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Converting To Linux Dr. Randy Appleton (Movie)

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Presentation on theme: "Converting To Linux Dr. Randy Appleton (Movie)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Converting To Linux Dr. Randy Appleton (Movie)

2 About the Talk I assume you already run windows. I assume you already have heard of Linux. I assume you’re not a Linux expert. Some of this is opinion.

3 Do People Convert? Italian school district converts 2,400. Dreamworks has 1,500 desktops and 3,500 servers. French Ministry of Agriculture converted 500 servers. Lots of examples

4 Definition Distribution – Linux packaged with lots of apps and support. –RedHat –Ubuntu –Lots of others

5 Reasons to Convert Linux is free –Don’t need to go to the store. –Don’t need to pay. –Don’t need to check for compliance. –Don’t need to check for employee’s compliance. –And you don’t have to pay for MS Office!

6 Reasons to Convert Linux is free –Can hand it out to workers. –Can hand it out to friends. –Can hand it to anyone.

7 Reasons to Convert Better Security –Linux is virus free. –Linux is IE free. –Linux does not get virii Mostly …

8 Reasons to Convert Lots of applications –OpenOffice Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. –MySQL –GAIM –MP3 players –Everything …Pre-installed.

9 Reasons to Convert Easier Install. –Apps and OS install at the same time no Office disks. –Everything works out of the box. –Laptop’s work generally. –Windows come pre-installed on the hardware.

10 Reasons to Convert Linux can be locked down –Keep non-technical people from trying to admin their machine. –Has a kiosk mode. –Each admin can handle more desktops.

11 Reasons to Convert Linux is smaller than Windows –Damn Small Linux is 40MB total. Linux on a stick! –Ubuntu is one CD-ROM including OpenOffice. –RedHat is 4 CD-ROMs including OpenOffice. –Works better on cheaper hardware too.

12 Reasons to Convert Linux can remote boot easily. –Bunch of dumb clients. –One server. –Clients come and go … no one cares. –Easy admin for large homogenous groups. Workers Kiosk

13 Reasons to Convert Change is coming –Don’t convert to Vista –Convert to Linux

14 Things Linux Does Better Linux is better at networking –Can access every type of file system I’ve ever heard of. (e.g. Samba) –Can access your desktop remotely (built in). –Can access your command line remotely (built in). –Has lots of utilities built in (traceroute, ethereal, etc.) –Free firewalling and routing.

15 Things Linux Does Better Can Admin from Home! –Really –Truly –Generally –Already installed

16 Things Linux Does Better Linux is a better email server –Handle huge volumes on archaic machines. –Check for spam –Check for virii –Keep logs –All free

17 Things Linux Does Better Web Serving –Apache comes installed –PHP, Python, Perl, MYSQL come installed. –Log analyzers come installed. –All free

18 Things Linux Does Better Better online support (IMHO). –Web Pages –Newsgroups –Etc. There is a social network too –But Windows has a better one.

19 Things Linux Does Better Contracted support options –Lots of options for each distribution 21 for Ubuntu in USA $30 per incident, $100 per client, $400 per server from Canonical.

20 Reasons to Stay With Windows Everyone knows windows. –Reduces training costs –Admins can be cheaper to hire Some people hate computers and hate change. –But everyone can change if needed.

21 Reasons to Stay With Windows Office is compatible with itself. –OpenOffice is pretty close. –Newer OpenOffice is pretty close indeed. –But it’s not perfect.

22 Reasons to Stay With Windows Windows has every possible app, Linux does not. –Financial apps –Vendor supplied apps –Special web sites (FEMA) –Can dual boot, run Wine, etc.

23 Reasons to Stay With Windows Windows has a better GUI –More consistent. Gnome and KDE are working on this –More refined. –Linux is good, Windows is better.

24 Reasons to Stay With Windows You already know Windows –But you want to learn –And you like to learn –And it’s better for your resume

25 Converting Strategies Convert all at once. –Works best for small groups. –Convert yourself. –Test. –Come in over the weekend. –Convert everyone. –Fix problems as they arise. –Don’t screw it up; get everyone on board.

26 How To Convert Convert gradually. –Convert yourself. –Test –Carefully pick a person or small group. –Convert them. –Wait for things to settle. –Repeat.

27 How To Convert Convert Gradually (cont). –Your hope is to get internal champions. –You will need to manage both systems for a while.

28 How To Convert Convert the servers, but not the clients –Email, file, print, identity servers. –Get a machine (even a cheap one). –Install software and test outside of production. –Swap it with the original server. –Low hassle. –Possibly most bang for the buck. –Need to learn to systems.

29 How to Convert Gradual Approach –Convert yourself –Convert a server or two –Convert an interest tech-oriented person. –Keep converting. –Works well

30 What I Chose Our department runs on two Linux servers. My work desktop is a Linux client. My laptop dual boots. Our Tivo runs Linux. Our Linksys runs Linux. My home machine runs Windows  –Came pre-installed –Runs AOL –Runs kids games


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