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Department of Applied Physics The Hong Kong Polytechnic University News & Events (2007-01~03) 01-01-2007: Happy New Year! 01-01-2007: A paper titled “Epitaxial.

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Presentation on theme: "Department of Applied Physics The Hong Kong Polytechnic University News & Events (2007-01~03) 01-01-2007: Happy New Year! 01-01-2007: A paper titled “Epitaxial."— Presentation transcript:

1 Department of Applied Physics The Hong Kong Polytechnic University News & Events (2007-01~03) 01-01-2007: Happy New Year! 01-01-2007: A paper titled “Epitaxial growth of SrTiO3 thin film on Si by laser molecular beam epitaxy" (Miss ZHOU Xiaoyuan as the first author and Dr. WANG Yu as the correspondence author) appears in the January 01, 2007 issue of Applied Physics Letters (Vol.90, p. 012902). 01-05-2007: Group meeting. Dr. ZHANG Li gave a talk on magnetic materials. 01-07-2007: Group meeting. Mr. JI Hong gave a talk on x-ray diffraction and reflection. 01-16-2007: Group meeting. Dr. WANG Kefeng gave a review on multiferroic materials. 01-25-2007: A paper titled “Comparison of Structures and Properties of BST Thin Films Grown on LAO and MAO Substrates" (Mr. YING Zhan as the first author and Dr. WANG Yu as the correspondence author) appears in a recent issue of Integrated Ferroelectrics (Vol.86, p. 103-8). 01-25-2007: A paper titled “Influence of Processing Conditions on the Structure of Strontium Titanate Thin Films Grown on Si by Laser MBE" (Miss ZHOU Xiaoyuan as the first author and Dr. WANG Yu as correspondence author) appears in a recent issue of Integrated Ferroelectrics (Vol.86, p. 109-16). 01-30-2007: Group meeting. Mr. YAN Zhi gave a talk on FBAR devices. 02-09-2007: Congratulations! Official notice has been received today that the PolyU’s Research Student Attachment Programs Selection Panel had approved Miss ZHOU Xiaoyuan's application for a research student attachment program at the University of Dayton, US. The Panel had agreed to award Miss Zhou a scholarship to cover part of her living expenses in the US and airfare. She is expected to leave for the US in late March. 02-16-2007: Happy Spring Festival! Friends and team members gathered at Dr. Wang’s home tonight to celebrate the Chinese New Year’s Eve. Some photos are attached – (1) Cheers (SUN Chengliang, JI Hong, WANG Yu, ZHANG Li, QU Jifeng, WANG Kefeng and YING Zhan); (2) JI Hong & Sarah; (3) ZHANG Li & Sarah; (4) CHEN Xuejiao & Sarah; (5) ZHANG Yuan Yuan and Sarah; (6) ZHANG Yuanyuan, CHEN Xuejiao, ZHANG Li & Sarah.(1) Cheers (SUN Chengliang, JI Hong, WANG Yu, ZHANG Li, QU Jifeng, WANG Kefeng and YING Zhan)(2) JI Hong & Sarah; (3) ZHANG Li & Sarah(4) CHEN Xuejiao & Sarah;(5) ZHANG Yuan and Sarah;(6) ZHANG Yuanyuan, CHEN Xuejiao, ZHANG Li & Sarah.  Back to “News & Events” Page 1

2 Department of Applied Physics The Hong Kong Polytechnic University  Back to “News & Events” Page 1 02-25-2007: Bye! Mr. YAN Zhi left Hong Kong for Shanghai today. He will continue his Ph.D. study the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology. 02-26-2007: Welcome! Miss YU Xuelian joined our group today. Miss Yu is currently a Ph.D. student at Beijing Institute of Technology. Her supervisor at BIT is Professor Cao Cuanbao. At PolyU she will be working on nanomaterials, under the supervision of Professor Helen Chan and Dr. Wang. 03-05-2007: A paper titled “Preparation and characterization of hafnium doped barium titanate ceramics" (Dr. TIAN Huyong as the 1 st author and Dr.WANG Yu as the 2 nd author) is now available online. It will appear in the April issue of Journal of Alloys and Compounds (Vol.431, p. 197-202). 03-07-2007: Group meeting. Dr. ZHANG Li gave a talk on magnetic domain observation using MFM. 03-16-2007: ITF Project Progress Review Visit. Three members of the ITF management team paid a review visit. Dr. WANG Yu gave a presentation titled “Electrically tunable microwave phase shifters based on ferroelectric thin films”. Professor Helen CHAN and our ITF project team attended the meeting and discussions. After the meeting, Dr. Wang escorted a lab tour and demonstrated the samples developed with the support of the project. 03-24-2007: Congratulations! Mr. YING Zhan and Mr. YAN Zhi both won “ 上海微系统与信息技术研究 所所长奖学金 ”. YING Zhan is also nominated for “ 中科院刘永龄奖学金一等奖 ”. 03-27-2007: Bye! Mr. YING Zhan left Hong Kong for Shanghai today. He will continue his Ph.D. study the Shanghai Institute of Microsystems and Information Technology. 03-27-2007: A paper titled “Thickness dependence of in-plane dielectric and ferroelectric properties of Ba 0.7 Sr 0.3 TiO 3 thin films epitaxially grown on LaAlO 3 " (Miss ZHOU Xiaoyuan as the first author and Dr. Wang as the correspondence author) and appears in the March 26 issue of Applied Physics Letters (Vol.90, p.132902).

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