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1 A Simulation Access Language and Framework For Project Management Applications Jinxing Cheng, PhD Student, Stanford University Gloria T. Lau, PhD Student,

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Presentation on theme: "1 A Simulation Access Language and Framework For Project Management Applications Jinxing Cheng, PhD Student, Stanford University Gloria T. Lau, PhD Student,"— Presentation transcript:

1 1 A Simulation Access Language and Framework For Project Management Applications Jinxing Cheng, PhD Student, Stanford University Gloria T. Lau, PhD Student, Stanford University Kincho H. Law, Professor, Stanford University The 10th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering June 2nd-4th, 2004, Weimar, Germany

2 2 Presentation Agenda Motivation A Simulation Access Language (SimAL) The SimAL Framework and Implementation Efforts Example Demonstration Summary

3 3 (Figure: Courtesy of Professor Gio Wiederhold of Stanford University) Paradigm shift in software development Lack of interoperability among different project management tools Difficult to coordinate different applications Motivation

4 4 The Simulation Access Language (SimAL) Design Goals –Developing a Simple, Easy-to-Use High-level Language –Coordinating Services and Managing Information Flow –Simulating and Comparing Scenarios Major Components –Invocation Statements (SETUP, INVOKE) –Operation Statements ( QUERY, UPDATE) –Control Statements ( IF-THEN-ELSE, WHILE) –Decision-support Statements ( SCENARIO CREATION, SCENARIO COMPARISION, etc.)

5 5 Operation statements include QUERY and UPDATE QUERY statements –SELECT, to query information from the simulation results UPDATE statements –SET, to update project models in simulation tools –DELETE, to delete objects in project models –INSERT, to insert objects in project models e.g., reset the duration of activity ID100 UPDATE(“Set duration = 4 where activityID = ID100”, arho, %) Operation Statements in SimAL

6 6 An Example SimAL Program SimAL ComparisonDemo { psl_svc = SETUP("ServicePsl") query_svc = SETUP("ServiceQuery") p3_svc = SETUP("ServiceP3") update_svc = SETUP("ServiceUpdate") gcl_svc = SETUP("ServiceGCLEstimator") arho = psl_svc.INVOKE("to-psl", %) cost = gcl_svc.INVOKE("Re-estimate", arho, %) sn1 = SCENARIO("Original Schedule"){ stat1 = query_svc.QUERY("select finishDate", arho1, %) sn1.SETSCENARIO(stat1) } sn2 = SCENARIO("Expedite Delivery"){ update2 = update_svc.UPDATE("set startDate = 2003-11-20 where activityID = ID210", arho, %) arho2 = p3_svc.INVOKE("reschedule", update2, %) stat2 = query_svc.QUERY("select finishDate", arho2, %) sn2.SETSCENARIO(stat2) } res = COMPARE(sn1, sn2) DISPLAY(res, "Compare Two Scenarios") DISPLAY(cost, “Original Project Cost”) } Initiate Connections Specify Scenario 1 Specify Scenario 2 Compare Scenarios & Display Results Obtain Cost Information

7 7 The SimAL Framework FICAS (Flow-based Infrastructure for Composing Autonomous Services) developed by Dr. David Liu

8 8 Wrapping Project Management Applications

9 9 Invoking Project Management Applications Wrappers developed for each legacy application Standalone and embedded services invoked differently

10 10 Example Results – Collaborative Demonstration Tested on the Arnold House Project from Vite Collaboratively demonstrated between Scotland and Stanford

11 11 Example Results -- Workflow in the Demonstration Workflow in the Weather Demonstration Dynamically incorporating online weather information The whole process automated Viewing the impact whenever there is a concern

12 12 Example Results -- Snapshots from the Demonstration Weather Reports Impact of Weather Information View the Impact on Schedule View the Impact on Task Backlogs

13 13 Summary Data Integration PSL is used to exchange project information among different applications. Workflow Management and Decision Support A simulation access language (SimAL) and framework to allow users to simulate scenarios involving multiple tasks supported by different software applications. Example Demonstration We demonstrated the system by incorporating online weather information into project management.

14 14 Professor Bimal Kumar of Glasgow Caledonian University Dr. David Liu of Mckinsey A Stanford Graduate Fellowship The Product Engineering Program, NIST Center for Integrated Facility Engineering, Stanford University Acknowledgements

15 15 End of Presentation Questions and Comments: Jim Cheng (

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