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United States of Europe: Our vision of the EU. Politics in the U.S.E.

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Presentation on theme: "United States of Europe: Our vision of the EU. Politics in the U.S.E."— Presentation transcript:

1 United States of Europe: Our vision of the EU

2 Politics in the U.S.E.

3 U.S.E.: one federal country Head of state: constitutional president Capital: Brussels Governed by the cabinet Laws are proposed by cabinet and approved by parliament

4 Cabinet Cabinet: prime minister + ministers Prime minister: suggested by largest party in parliament, approved by 50 % of the parliament. If the largest party has a majority, the second largest party must approve it,just like the president. The prime minister forms a coalition which represents 50 % or more of the parliament Each party in the coalition is represented in the cabinet.

5 Parliament MPs are directly chosen via constituencies. 1 constituency = 1 country Average % of votes = % of seats in parliament (total no. of seats = 700) There are only united EU parties A minimum of 5 % is needed to get in the parliament

6 Local political systems Every local political system will remain the same, e.g. federal systems. Present monarchs will remain as a cultural monument but only with a ceremonial function.

7 Education in the U.S.E.

8 Necessary Subjects You need to have learned: -Esperanto -English -Mother Language -Maths -Foreign Language -Science

9 School system Every school system stays the way it is. The only thing that needs to be changed is that every school has to teach the students the necessary subjects, which we mentioned before.

10 Training camps People learn their whole lives Of course, it depends on the profession you perform These training camps are financed by the USE There should be one in every region in the USE

11 Social System The social system is financed by taxes. People pay, according to their income, 10 to 50 %. Those who live on benefits, don‘t pay taxes.

12 INTRODUCTION We prepared 5 points about the social system in the EU. It’s our vision of Europe in the future. The points are: Pension reform Sport Health Education Poverty

13 PENSION REFORM Pensions should be higher. Women and men should work until 60 years, but when they want to work longer, they should be allowed to. Disabled people should have good conditions at work.

14 SPORTS EU government should give more money for sport institutions for the countries in the EU that need it. Countries need better training systems for all athletes.

15 HEALTH The same health insurance card in the EU for your insurance (you always need the same card when you visit a European doctor). Borders should be open for doctors. Health care is free.

16 POVERTY The same income with the same job. The European government must create new places where unemployment rate is the highest.

17 Culture of the U.S.E.

18 Our ideas Esperanto as one mixed language Laws against losing national culture Common media (TV, newspaper etc.) Multicultural projects (like ROTA) Content of national curriculum: learning about European cultures Same holiday (European holiday)

19 Freedom of religion Promote tourism Teach more languages Create one European cooking book and spread it European festivals Open borders / encourage European mobility Participate as one country in the Olympic Games

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