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T2K at Université de Genève

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1 T2K at Université de Genève
 today T2K clever ideas ND280 schedule outline N. Abgrall, P. Bene, A. Blondel, A. Bravar, M. Di Marco, D. Ferrere, F. Masciocchi, M. Ravonel, E. Perrin 19-20 octobre 2006 Workshop on "Neutrinos and flavors physics" CHIPP (Berne)

2 neutrino today Minos 1st results + Opera start : 2006 still unknown:
Gerda: construction starts …now ! Double-CHOOZ : data from far detector 2008, data with both detectors 2010 T2K: J-parc ready 2008, data 2009 NOvA : approval for construction 2007, data 2010 Katrin : start data taking fall 2009, full sensitivity 2015 still unknown: oscillation parameters 12 m12 23 m23 13   CP violation absolute mass nature: majorana or dirac ? good timing !  disappearance : precision measurement e appearance : discovery ! improve sensitivity to sin2 213 by an order of magnitude search for sterile components by NC events drives the design

3 T2K clever ideas far detector already exists: Super-Kamiokande
off-axis beam: highest intensity, almost monoenergetic sub-GeV ’s: two-body kinematics 3 2 -like e-like 0 E  1GeV,  = 0 – 180

4 T2K-I:    high precision
assuming 13~0 : P( )= 1 - sin2223  sin2(1.27 m223  L/E) goals: (sin2223 (m223eV challenge: detection of oscillation signal  from CCQE over background: CC-10 Baseline (L/E) T.Nakadaira, Nu2006

5 T2K-II:  e discovery
assuming m212 is small: P( e)= sin2213  sin223  sin2(m223  L/E) challenge: detection of oscillation signal e from CCQE over backgrounds: e from NC-0 beam contamination from K,  ~0.2% T2K: km, 0.8 GeV Baseline (L/E) goal: sin2213 0.006

6 T2K-II:  e discovery
T2K physics T.Nakadaira, Nu2006

7 JPARC- ~0.6GeV n beam 0.75 MW 50 GeV PS (2009 )
K2K & T2K Phase II: 4 MW upgrade Phase II HK: 1000 kt JPARC- ~0.6GeV n beam 0.75 MW 50 GeV PS (2009 ) SK: 22.5 kt Kamioka J-PARC K2K ~1.2 GeV n beam 0.01 MW 12 GeV PS (1999 2005)

8 Off Axis Beam Far Det. q low fraction of high energy 
quasi monochromatic beam oscillation maximum q Target Horns Decay Pipe Far Det.

9 requirements for near detectors
crucial:  spectrum at SuperK predicted by  spectrum at ND280m x Far/Near ratio determination of off-axis angle accuracy <<1 mrad  on-axis detector CC  and e fluxes at 5%  off-axis tracking detectors flux shape, absolute E scale, E resolution 0 production cross sections  Pi-Zero, Ecal pid: +/- and e+/e- identification detection of recoil p+ and - + e contamination with <10% uncertainty neutrino interactions in water target Fermi motion   momentum resolution – 100MeV/c Near detectors requirements

10 T2K far and near detectors
beam production near detectors Super-K p n 140m 0m 280m 2 km 295 km on-axis off-axis muon monitor beam direction + intensity of  beam “spill-by-spill” study of systematics (see talk by A. Badertscher) not approved yet Super-Kamioande (50kt) “Off-axis”: Measure neutrino beam spectrum Estimate backgrounds with a precision of <10% Essential for the measurement of 13 “On-axis”: control the beam direction A. Cervera CHIPP 2005

11 T2K (Re13@CERN) ND280m ND2km  monitor SK Possible Future p n
on-axis off-axis neutrino decay volume A.Blondel CHIPP oct.2006

12 ND280m hall off-axis (~2o) on-axis 37m  19m accuracy of  beam
direction 0.18 mrad

13 ND 280 UA1 magnet (0.2 T) tracker : optimized for CC studies
ECAL (Pb/scintillator): photons from 0 and pid e/ UA1 magnet (0.2 T) inner volume: 3.5x3.6x7.0 m3 + SMRD (side  range detector): 1.7 cm gaps instrumented with scintillator muons produced at angles near 90° cannot be measured by the TPCs – provide  energy measurement to < 10% veto activity from  interactions in magnet or walls, basis for a cosmic trigger for calibrations ND 280 tracker : optimized for CC studies POD ( detector): optimized for  from NC

14  detector high statistics measurements of n interactions with electromagnetic showers scintillating bar tracking planes interleaved with passive water layers (blue), fiducial = 1.7 tons statistical subtraction of events in rear from front used to determine oxygen cross sections ~17103 NC single p0 events expected in water target for 1021 pot (1 year) 50-60% efficiency for p0 reconstruction (p > 200 MeV/c) p0 fake rate ~ 20%

15 ND280 tracker 2 FGD’s: 3 TPC’s: FGD requirements :
σ(p)/p < 10 % at 1 GeV/c dE/dx capability: separate e / μ ~ 4x105  interactions in a nominal year (1021 POT) 2 FGD’s: solid active (+ water) target modules ~ 1.2 ton total mass in each FGD module 3 TPC’s: gas time projection chamber modules TPC inner volumes ~ 16 kg gas, resulting in ~ 2x103  FGD each FGD: 2x2x0.3 m3 target volume, ~1.2 ton scintillator bars: 1x1x200 cm3 arranged in alternating x-y planes fine segmentation needed to track low energy protons, in order to distinguish CCQE and non-elastic the back FGD contains water layers 3cm passive water layers between each x-y scintillator plane “SiPM” readout

16 Tracker - TPC low diffusion gas to achieve resolution sufficient for  / e separation: 10% for p < 1 GeV/c dE/dx resolution: ~ 7% double wall with field cage as inner wall gas amplification : Micromegas Barcelona-Genève-Saclay see talk by N. Abgrall - 6 read-out planes (0.6x2.5 m2) - Total drift distance 1.25 m - B=0.2 T E=200V/cm - Pad size: 0.6 to 0.8 cm - ~100k channels Dp/p2=7% in one chamber

17 nm CC event ne CC event Side view Top view

18 Schedule T2K physics run: 2009
SK reconstruction completed April 2006, fully operational July 2006  back to 40% photo-coverage Beam line construction started in April 2004 50 GeV MR commissioning: 2008  beamline commissioning: April 2009 ND280 groups now seeking construction funding April 2007: ND280 hall construction start May 2008: Install UA1 magnet Aug-Dec 2008: complete ND280 building Jan 2009: installation of ND280 detectors on axis detector off axis Tracker Summer/Fall 2009: install remaining detectors T2K physics run: 2009

19 Swiss contributions to T2K
talk by N.Abgrall UniGe: construction of Micromegas modules (84 modules + spares) at CERN: mechanics + automatic bench testing and pad-by-pad calibration (~ channels) contribution to refurbisment of UA1 magnet (shared contribution by EU groups) Swiss groups could lead the effort of NA49/T2K -- Measurement of particle production by GeV protons from carbon target in the NA49 apparatus UniBe and ETHZ have applied to T2K -- proposed contribution to ND280 detectors under discussion -- long term interest in a possible 2km Larg detector talk by S.Bravar talk by A.Badertscher

20 conclusions T2K is a key experiment in  physics:
natural scale-up from past and actual to future experiments potential for discovery funded and under construction so far on schedule to start in spring 2009 Starting from HARP and K2K, moving on to T2K and possibly NA49, EU and CH are pursuing an increasingly stronger contribution to the Japanese Long-baseline neutrino programme Université de Genève is involved in ND280: TPC readout (construction and testing) and software possibly leading the NA49 effort temporary website for T2K and T2K-NA49:




24 Target and horn magnets
1st Horn 2nd Horn 3rd Horn Graphite Target beam I=320kA Graphite target Prototype - thermal shock resistant to MW - He-gas cooling system status 1st Horn excitation May Operation at 320 kA July Production of 1, 2, 3 Horns Installation

25 ND280 group Russia Spain Switzerland United Kingdom United States
Canada UBC, Regina, Toronto, Victoria, TRIUMF, York France CEA/Saclay Italy Bari, Napoli, Padova, Rome Japan Hiroshima, KEK, Kobe, Kyoto, ICRR, Tokyo Korea Chonnam, Dongshin, Kangwon, Kyungpook, Gyeongsang, Sejong, Seoul, SungKyunKwan Russia INR Moscow Spain Barcelona, Valencia Switzerland Geneva United Kingdom Imperial, Lancaster, Liverpool, Queen Mary, CCLRC, Sheffield, Warwick United States Louisiana State, Stony Brook, Rochester, Washington

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