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Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 1 Hardware and Software Chapter 2.

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1 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 1 Hardware and Software Chapter 2

2 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 2 Learning Objectives –Identify and discuss the role of the essential hardware components of a computer system. –List and describe popular classes of computer systems and discuss the role of each. –Outline the role of the operating system and discuss how operating systems have evolved over time. –Identify and briefly describe the functions of the two basic kinds of software.

3 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 3 Computer System Components Math calculations Access, decode, coordinate instructions Hold program instructions and data

4 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 4 Hardware Components in Action Instruction phase –Step 1: Fetch instruction –Step 2: Decode instruction Execution phase –Step 3: Execute the instruction –Step 4: Store the results

5 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 5 Execution of an Instruction

6 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 6 Processing and Memory Devices

7 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 7 Processing Characteristics and Functions Machine cycle time: Time to execute the instruction phase Clock speed: –Rate at which electronic pulses are produces. –Measured in MHz Wordlength –Bit (Binary digiT): 0 or 1 –Unit for moving data –Wordlength: The number of bits a CPU can process in a unit time –32-64 bit processors

8 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 8 Moore’s Law Number of transistors doubles every 18 months

9 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 9 Number of Bytes

10 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 10 Types of Memory (1) Random access memory (RAM) –Volatile –Extended Data Out (EDO) RAM –Dynamic Ram (DRAM) –Synchronous DRAM: Faster transfer speed between memory and processor

11 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 11 Types of Memory (2) Read-only memory (ROM) –Non-volatile –Permanent data and instructions from manufacturer –Types PROM: Programmable EPROM: Erasable programmable

12 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 12 Basic Types of Memory Chips

13 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 13 Secondary Storage and Output Devices

14 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 14 Cost Comparisons for Various Forms of Data Storage

15 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 15 Secondary Storage Access Methods Sequential access –Access in the same order it was written –Ex: Need to access memory location 5. Then, you need to go through 1, 2, 3, and 4 first. Direct access –Directly access the location –Faster than sequential access Sequential access storage devices (SASD) Direct access storage devices (DASD)

16 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 16 Secondary Storage Devices (1) Magnetic tapes: Similar to audio tapes, SASD Magnetic discs: Hard disk, DASD RAID: Redundant array of independent inexpensive disks –Data stored more than once in one of the disks –Even if one disk fails, data can still be retrieved SAN: Storage area network –Consist of many storage devices Optical discs, DASD –CD-ROM

17 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 17 Secondary Storage Devices (2) Magneto-optical discs Digital versatile discs (DVD): Up to 17 GB storage Memory cards –Installed in a slot –Portable Expandable storage: Removable disk cartridges –Portable –Zip drives

18 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 18 Types of Secondary Storage

19 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 19 Hard Disc

20 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 20 Storage Area Network

21 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 21 Digital Versatile Disc Player

22 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 22 Expandable Storage

23 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 23 Comparison of Secondary Storage Devices

24 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 24 Input Devices Personal computer input devices –Keyboard –Mouse Voice-recognition devices –Microphone –Software to convert voice into bits Digital computer cameras –Record images and video Terminals –Connects to a powerful server for computations Scanning devices –Page –Handheld Touch-sensitive Screens

25 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 25 A PC Equipped with a Computer Camera

26 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 26 Output Devices Display Monitors –Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) –Wide –Lights up pixels Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs) –Flat panel Printers and Plotters –Speed measured in pages (page printed per minute) Music Devices –MP3 Players

27 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 27 Laser Printer

28 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 28 Types of Computer Systems

29 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 29 Overview of Software

30 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 30 Overview of Software Computer programs: Sequences of instructions Documentation: Describe program functions Systems software: Coordinate the activities of the hardware Computer system platform: –Hardware configuration + systems software Application software: Programs that help users with certain tasks

31 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 31 Classifying Software by Type and Sphere of Influence

32 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 32 Systems Software

33 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 33 Operating Systems Perform common computer hardware functions –Ex: Get input from keyboard Provide a user interface –Command-based user interface (ms-dos) –Graphical-user interface (windows) Provide a degree of hardware independence –Application program interface Manage system memory –Convert logical view to physical view

34 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 34 Operating Systems Manage processing tasks –Allocate computer resources –Multitasking (run more than once application at a time) –Time-sharing (allow multiple access to a system) Provide networking capability –Enable connection to the Internet Control access to system resources –Authentication Manage files –Access to files

35 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 35 Role of the Operating System

36 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 36 Application Program Interface

37 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 37 An Example of the Operating System Controlling Physical Access to Data

38 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 38 Popular Operating Systems

39 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 39 Workgroup Operating Systems Windows 2000 Server Unix Netware Red Hat Linux Mac OS X Server

40 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 40 Consumer Appliance Operating Systems Windows CE.NET Windows XP Embedded Handheld PC Pocket PC Palm OS

41 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 41 Application Software

42 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 42 Sources of Software

43 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 43 Proprietary and Off-the-Shelf Software

44 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 44 Examples of Personal Productivity Software

45 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 45 TurboTax

46 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 46 Quicken

47 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 47 Word Processing Program

48 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 48 Spreadsheet Program

49 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 49 Database Program

50 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 50 Graphics Program

51 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 51 Software Suites

52 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 52 Enterprise Application Software

53 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 53 Use of Integrated Supply Chain Management Software

54 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 54 Selected Enterprise Resource Planning Vendors

55 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 55 Summary of Programming Languages First: Computer interactions written in machine code –Machine language Second: –Abbreviations for common operations –Assembler converts code to machine language –Assembly language Third –Instructions are English-like –Compliers convert code to machine language –Fortran: Good for scientific computing –Cobol: Good file handling –Java: Good for Web applications

56 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 56 Summary of Programming Languages Fourth –Even easy for non-programmers –Tell what to do, not how to do it –Focus, Powerhouse Visual Programming Languages –Point-and-click –Drag-and-drop –Useful for user interfaces –Visual Basic, Visual C++ Object-oriented Languages –Objects contain data, methods to operate data –C++, Java

57 Fundamentals of Information Systems, Second Edition 57 Summary Hardware devices work together to perform input, processing, data storage, and output. There are two main categories of software: systems software and application software. An operating system (OS) is a set of computer programs that controls the computer hardware to support users’ computing needs. Application software may be proprietary or off-the-shelf. There are five generations of programming languages, plus object- oriented programming languages.

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