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The state of regional health information (RHIOs) : Health data exchange on the Rise Student : Laura Lin Teacher : Mr. Ma Number : 9651009M Date : 3 / 12.

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1 The state of regional health information (RHIOs) : Health data exchange on the Rise Student : Laura Lin Teacher : Mr. Ma Number : 9651009M Date : 3 / 12

2 1/15 Definition for a RHIO (1/2) HIMSS : group of organizations with a business stake in improving the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare delivery HIMSS : group of organizations with a business stake in improving the quality, safety and efficiency of healthcare delivery. The concept of a RHIO developed from the community health information networks (CHINs) of the mid-1990s. The concept of a RHIO developed from the community health information networks (CHINs) of the mid-1990s.

3 2/15 Definition for a RHIO (2/2) There are myriad challenge to face when organizing one. There are myriad challenge to face when organizing one. There also many benefits that can be derived from collaborative data exchange. There also many benefits that can be derived from collaborative data exchange.

4 3/15 The Benefits of Data Exchange (1/4) Mission : improve patient care Mission : improve patient care Fewer medical errors, avoidance of duplicate testing, fewer readmissions, shortened hospital stays, better management of chronic conditions … Fewer medical errors, avoidance of duplicate testing, fewer readmissions, shortened hospital stays, better management of chronic conditions … Greatest benefit [ of RHIOs ] : interoperability and widespread electronic exchange of health information between providers. Greatest benefit [ of RHIOs ] : interoperability and widespread electronic exchange of health information between providers.

5 4/15 The Benefits of Data Exchange (2/4) Regional data exchange also aim to streamline physicians ’ work. Regional data exchange also aim to streamline physicians ’ work. IHIE ( Indiana Health Information Exchange) is a nonprofit company. IHIE ( Indiana Health Information Exchange) is a nonprofit company. There also are public health implications. There also are public health implications.

6 5/15 The Benefits of Data Exchange (3/4) Data exchange is currently performed only among emergency departments. Data exchange is currently performed only among emergency departments. Massachusetts is experiencing the positive effects of community collaboration. Massachusetts is experiencing the positive effects of community collaboration.

7 6/15 The Benefits of Data Exchange (4/4) Reductions in duplicare tests and unnecessary medical procedures are beneficial to patients and also result in cost savings for health facilities. Reductions in duplicare tests and unnecessary medical procedures are beneficial to patients and also result in cost savings for health facilities. Electronically versus paper Electronically versus paper

8 7/15 Barriers to Data Exchange The Competitive Edge The Competitive Edge The Competitive Edge The Competitive Edge Data Ownership , Standards Data Ownership , Standards Data Ownership , Standards Data Ownership , Standards Protecting Patient Information Protecting Patient Information Protecting Patient Information Protecting Patient Information Financial Concerns Financial Concerns Financial Concerns Financial Concerns

9 8/15 The Competitive Edge The Competitive Edge There are significant challenges facing those who with to form or join a RHIO. There are significant challenges facing those who with to form or join a RHIO. Part of the problem is the competitive nature among health systems. Part of the problem is the competitive nature among health systems. It typically is easier to develop a RHIO in a community that has collaborative efforts already in place. It typically is easier to develop a RHIO in a community that has collaborative efforts already in place.

10 9/15 Data Ownership , Standards Data Ownership , Standards “ Who owns the data? ” “ Who owns the data? ” Federal privacy laws, such as HIPAA. Federal privacy laws, such as HIPAA. The Memphis RHIO VS. Participating organizations The Memphis RHIO VS. Participating organizations Data standards also are an issue. Data standards also are an issue. ex. Massachusetts ex. Massachusetts

11 10/15 Protecting Patient Information (1/2) It should be a top priority in all RHIO efforts. It should be a top priority in all RHIO efforts. These are there groups consumers are afraid will gain access to their health information These are there groups consumers are afraid will gain access to their health information ◆ insurers ◆ employers ◆ the state

12 11/15 Protecting Patient Information (2/2) Protecting Patient Information (2/2) There are sophisticated software programs that can help protect patient data. There are sophisticated software programs that can help protect patient data. Providers must be educated about HIPAA so they can, continue to educate patients about it. Providers must be educated about HIPAA so they can, continue to educate patients about it. Protecting patient information have to be constantly monitored within an organization, even after safety measures are put into place. Protecting patient information have to be constantly monitored within an organization, even after safety measures are put into place.

13 12/15 Financial Concerns (1/2) Finding a sustainable business model Finding a sustainable business model Some RHIOs also have gotten off the ground through financial contributions from interested parties. Some RHIOs also have gotten off the ground through financial contributions from interested parties. “ How will we pay for this in the long run? ” “ How will we pay for this in the long run? ” Service fee models & transaction fee models Service fee models & transaction fee models

14 13/15 Financial Concerns (2/2) Some organizations are then able to put the money they earn from administrative data transactions into exchange clinical data with other organizations. Some organizations are then able to put the money they earn from administrative data transactions into exchange clinical data with other organizations.

15 14/15 Getting Involved With RHIOs Getting people to work together. Getting people to work together. Support financial decision and provide other administrative guidance Support financial decision and provide other administrative guidance “ What does the future hold for RHIO? ” “ What does the future hold for RHIO? ” The size of the RHIOs will grow. The size of the RHIOs will grow.

16 15/15 Learning proverb happily 快 樂 學《諺語》 An uncut gem goes not sparkle. An uncut gem goes not sparkle. Patience is bitter but its fruit is Patience is bitter but its fruit is sweet. sweet.

17 Thanks you !! Thanks you !!

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