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Undying Images A Mid-Summer Nightmare The dreams have been the same for months. You have visions of an eerie woods. Behind you there is a mansion and.

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Presentation on theme: "Undying Images A Mid-Summer Nightmare The dreams have been the same for months. You have visions of an eerie woods. Behind you there is a mansion and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Undying Images A Mid-Summer Nightmare The dreams have been the same for months. You have visions of an eerie woods. Behind you there is a mansion and you hear the sound of a woman crying within. You awake, bewildered about why the dreams will not stop. This time however, you awake to find yourself not in your apartment, but in the woods outside of the mansion. Have you gone crazy, or is it real? You hear the voice of the woman, except it is coming from the mansion, so you proceed forward…

3 Undying Images Appearance Undying Images is a mixture of Several games/movies – Clive Barker’s “The Undying” – Fatal Frame – 1999 remake of “the Haunting” – The 7 th Guest 1 st person Adventure Goals – Gain entry into the mansion – Solve the mystery of the mansion and what draws you there – Get out alive

4 Storyline Progression and Goals Start in from of mansions facing the woods Hear a Female voice crying in the mansion Enter the mansion, but cannot leave Explore the mansion, finding clues about the mansion – Mystery women appears giving you more information – Learn that the house was created almost 70 years ago by Charles Faust, yet the house looks like new – Learn that there have been many deaths and disappearances in the house – Learn the mystery Woman is your mother, who gave you up to protect you after her husband was killed. – Learn our Last Name was changed to Frost to protect your identity. – Learn the evil secret behind the mansion; it is Alive, due to a Faustian deal made by your grandfather, Charles Frost You must fight Undead/Ghosts to survive You must defeat the boss to escape the house and free the spirits

5 Characters And Items Characters – Gabriel Frost - You – Charles Faust – Final Boss – Marian Faust – Mystery Ghost (NPC) – Various Undead and Ghosts Weapons – Pistols/Shotguns Regular Bullets/Shells – Works on Undead Blessed Bullets/Shells – Ghosts Health Items - Can auto-heal if decided Misc Items – keys, etc… Notes – Clues on mansion’s history

6 Appearance Large Mansion With many hallways and Doors Eerie background Music and Sounds Dark Hallways and Dimly lit rooms Strategies and Motivations Determine what type of weapon/ammo to use –Conserve ammo for final boss fight Proceed carefully through the mansion. Listen for tell-tale signs of danger


8 Development Specifications System Requirements (Minimum) –Pentium 1.5GHz –Windows XP/Vista –512MB (XP) or 1GB (Vista) –128MB Graphics card Unreal or Torque Game Engine 3D Graphics generator (Maya, Blender, etc…)

9 Algorithm Style Trigger Points for initial Enemy placement Use of Pre-determine and event driven spawning of Enemy AI Marian Faust appears as each clue is found to add to the storyline Save points/checkpoints in place so user does not have to start over Enemy AI –Ghost can appear Randomly and if close enough will attack you if approached Ghosts can travel through floors and Walls –Set Triggers point will cause Enemy to spawn and will attack you is you are seen –Discharging a weapon will definitely get their attention –Undead detects by Sight and Smell (Scent of blood) –Ghost detect by Life-force and can detect you at greater distances Fixed frame rate by Game Engine

10 Undying Images QUESTIONS?

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