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Earthquake predictability measurement: information score and error diagram Yan Y. Kagan Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California.

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Presentation on theme: "Earthquake predictability measurement: information score and error diagram Yan Y. Kagan Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California."— Presentation transcript:

1 Earthquake predictability measurement: information score and error diagram Yan Y. Kagan Department of Earth and Space Sciences, University of California Los Angeles Abstract I discuss two methods for measuring the effectiveness of earthquake prediction algorithms: 1) the information score based on the likelihood ratio and 2) error diagrams. For both methods, closed form expressions are obtained for the renewal process based on the gamma and lognormal distributions. The error diagram is more informative than the likelihood ratio and uniquely specifies the information score. I derive an expression connecting the information score and error diagrams. I then obtain the estimate of the region bounds in the error diagram for any value of the information score. URL: Conclusions  Two derived equations (15) and (18) describe quantitative interrelationships between the information score (I) and the error diagram curves.  Obtained relations need to be extended: o (a) for Poisson cluster processes as Bartlett-Lewis, Neymann-Scott, and branching (Hawkes) sequences; o (b) for stochastic multidimensional (time-space-focal mechanism) processes; o (c) for processes controlled by fractal distributions. o (d) the derived equations are for very long processes ( ), they need to be extended for a small number of predicted earthquakes, when random fluctuations would modify results. References Bebbington, M. S. (2005), Information gains for stress release models, Pure Appl. Geophys., 162(12), 2299-2319. Daley, D. J., and Vere-Jones, D. (2003), An Introduction to the Theory of Point Processes, Springer-Verlag, New York, 2-nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 469. Daley, D. J., and Vere-Jones, D. 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Same as Fig. 5a in semi-log format. Fig. 1. Parts of the realization of lognormal distributed renewal process. Solid line -- cumulative number of events. Crosses -- beginning of alarms, `x's -- end of alarms. In this example, 33 events are simulated with the shape parameter = 1.86, after each event an alarm with duration w = 0.1 is issued. 17 events fall into 16 alarms, i.e., they are successfully predicted. The duration of alarms is 23.4 % of the total time. Fig. 4. Error diagrams for renewal processes. The straight solid line is the curve corresponding to a random guess. Thin solid lines are for the curves with the information score 1 bit. The D-values for the first segment (see Eq. 18) starting from the right (or the second segment starting from the bottom) are 2, 2.5, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 50, 100, 250, 1000, and 10000. The left solid line is an envelope curve for these two-segment curves. Circles stand for simulating the Poisson renewal process with two states. Fig. 3. Error diagrams for the lognormal renewal process with the shape parameter = 1.86. The straight solid line is the strategy curve corresponding to a random guess. The solid curve is calculated using Eqs. 13-14, circles are the result of simulations. The dashed and dotted curves are the first and second right-hand terms in Eq.14, respectively. Fig. 5a. Error diagrams for renewal processes with the information score 1 bit. The straight solid line is the diagram curve corresponding to a random guess. The left solid line is an envelope curve for two-segment curves. Solid curves with circles and with plus signs are for lognormal distribution with = 1.86, and = 0.35, respectively. Dashed curves with squares and with diamond signs are for the gamma distribution with = 0.329, and = 8.53, respectively. Here “I” is information score, is log-likelihood ratio, N is the number of earthquakes in a catalog, is the probability of earthquake occurrence according to a stochastic model, and is a similar probability for a Poisson process (Kagan and Knopoff, 1977). Fig. 2. Dependence of the information score on the shape parameter\sigma for the lognormal renewal process. Two circles show the curve position for I = 1 bit. Information score can be calculated for an error diagram curve as For the assumed information score I, the error diagram envelope curve is defined by the equation Information score for the lognormal distribution (Bebbington, 2005).

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