),3 T 8 =H(T 4 ||2),3 T 5 =H(T 3 ||1),3 T 6 =H(T 3 ||2), 3 ? ? ? ? ? D

33 Randomization Technique 33 A C B E D F T 1 =H( z||1|1 ),1 T 2 =H(z||1||2),1 T 3 =H(T 1 ||2||1 ),2 T 5 =H(T 1 ||3||1 ) T 6 =H(T 1 ||3||2 ) T 4 =H(T 2 ||2||1 ),2 T 7 =H(T 2 ||3||1 ) T 8 =H(T 2 ||3||2 ) T 7,3 T 8,3 T 6,3 T 5,3 D E F A T 1 =H( z||1|1 ) T 5 =H(T 1 ||3||1 ) T 3 =H(T 1 ||2||1 ) T 6 =H(T 1 ||3||2) T 2 =H( z||1|2 ) T 7 =H(T 5 ||3||1 ) T 4 =H(T 5 ||2||1 ) T 8 =H(T 5 ||3||2 ) B C D F E E D F Hash Tree Tokens Propagated Received tokenDistance Count

34 C B A ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Privacy Analysis  Leakage of the total num of paths with d ≤ d max of the other party  No linkage among runs with different users A C B E D F F C B F D … H(T 1 || 2 || 2 ) H(T 1 || 3 || 5 ) H(T 1 || 3 || 1 ) H(T 1 || 2 || 1 ) T1T1 T2T2 T8T8 T4T4 T3T3 … H(T 9 || 2 || 2 ) H(T 9 || 3 || 3 ) H(T 9 || 3 || 1 ) H(T 9 || 2 || 1 ) T9T9 T 10 T 14 T 12 T 11 z H( z|| 2||1 ) H( z|| 1||2 ) F F D D D Example topology A’s perception of the network topology Hash Tree

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