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HOOPS Final Presentation Sara Bidgood Scott Campbell Carla Gaskins Joel Sgro Brandon Wood.

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Presentation on theme: "HOOPS Final Presentation Sara Bidgood Scott Campbell Carla Gaskins Joel Sgro Brandon Wood."— Presentation transcript:

1 HOOPS Final Presentation Sara Bidgood Scott Campbell Carla Gaskins Joel Sgro Brandon Wood

2 HOOP Scheduler Goal -- to develop a package to schedule games for the Sylvia Hatchell Basketball Camp Client -- Carl Hatchell Basic Requirements –easy to use interface to enter and modify camp information –functionality to automatically generate camp schedule as well as modify manually

3 HOOP Stuff (Components) Interface Scheduling Algorithm – Schedule Constraints – Base Classes

4 The HOOPS Interface Functionality –Facilitates data entry –Checks data for completeness and validity –Allows the user to view & print the created schedule –Allows the user to view & print reports on camp data Error Report Court Distribution

5 The HOOPS Interface Implementation –Tabs Strip Allows for easy editing of camp “properties” –Grid Control –Drag & Drop Listbox

6 Schedule Constraints Court distribution constraints Number of games played by a team in a session Warning for any inter-league games Special considerations when teams play two games in one session

7 Scheduling Algorithm Functionality –Schedules round-robin games within each league given the schedule constraints –Checks manual changes for compliance with schedule constraints

8 Scheduling Algorithm Implementation –MFC Object Lists –Camp data stored as Objects CCamp, CCourt, CNode, CGameNode, CTimeSlot, CLeague, CTeam, CCourtNode, CCourtSessionNode CCamp contains the algorithm functionality

9 And now … the Demo

10 HOOP Successes Relative Simplicity of Interface Project Streamlining –Requirements –Interface Components

11 Problems we ran into... Visual C++ Learning Curve Integration of Algorithm and Interface Over-ambitious Interface Design Bugs in other people’s code Lots of little details (requirements) Designing a simple yet functional interface

12 Special thanks to... Michele Clark Andy Wilson Hank Hoffmann Chris Maunder Matt Telles

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