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SScientific Research Programme Report to SCAR II nterhemispheric C onjugacy E ffects in IICESTAR SS olar- T errestrial and A eronomy R esearch “Linking.

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Presentation on theme: "SScientific Research Programme Report to SCAR II nterhemispheric C onjugacy E ffects in IICESTAR SS olar- T errestrial and A eronomy R esearch “Linking."— Presentation transcript:

1 SScientific Research Programme Report to SCAR II nterhemispheric C onjugacy E ffects in IICESTAR SS olar- T errestrial and A eronomy R esearch “Linking Near-Earth Space to Polar Regions” CCo-Chair: Allan Weatherwax, Siena College (U.S.A.) CCo-Chair: Kirsti Kauristie, Finnish Meteorological Institute (Finland) See

2 Several decades since the advent of space flight have seen the ever growing importance and relevance of the Earth's space environment: Achieving a comprehensive understanding of this environment requires acquiring deep knowledge of the Atmosphere-Ionosphere- Magnetosphere system - knowledge that has a crucial foundation in the upper atmosphere physical processes in the polar regions in both hemispheres. The ICESTAR Team is investigating, from Antarctica and nominally conjugate regions in the Arctic, the multi-scale electrodynamic system that comprises the space environment of Planet Earth. for understanding the functioning of planet Earth within the solar system; for understanding numerous aspects of laboratory physics and astrophysics; and for understanding the effects of the Sun's influence on technological systems deployed on Earth and in space.

3 October 22, 2001: POLAR’s Visible Imaging System recorded simultaneous brightening of aurora borealis in the Northern polar cap and aurora australis in the Southern polar cap Courtesy of John Sigwarth, Univ. of Iowa Note very low spacial resolution of symultaneous space observations

4 ICESTAR has four Thematic Action Groups specifically focusing on : A.Quantifying the dynamics of inner magnetospheric particles and fields and the consequences of those dynamics on the polar atmosphere; B.Quantifying and understanding the similarities and differences between the Northern and Southern polar upper atmospheres; C.Quantifying the atmospheric consequences of the global electric circuit and further understanding the electric circuit in the middle atmosphere; and D.Creating a data portal that will integrate polar data sets and modeling results, thus facilitating research to be conducted by the other groups and larger scientific community (prototype systems discussed in implementation plan)

5 Selected Achievements in 2005 - 2006 ICESTAR scientists presented nearly 40 papers to the Open Science Conference at the 2006 SCAR meeting in Hobart ICESTAR hosted a Data Portal and Virtual Observatory Workshop in Toulouse, France, July 2005 ICESTAR has taken leadership role in Heliosphere Impact on Geospace, one of the core projects of the fourth International Polar Year programme ICESTAR co-sponsors scientific sessions at European and American Geophysical Union Meetings in 2006 11 invited presentation in 2005-2006 37 contributed talks and/or posters at AGU/GEM/ICS8…other meetings ICESTAR group leader Prof. Østgaard leads an IPY/ICESTAR Proposal submitted to the Norwegian Research Council 8 letters of support written in the past six months

6 Selected papers presented at Open Science Conference in Hobart ICESTAR: Observations of Energetic Particle Effects on the Polar Middle-Atmosphere Japanese Activity for the ICESTAR Program during the IPY2007-2008 Period ICESTAR: Deployment of Virtual Observatories In Cyberspace Towards Creating the Worldwide Fabric of Geophysical Data ICESTAR: Simultaneous Antarctic observations of Polar Mesospheric Clouds and Polar Mesosphere Summer Echoes ICESTAR - Interactions Between Planetary Waves and Tides in the Antarctic Middle Atmosphere ICESTAR: Solar-terrestrial and aeronomy research during the International Polar Year ICESTAR: Deploying a Virtual Geophysical Observatory and Data Portal at a Small Liberal Arts College ICESTAR: Pi1B pulsations and their association with substorm onset ICESTAR: Conjugate ULF observations from auroral latitudes to the inner magnetosphere ICESTAR: Auroral conjugacy studies ICESTAR: Inter-hemispheric Comparison of 11-year Solar Cycle Response of OH airglow Temperature Observations ICESTAR: Polar mesospheric clouds observed by an iron Boltzmann lidar at the South Pole and Rothera, Antarctica ICESTAR Observations of the Semidiurnal Tide at Southern Polar Latitudes with SABER and Mesospheric Radars ICESTAR: Vertical Coupling of the Atmosphere over Antarctica via Atmospheric Tides ICESTAR: Vertical Electrodynamic Coupling

7 Heliosphere Impact on Geospace IPY core project (#63) conducted by ICESTAR, IHY (International Heliophysical Year) and 27 other consortia with scientists from 22 countries. Science about coupling phenomena affected by solar activity and cosmic background radiation Between the different atmospheric layers Between the magnetosphere and ionosphere Between the different hemispheres In addition… Development of Virtual Observatories New instrumentation and technology See: or

8 Interhemispheric Conjugacy Effects in Solar-Terrestrial and Aeronomy Research International Heliophysical Year Greenland IPY 2007 Space Science Symposium on the Coupled Geospace System Interplanetary medium and geomagnetosphere diagnostics using polar cosmic ray stations Conjugate observations and modeling of arcs and patches Correlated Solar-Terrestrial Polar Activities International Network for Auroral Optical Studies of the Polar Ionosphere Balloon Borne Investigation of Earth, Atmosphere and Space in the Polar Regions Incoherent Scatter Monitoring of the Polar Atmosphere SuperDARN measurements of upper atmospheric circulation Antarctic Space Weather: Using routine ground-based and relevant, freely available, space-based data sets to prepare daily space weather reports Synergetic observations of dynamics-chemistry-electrodynamics in the arctic middle and upper atmosphere over Alaska Coordinated radar studies of the Arctic and Antarctic middle and upper atmosphere during IPY-4 period (CRSAAMU) Upper Atmosphere Monitoring for Polar Year 2007-2008 Global Riometer Array Space Weather Impacts in the Polar Atmosphere Probing the Space and Upper Atmospheric Polar Environments Polar Planetary Research Network: Exploring Space in the Canadian Arctic Quantifying the relationship of the geoelectric circuit to weather, climate and solar activity Multi-Scale Plasma Exploration:A programme to study the fundamental plasma physical processes which mediate energy flow in the solar-terrestrial system, and they ways in which these processes couple together Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST(Mesosphere-Stratosphere-Troposphere) / IS(Incoherent Scatter) radar (PANSY) Interhemispheric Study on Conjugacy and Non-conjugacy of Auroral and Polar Ionospheric Disturbances using Ground- based Observation Network Radio tomographic imaging of the Arctic ionised atmosphere by the International Ionospheric Tomography Community Very Low Frequency Remote Sensing of the Ionosphere and the Radiation Belts Using a VLF Beacon Transmitter at South Pole Troposphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction study over Antarctic Peninsula using network of automatic meteo- magnetic stations Polar-equatorial ionospheric and magnetic storms characterization for the advancement of space weather prediction

9 Networking and Cooperation IHY’s Coordinated Investigation Programmes –Concept for measurement and research campaigns –IHY’s Discipline Planners will help in networking with data providers and other groups sharing similar interests –40 proposals submitted, 8 by consortia of IPY core project #63 Links with geospace oriented programmes –CAWSES (Climate And Weather of the Sun-Earth System): plans for a common data analysis workshop in Internet in fall 2006. –COST296 and COST724 (Mitigation of Ionospheric effects on Radio Systems and Space Weather): Coordination team for IHY/ICESTAR collaboration has been established recently Collaboration in building VxOs –IHY community is developing several VxOs in the NASA Heliophysics Data Environment –ICESTAR’s VO (GAIA, auroral precipitation data) for auroral precipitation data has been included as an example VO to this Environment

10 ICESTAR has already achieved the objective of unifying a large variety of scientific programs and observational networks in the field of Solar Terrestrial Physics. Further effort is to be pursed to extend to all nations and groups. ICESTAR expects that in each country a call be made to join in the program for the duration of the IPY. Appropriate support should be provided.

11 Opportunities to assess newsworthy issues: Effects of Solar proton events on mid-atmospheric chemistry –Multinational campaigns with versatile instrumentation (Scandinavia- Alaska-Antarctica) –Continuous systematic radar observations of atmospheric flows and temperatures at different altitudes –Homogenenous data sets for modelling work Space weather effects on technology –Distributed GPS-receiver networks  Global picture of the ionospheric electron content and scintillation effects on navigation systems –Meridional chains of magnetometers  Remote sensing of radiation belt dynamics around the geostationary orbit New innovations in measurement technology –Test balloon flights for the NASA Jupiter Icy Moons Orbiter mission –Feasibilty studies for next generation incoherent scatter radars –Network of automatic meteo-magnetic stations: Do strong cyclones affect ionospheric currents?

12 Foster measurements with the NASA THEMIS mission in Fall 2006.

13 IPY/ICESTAR Meeting Feb 5-9 2007 –Finnish Meteorological Institute, Helsinki Topics –Get together –Management issues: Steering committee etc. –PR- and Outreach programme –Campaign schedule –Cataloging the instrumentation maintained by the Programme –Data sharing issues –Please join us

14 ICESTAR - Plans for the future SuperDARN array major upgrade in the southern hemisphere. New radars to be installed: China Zhong Shan USA South Pole Italy and France Concordia pair Danger: Late installation for IPY Halley radar moved: timing within IPY

15 CAWSES/ICESTAR joint activity: joint meeting in planning. CAWSES (Climate And Weather in the Sun Earth System) is the five year scientific program of SCOSTEP ILWS meeting at COSPAR in BEIJING: International Living With a Star program, plans ground based segment of investigations; will be tightly related to ICESTAR. SCOSTEP formed joint committee, for common planning of ILWS observations Relation with other programmmes/ICSU bodies

16 Japanese (NIPR) ICESTAR project Natsuo. Sato National Institute of Polar Research, Tokyo, Japan ( National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR) SCAR 2006 One example of conjugate studies

17 Conjugate auroral observations at Syowa and Iceland

18 I nterhemispheric C onjugacy

19 Mapping of Northern/Southern hemispheres with geomagnetic coordinate with geomagnetic coordinate Theta auroras are not aligned along the statistical auroral oval: they cross the oval in a sun aligned direction

20 Examples of conjugate aurora with TV cameras (1) Exceptionally similar synchronous discrete auroras (2) Non-conjugate auroral breakup (3) Non-conjugate N-S oriented (Theta) aurora (4) Non-conjugate small-scale curl-type aurora

21 TJ SY September 26, 2003 event All-sky TV data (23:19:30 ~ 23:23:50 UT, 10 sec interval) MN S WE N MS WE (1) Exceptionally similar synchronous discrete auroras Sato et al (GRL,2005)

22 Finding one-to-one correspondence and Tracing temporal variation of conjugate location (a) (b) (c)(d)(e)

23 (2) Non-conjugate auroral breakup

24 DMSP F-15/Ground Visible aurora 2122:40 UT Tjornes Husafell DMSP footprint 2122:40 UT Model CC.Syowa Real CC. Syowa? or Non-conjugacy!

25 (3) Non-conjugate N-S oriented band-type (Theta) aurora

26 (4) Non-conjugate small-scale curl-type aurora Scale size: ~3-20 km

27 Auroras are NOT always mirror image interhemispherically. If we could understand the reasons of non- conjugate aurora perfectly, at that time we can say that we have solved the auroral mechanism perfectly! So, study of conjugate aurora is very important!So, study of conjugate aurora is very important! Concluding remarks

28 Why non-conjugacy? ◎ Possible interhemispherically asymmetric conditions * Ionospheric conductivity (sunlight) → Asymmetric M-I coupling * Solar wind-magnetosphere interaction → Bx, By, Bz effects → Earth’s dipole tilt angle effect * Local asymmetry of geomagnetic field intensity, dip-angle → Auroral absolute intensity and shape

29 Group Leader: Martin Fullekrug U.K. Group Leader: Eftyhia Zesta U.S.A. Group Leader: Nikolai Østgaard Norway Group Leader: Scott Palo U.S.A. Group Leader: Aaron Ridley U.S.A. Lead Member: Brian Fraser Australia Lead Member:Ruiyuan Liu P. R. China Lead Member:Natsuo Sato Japan SSG/PS Deputy Chair, ex officio: Maurizio Candidi (Italy) ICESTAR Team

30 Allan Weatherwax USA Kirsti Kauristie Finland Nikolai Østgaard Norway Maurizio Candidi Italy Vladimir Papitashvili USA Natsuo Sato Japan Claudio RafanelliJCADM ICESTAR Steering Committe as appointed by SCAR

31 END

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