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LING 388 Language and Computers Lecture 18 10/30/03 Sandiway FONG
Administrivia Computer Laboratory next time as well … Computer Laboratory next time as well … November 4th in SBS 224 Homework 4 Homework 4 3 exercises today 1 extra-credit question Homework 4 continues next time Lecture 17 slides updated… Lecture 17 slides updated… Added an appendix illustrating the use of negation to implement counting up to 2 instead of the extra argument method [from suggestion in class]
Exercise 1: Relative Clauses Examples: Examples: The cat that John saw(object) The cat that saw John(subject)
Exercise 1: Relative Clauses Sample DCG: Sample DCG: s(s(X,Y)) --> np(X), vp(Y). vp(vp(X,Y)) --> transitive_verb(X), np(Y). np(np(X)) --> proper_noun (X). % Special rules for relative clauses np(np(np(Y,Z),U)) --> det(Y), common_noun(Z), sbar(U). np(np(x)) --> []. sbar(lambda(x,Y)) --> complementizer, s(Y). complementizer --> [that]. % Lexicon transitive_verb(v(hit)) --> [hit]. transitive_verb(v(saw)) --> [saw]. proper_noun(john) --> [john]. proper_noun(mary) --> [mary]. common_noun(n(man)) --> [man]. common_noun(n(cat)) --> [cat]. det(det(the)) --> [the].
Exercise 1: Relative Clauses Consult DCG Consult DCG Parsing noun phrases (NPs): Parsing noun phrases (NPs): Run queries ?- np(X,[the,cat,that,john,saw],[]). ?- np(X,[the,cat,that,saw,john],[]). Verify DCG also (incorrectly) accepts as NPs: Verify DCG also (incorrectly) accepts as NPs: *The cat that John saw Mary *The cat that saw
Exercise 1: Relative Clauses Pseudo-Logical Form for the cat that John saw: Pseudo-Logical Form for the cat that John saw: np det the n cat lambda xs np vp vjohn sawx
Exercise 1: Relative Clauses Homework Question (A): Homework Question (A): Modify the DCG to accept the omission of the complementizer that for object relative clauses Your DCG should accept both of the following: the cat John saw the cat that John saw as NPs Hint: Write an empty category rule in place of the complementizer
Exercise 1: Relative Clauses Parsing complete sentences: Parsing complete sentences: Run queries: ?- s(X,[mary,hit,the,cat,that,john,saw],[]). ?- s(X,[mary,hit,the,cat,that,saw,john],[]). Verify the DCG also (incorrectly) accepts as sentences: Verify the DCG also (incorrectly) accepts as sentences: *Mary hit *hit John *hit
Exercise 1: Relative Clauses Multiple Embeddings Multiple Embeddings Add rule transitive_verb(v(hissed_at)) --> [hissed,at]. Turn on full printing (taken from Lecture 4) ?- set_prolog_flag(toplevel_print_options,[max_depth(0)]). Run query for Mary hit the man that the cat that John saw hissed at
Exercise 1: Relative Clauses Homework Question (B): Homework Question (B): The previous sentence Mary hit the man that the cat that John saw hissed at has a doubly-embedded object relative clause structure: Mary hit [ NP [ NP the man i ] that [ NP [ NP the cat j ] that John saw [ NP e j ]] hissed at [ NP e i ]]
Exercise 1: Relative Clauses Homework Question (B) contd.: Homework Question (B) contd.: Without any further modification to the DCG, construct and show parses for: A sentence with two levels of embedding using subject relative clauses A sentence with two levels of embedding using one subject and one object relative clause Any sentence with a triply-embedded relative clause structure Notes: i.e. you cannot add any rules or words to the DCG so far The DCG only allows Det N sequences in relative clause constructions, i.e. you have to make do without NP -> Det N
Extra Credit Homework Question Answer for Exercise 1 Part (A) will also allow the complementizer to be dropped (incorrectly) for subject relative clauses: Answer for Exercise 1 Part (A) will also allow the complementizer to be dropped (incorrectly) for subject relative clauses: the cat that saw John *the cat saw John(as a complex NP)
Extra Credit Homework Question Modify the DCG to allow that to be omitted only in the case of object relative clauses, i.e. grammar should still accept: Modify the DCG to allow that to be omitted only in the case of object relative clauses, i.e. grammar should still accept: the cat John saw but reject its subject relative clause counterpart: *the cat saw John Hint (for one possible implementation): Hint (for one possible implementation): Look at how subject/verb agreement was enforced
Exercise 2: Disjunctive Tree-Walker Tree-walker template (disjunctive form): Tree-walker template (disjunctive form): visit(X) :- X =.. [_,A1,_], visit(A1). visit(X) :- X =.. [_,_,A2], visit(A2). visit(X) :- X =.. [_,A], visit(A). visit(X) :- atom(X). Note: Note: used underscores to substitute for variables that are only mentioned once
Exercise 2: Disjunctive Tree-Walker Let’s modify visit/1 to look for John only: Let’s modify visit/1 to look for John only: visit(X) :- X =.. [_,A1,_], visit(A1). visit(X) :- X =.. [_,_,A2], visit(A2). visit(X) :- X =.. [_,A], visit(A). visit(X) :- atom(X).<- to be substituted by -visit(john).
Exercise 2: Disjunctive Tree-Walker Consult visit/1 Consult visit/1 Make sure DCG is still loaded ?- listing. to check Turn on tracing for visit/1 only Turn on tracing for visit/1 only ?- spy(visit/1). Run the query: Run the query: ?- s(X,[mary,hit,the,cat,that,hissed,at,john],[]), visit(X). Step through debugger using the command l (leap) Prolog should succeed and report X.
Exercise 2: Disjunctive Tree-Walker Test the structures for sentences: Test the structures for sentences: Mary hit the cat that hissed at Mary Query should fail John saw the cat that saw John Query should succeed twice
Exercise 2: Disjunctive Tree-Walker Homework Question: Homework Question: Modify visit/1 to search for all NP nodes How many times should visit/1 succeed for the following sentence? Mary hit the cat that hissed at John Hint: Hint: You’ll need to add more than one clause to visit/1
Exercise 3: Collecting Answers Instead of entering ; (possibly repeated) to the Prolog interpreter … Instead of entering ; (possibly repeated) to the Prolog interpreter … we can used a higher-order predicate findall/3 to collect together all possible answers to a query findall/3 findall/3 Prolog build-in Usage: findall(X,Query,List) X may be a variable or constant or structure bound once per successful call to QueryX may be a variable or constant or structure bound once per successful call to Query Query is the Prolog query we wish to test (minus ?- and.)Query is the Prolog query we wish to test (minus ?- and.) List is the collected list of values of X per successful callList is the collected list of values of X per successful call
Exercise 3: Collecting Answers Example: Example: male(john). male(pete). female(mary). female(jill). human(X) :- female(X) ; male(X).( ; indicates disjunction) Prolog query: Prolog query: ?- human(X). X = mary ; X = jill ; X = john ; X = pete ; No
Exercise 3: Collecting Answers Using findall/3: Using findall/3: ?- findall(X,human(X),List). X = _G283(an internally generated variable) List = [mary,jill,john,pete] ; No length/2 length/2 Prolog built-in Usage: length(List,N) List is a listList is a list N is bound to the number of elements in ListN is bound to the number of elements in List Example: Example: ?- findall(X,human(X),List), length(List,N). N = 4
Exercise 3: Collecting Answers Basic (unmodified) disjunctive tree-walker: Basic (unmodified) disjunctive tree-walker: visit(X) :- X =.. [_,A1,_], visit(A1). visit(X) :- X =.. [_,_,A2], visit(A2). visit(X) :- X =.. [_,A], visit(A). visit(X) :- atom(X).
Exercise 3: Collecting Answers Homework Question: Homework Question: Assuming the unmodified version of visit/1 What does the query ?- s(X,[mary,hit,the,cat,that,hissed,at,john],[]), findall(once,visit(X),L), findall(once,visit(X),L), length(L,N). length(L,N).do?
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