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University of Latvia The Department of Sociology Nordplus project group meeting NOV 18 - 21 / 2009, Riga
Riga meeting programme (nov. 18-21/2009) Reflection about development of module ‘Supervision in social work’ Nordplus project 2008/2009 activities To discuss project perspective succession 2010/2012 (Next Nordplus HE application). Each partners present own university position / attitude about joint study module “Supervision in Social work” implementation (possibility) To present and discuss subjects of module (to develop final module position) To discuss subject description / syllabus and drafting all study module programmes compendium (for students and teachers needs). Planning of future meetings in Vilnius. Agreement of “To do list till Vilnius conference ”
Nordplus project 2008/2009 activities Organized 2 planned meetings in the project (2008/2009): Partners' (Lithuania, Latvia, Finland, Sweden, Norway) in Nordplus HE project 'The Development of Supervision model in Social Work' meeting (10 - 13 Dec, 2008) in Vilnius, Mykolas Romeris University and meeting (10 -13 June 2009 ) in University of Goteborg (Sweden).
Nordplus project 2008/2009 activities International work group was organized (10 members) University of Tampere – Anna Metteri, Aino – Ritala Koskinen University of Latvia – Evija Apine University of Goteborg – Elenor Billo, Ing- Marie Johansson University of Stavanger – Tone Haugs University of Mykolas Romeris – Alina Petrauskiene, Justinas Sadauskas, Jolanta Pivoriene and lecturers from national universities as well as social partners (moderators of student practice in organizations/ student practice supervisors /practicianes - social workers) where included in meetings and discussions.
Nordplus project 2008/2009 activities Partners' work group of project countries defined the structure of the module 'Supervision in Social Work' and gained competences in module studies preparing student supervisors (10 - 13 Dec, 2008, Vilnius meeting).
Nordplus project 2008/2009 activities Partners' work group of project countries defined the 5 subjects and content of the module 'Supervision in Social Work (10 -13 June 2009, Goteborg meeting)
Nordplus project 2008/2009 activities Projects of a module subjects/programmes: (1) Professional Development and Supervision in Social Work (SWEDEN) (2) Process of Individual and Group Supervision (FINLAND) (3) Professional ethics and supervision (LITHUANIA) (4) Practicum of Supervising (LATVIA) (5) ??? were prepared in English language
Nordplus project 2008/2009 activities Internet page of the project was created at All prepared material in meetings is placed in the internet page of the project at The possibility was made to discuss prepared module subjects/programmes in Moodle environment for international work group members. Further project's activities are foreseen in 2009/2010
Questions and comments (Report 2008/2009) To which degree did the produce the planned products? -3 It should be noted that project is still in progress (1 more year of its activities is ahead) and thus 50 per cent of the planned products have been produced. Furthermore, there is a clear schedule according to which the remaining project activities will be produced. In addition, in order to carry out network activities, time is needed. The chosen direction is right, however, some challenges are faced with from time to time as well that have to be dealt within the project time
Questions and comments (Report 2008/2009) To which degree did the project meet its planet budget? - 4 Funds estimated for the activities of the project had not been fully used, i.e., at the end of the first year of the project some amounts have remained. This is due to the fact that during the kick-off meeting in Vilnius, partners from Sweden did not come, but we organized a video conference with the representatives of Goteborg University during which a live broadcast of whole meeting was carried out and it enabled all the project partners to be fully enrolled into the meeting activities. When project meeting was organized in Goteborg, partners from Norway were unable to participate therein. Nevertheless, we are assured that this hasn’t had any impact on the outcome of project results.
Nordplus project 2009/2010 activities To organize 2 planned meetings and conference (Riga Nov 18-21/2009, Vilnius /May19-21/2010) Results: Exchange of the experience Development of module All study module programmes compendium (for students and teachers needs): conception, study plan, study subjects/course materials. Dissemination, conference Next application for module implementation (strategy for implementation of the development study program will be discussed by partners) Internet page, article
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