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Science Education Program BECOMING A SCIENCE TEACHER: Undergraduate Majors in the Natural Sciences
Science Education Program Presentation Contents California Science Credential Requirements –Subject Matter Competency, Science Credential Options Undergraduate Degrees in the Natural Sciences –Biology, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Geological Sciences, Physics –Minor in Natural Science Your Next Steps –Plan for College, Learn about CSUF, Prepare to be a Science Major, Prepare to be a Science Teacher Additional Resources Be a Science Teacher Presentation 2
Science Education Program CALIFORNIA SCIENCE CREDENTIAL REQUIREMENTS To earn a secondary science teaching credential, candidates must –demonstrate subject matter competency and –complete a program of professional preparation. The California Commission on Teacher Credentialing authorizes nine different science credentials for teaching in grades 7-12. –Each credential requires demonstration of subject matter competence through completion of specific undergraduate or graduate degrees OR successful passage of several subtests of the California Science Examination for Teachers (CSET) in Science. –Candidates with a regular credential in a science area are authorized to teach in their specific discipline as well as general and integrated science, including middle school science. –Candidates with a Specialized credential in a science area are authorized to teach only in their specific discipline. The most common route to subject matter competency is a major in a specific discipline and passage of the appropriate CSETs. Be a Science Teacher Presentation 3
Majors and Minors in Science Presentation 4
Science Education Program Undergraduate Degrees in the Natural Sciences College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics California State University Fullerton 5 Be a Science Teacher Presentation
Science Education Program College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Includes close to 100 full-time faculty members Supports1,400 students majoring in NSM programs Each year, graduates about 350 students with baccalaureate degrees and 50 students with master's degrees, who find employment in neighboring communities and provide tremendous resources for Orange County and beyond Each year, certifies more than 25 secondary science teachers and prepares over 300 multiple subject candidates in science content through specially designed courses for future elementary teachers Majoring in the Natural Sciences 6
Science Education Program Typical Undergraduate Student The average California State University Fullerton student: –Is 23.7 years old –Works more than 20 hours per week –Takes about 11 units per semester –Completes a bachelor's degree in 6+ years Be a Science Teacher Presentation 7
Science Education Program BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biological Science – Is designed for students who wish to enter graduate or health professional schools, enter the teacher credential program, teach, or seek careers in business, industry or government. – Includes core courses and electives from areas such as molecular and microbial biology, cell and developmental biology, immunology, animal and plant physiology, evolutionary biology, and desert and marine ecology. – Includes on-campus facilities such as computer labs, aquarium rooms, constant temperature rooms, animal rooms, photographic darkrooms, plant and animal reference collections, and scanning and transmission electron microscopes, greenhouse facilities and the 26-acre Fullerton Arboretum. – Includes off-campus facilities such as the Field Station of the Desert Studies Consortium in the Mojave Desert, the Tucker Wildlife Sanctuary in the Laguna Mountains, and the 85- foot oceanographic vessel, Yellowfin, of the Southern California Marine Institute, moored at Terminal Island. Be a Science Teacher Presentation 8
Science Education Program BIOLOGICAL SCIENCE Upper Division Areas of Concentration –Biodiversity, Ecology, and Conservation Biology - study of biological organisms, their responses to environment on evolutionary and ecological time scales, and conservation. –Biology Pedagogy - How do students learn about biology? This is a fascinating question that involves the integration of psychology, education, as well as biological knowledge. Faculty in this area work at the interface of biology and pedagogy and their graduate students are broadly trained in teaching and research processes to go on to Ph.D. programs or careers as community college or K12 teachers. –Cell and Developmental Biology - study of the structural and functional dynamics of cells as they apply to the specialized fields of immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, physiology, and developmental biology. –Marine Biology - study of marine organisms and their coastal and oceanic habitats and conservation, environmental and evolutionary issues related to these organisms and their habitats. –Molecular Biology and Biotechnology - study of genetics, molecular biology, and biotechnology and their applications to medicine, agriculture and the environment. Be a Science Teacher Presentation 9
Science Education Program Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Biology Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) - The MARC training program offers an extraordinary opportunity for minority students seeking careers in biomedical research. The goals of the program are to provide first-rate research training of undergraduate participants, to place undergraduates into respected graduate programs and ensure their success in those programs. Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training Program (MHIRT) - MHIRT students travel with their CSU faculty mentor to a foreign site and spend ten weeks conducting research in the laboratory of a foreign research advisor. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Research Scholars Program- Supported by the HHMI, this provides support for CSUF and community college undergraduates, as well as some cohorts of high school teachers and their students with research experiences, to promote interest in biomedical research careers. Southern California Ecosystems Research Program (SCERP) - SCERP provides research opportunities, funding for travel, and career planning for undergraduates interested in ecology and environmental biology. Be a Science Teacher Presentation 10
Science Education Program Degree Options – Bachelor of Science in Chemistry – for students who intend to become practicing laboratory chemists, – Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry – for students who want to enter the health professions, biochemistry, pharmaceutical or medicinal chemistry, or biotechnology – Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry – for students who wish to use chemistry in careers that include sales, marketing or management in a chemistry-related industry; forensics; patent law; technical writing; art conservation; and high school teaching Be a Science Teacher Presentation 11 CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Science Education Program Emphases – Environmental Chemistry – for students who are interested in careers relating to research or work dealing with air and water chemistry, hazardous materials, as well as the toxicology of environmental pollutants from industry and agriculture and their remediation. – Biotechnology – for students wanting to work in pharmaceutical and related industries or who want to enter the health professions, biochemistry, pharmaceutical or medicinal chemistry, or fields using biotechnology Be a Science Teacher Presentation 12 CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY
Science Education Program Undergraduate Research Opportunities in Chemistry Research for Undergraduate Degrees - All undergraduates are required to perform significant research to obtain their bachelor’s degrees in chemistry or biochemistry. Summer Research Experiences for undergraduates (REU) - The National Science Foundation supports a ten-week summer undergraduate research program at CSUF, to provide chemistry and biochemistry research experience and encourage students to pursue research careers in chemistry and biochemistry. Minority Access to Research Careers (MARC) - This program offers an extraordinary opportunity for minority students seeking careers in biomedical research, the goals being to provide first-rate research training of undergraduates, their placement into respected graduate programs and ensuring their success in those programs. Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) Research Scholars Program- Supported by the HHMI, this provides support for CSUF and community college undergraduates, as well as some cohorts of high school teachers and their students with research experiences, to promote interest in biomedical research careers. Minority Health and Health Disparities International Research Training Program (MHIRT) - MHIRT students travel with CSU faculty mentor to a foreign site and spend ten weeks conducting research in the laboratory of a foreign research advisor. Be a Science Teacher Presentation 13
Science Education Program Health Professions Resources Health Professions Advisement Office –University Hall 223, (714)278-3980 –Advisement for careers in medicine, dentistry, optometry, physician assistant, pharmacy and other related fields –Assistance with applications to health professions programs Article: Health Professions Trains Future Medical Pros – Organization: Student Health Professions Association (SHPA) – Majoring in the atural Sciences 14
Science Education Program GEOLOGICAL SCIENCES Be a Science Teacher Presentation 15 Geology is the study of the Earth, its physical nature, chemical composition and dynamics of the earth. In addition to understanding the way the earth works and its relationship to the solar system, geological scientists search for energy, mineral and water resources, evaluate and mitigate man-made environmental hazards, and evaluate hazards from natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, coastal erosion and floods. Degree Options Bachelor of Science in Geology Bachelor of Arts in Earth Science Minor in Geology Career Options Include Environmental Consulting Geotechnical Engineering Water Resource Management Petroleum Mining & Mineral Exploration K-12 Teaching And many more!
Science Education Program Summer Internships in Geology Internships are designed to educate CSUF geology majors about career options in the geological sciences. Eligibility requirements are such that most geology majors will be eligible at the end of their sophomore year. Interns are paid by the employer and do not receive course credit. Interns are awarded a $1,000 scholarship upon the successful completion of the summer internship. Internship organizations include the following: Brown and Caldwell - environmental engineering and consulting firm Geosyntec- specialized consulting and engineering firm GEOVision - high-quality geophysical data acquisition, analysis, and imaging services The Reynolds Group - environmental consulting company Worley Parsons - engineering firm serving hydrocarbons, power, infrastructure, and minerals & metals sectors Rock Springs Mineral Processing - bentonite mining and distribution company And More! Be a Science Teacher Presentation 16
Science Education Program Geology Undergraduate Research Opportunities All Geology Majors complete an Undergraduate Thesis - an original research project under the direct supervision of a faculty member Theses frequently involve field-based research, although many students also pursue theoretical projects Many theses are published in major research journals, and some have even developed into graduate (MS or PhD) theses Pedagogical research theses are welcome!
Science Education Program What is Geology Field Camp? A long-standing tradition in the education of a geologist. 5-week long field-intensive mapping course Synthesis of classroom, laboratory, and field- based training to solving a variety of complex geological problems in the field Geology students develop and refine many skills that are necessary for future employment including: Collecting geologic data in the field Interpreting important geologic structures Performing geologic mapping and geologic report writing in an accurate, professional, and timely manner
Science Education Program Getting there is only part of the fun!
Science Education Program PHYSICS Degree Options –Bachelor of Science in Physics - excellent preparation either for graduate study in physics and related areas, or for entry-level positions in industry or government. –BS Physics with Business Emphasis - provides training in entrepreneurship to undergraduate physics majors Be a Science Teacher Presentation 20
Science Education Program Dan Black Program in Physics & Business Special emphasis provides undergraduate physics majors with training and experience needed to succeed in today's world of high- technology business. Coursework sequence includes core physics courses and accounting, finance, marketing, management, and business communication. Students in capstone course develop plans to start new business and are guided through this process by a program advisory board that includes business leaders and entrepreneurs from southern California's “Tech Coast.” Be a Science Teacher Presentation 21
Science Education Program Dr. Robert W. Kedzie Memorial Tutorial Center The Physics Department at California State University, Fullerton operates a tutorial center that is open to all students enrolled in any physics course offered by the department. The center is located in McCarthy Hall (MH-600). It is staffed by faculty members and volunteers beginning with the second week of classes each semester. Be a Science Teacher Presentation 22
Science Education Program MINOR IN NATURAL SCIENCE CSUF offers a Minor in Natural Sciences that should be considered by all prospective elementary teachers as well as potential middle school science teachers. By completing the minor, future teachers: – Gain additional preparation in science content areas; – Learn about important and current concepts and issues in science; and – Prepare for teaching earth, life, and physical science in middle schools. The minor readily combines with any major when the student carefully selects the appropriate lower division general education classes. Assuming efficient lower division GE science selections, the minor may require only 9-11 units of additional coursework. Be a Science Teacher Presentation 23
Majoring in the Natural Sciences 24 Lower Division Courses Take at least 3 units from each group for a total of 9-11 units Must have an * course from Life Science and a second one from either Physical Sciences or Earth/Astronomical Sciences. Life Science 3 Units Minimum Biology 101, 101L*, 102 or equivalent Life Science 3 Units Minimum Biology 101, 101L*, 102 or equivalent Earth/Astronomical Sciences 3 Units Minimum Geology 101, 101L*, 102*, or equivalent. Physics 120 Earth/Astronomical Sciences 3 Units Minimum Geology 101, 101L*, 102*, or equivalent. Physics 120 Physical Sciences 3 Units Minimum Chemistry 100, 100L*, 105, 111, 115 or 120A*, 120B*, Physics/Chem 102* Physics 101, 101L*, 115, 211*, 212* Physical Sciences 3 Units Minimum Chemistry 100, 100L*, 105, 111, 115 or 120A*, 120B*, Physics/Chem 102* Physics 101, 101L*, 115, 211*, 212* Natural Sciences Minor Requirements Upper Division Courses 12 Units Total: At least 2 units from three course groups: Teacher Education Core, Biology, Chemistry, Geology, and Physics. Natural Sciences Minor advisor must approve course election. Teacher Education Core Courses Group 1 Biology 453, Geology 410 Teacher Education Core Courses Group 1 Biology 453, Geology 410 Biological Science Courses Group 2 Biology 300, 305, 306, 310, 311, 318, 319, 330, 352, 360, 409, 453 Biological Science Courses Group 2 Biology 300, 305, 306, 310, 311, 318, 319, 330, 352, 360, 409, 453 Chemistry/Biochemistry Courses Chemistry 303 A, B, C, 311, and 313 A, B, C Chemistry/Biochemistry Courses Chemistry 303 A, B, C, 311, and 313 A, B, C Geological Sciences Courses Geology 310T, 410, 420 Geological Sciences Courses Geology 310T, 410, 420 Physics Courses Physics 301 Physics Courses Physics 301 See to identify community college and lower division courses that articulate with Cal State Fullerton courses.
Science Education Program Natural Sciences Minor as a Stepping Stone to Middle School Science There are two credential pathways to middle school science teaching: Candidates may earn a Multiple Subject Credential and add the Foundational Level General Science Credential by passage of #118 and #119 CSET Subtests AND successful completion of EDSC 542S Advanced Methods of Teaching Middle School Science (offered each summer) Candidates earn a Single Subject Credential in Foundational Level General Science by completing the single subject credential program. The Minor in Natural Sciences helps prepare candidates for CSET subtests: #118 Subtest I General Science: Astronomy; Dynamic Processes of the Earth; Earth Resources; Waves; Forces and Motion; Electricity and Magnetism #119 Subtest II General Science: Ecology; Genetics and Evolution; Molecular Biology and Biochemistry; Cell and Organismal Biology; Heat Transfer and Thermodynamics; Structure/Properties of Matter Majoring in the Natural Sciences 25
Science Education Program Special Information and Support for Community College Transfer Students University Resources –Information for Transfer Students –Mandatory Orientation for Transfer Students Center for Careers in Teaching Resources –Community College Student Information College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics –Each department provides one-on-one advisement for transfer students. Majoring in the Natural Sciences 26
Science Education Program Your Next Steps: Plan for College Create an account at and complete the High School Planner View timeline of preparation (by grade level) at hmen/12thgrade.htm hmen/12thgrade.htm Meet admission requirements hmen/qualify.htm hmen/qualify.htm Be a Science Teacher Presentation 27
Science Education Program Your Next Steps: Learn About CSUF Return for a campus tour – register at Visit the Student Information and Referral Center (SIRC) - University Hall 178 - (714) 278-2501 Learn more about Cal State Fullerton at our Website: Be a Science Teacher Presentation 28
Science Education Program Your Next Steps: Prepare to be a Science Major Review the View Sheet for your major (you may also download these at Make an appointment to tour the department facilities and receive early advisement: –Biological Sciences – 714-278-3614 –Chemistry/Biochemistry – 714-278-3621 –Geological Sciences – 714-278-3882 –Physics – 714-278-3366 Be a successful science student! –Find resources for time management at Be a Science Teacher Presentation 29
Science Education Program Your Next Steps: Prepare to be a Science Teacher Complete your undergraduate degree in a science field. Visit the Center for Careers in Teaching – see Attend a Single Subject Credential Program overview – the schedule is found at Keep informed about science education opportunities by joining our Science Education Electronic Network Stay involved in teaching by volunteering at your local schools! Join your national organization (see following slides) and the California Science Teachers Association (see Be a Science Teacher Presentation 30
Science Education Program GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA Education and Teacher Resources Website Education and Teacher Resources Website Why Earth Science brochure Why Earth Science Nature of Science and Scientific Method Understanding Climate Change presentations and videos Understanding Climate Change Be a Science Teacher Presentation 31
Science Education Program AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Resources for Teaching and Learning Resources for Teaching and Learning The Butterfly Project Be a Science Teacher Presentation 32
Science Education Program More Resources for Biology/Life Science Teachers American Society for Cell Biology BioEducate Resources Society for Neuroscience Neuroscience Education Resources Virtual Encyclopedia (NERVE) for the K-12 Teacher Majoring in the Natural Sciences 33
Science Education Program AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Website for Educators and Students Curriculum Materials Student Activities ACS High School Student Clubs – Your Virtual Chemistry Club Your Virtual Chemistry Club Public Service Announcement Be a Science Teacher Presentation 34
Science Education Program AMERICAN PHYSICS SOCIETY Website for Students and Educators Website for Students and Educators Color Me Physics Coloring Book Physics to Go Be a Science Teacher Presentation 35
Science Education Program CSTA Be a Science Teacher Presentation 36 CSTA represents science educators statewide—in every science discipline at every grade level, Kindergarten through University. CSTA demonstrates leadership in science education in the state by organizing and participating in statewide reform initiatives, and provides leadership opportunities for members who wish to serve on state advisory committees, including framework, standards, and textbook committees. CSTA works to ensure that the interests of science educators are represented at the state level, with legislators and state education policy-makers
Science Education Program NSTA NSTA’s Guiding Principles Model excellence; Champion science literacy; Value scientific excellence; Embrace diversity, equity, and respect; Enhance teaching and learning through research; Collaborate with partners; and Exemplify a dynamic professional organization. The National Science Teachers Association (NSTA), founded in 1944 and headquartered in Arlington, Virginia, is the largest organization in the world committed to promoting excellence and innovation in science teaching and learning for all. NSTA's membership of 60,000 includes science teachers, science supervisors, administrators, scientists, business and industry representatives, and others involved in and committed to science education. Be a Science Teacher Presentation 37
Science Education Program NSTA CAREER CENTER There are many things you can do to prepare for a career as a science teacher before you enter the classroom. Whether you are still a student or you are an adult seeking to enter the field, now is the time for you to begin building skills related to teaching, management, and organization. See suggestions and resources at:
Science Education Program ADVISEMENT RESOURCES Center for Careers in Teaching Science Education Programs Science Education Office McCarthy Hall 527, 714-278-2703 Science Education Program Director Dr. Vikki Costa ( ) Be a Science Teacher Presentation 39
Science Education Program ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Why Teach? – I love Teaching – - designed to encourage new teachers New – -designed to inspire those considering teaching). Occupational Outlook Handbook – Information on Teaching – - the site offers extensive information on the nature of teaching, the employment picture, working conditions, and the job outlook Career Planning for Teachers – - describes the nature of teaching Status of the American Public School Teacher – - snapshot of the profession today in a historical perspective
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