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Preparing Food with Mathematics By Erik Jefferson and Emily Steele.

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1 Preparing Food with Mathematics By Erik Jefferson and Emily Steele

2 Objectives Students will become more confident with adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing with fractions, decimals and percents. Students will understand the importance of math in the real world. Students will be introduced to the cultural backgrounds of their peers. Students will enhance their interpersonal and communication skills.

3 Justification The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) states that sixth grade students should “work flexibly with fractions, decimals, and percents to solve problems.” Many students do not see the importance in mathematics. By incorporating mathematics into a real world example students will pay closer attention and see math’s importance in functioning as a working adult. A multicultural education will introduce students to the diverse world that they live in. The NCTM standards state that students should be able to “communicate their mathematical thinking coherently and clearly to peers, teachers and others.” Communication is a vital skill required to perform in society.

4 Weekly Plan Monday Students are introduced to project Local manager will visit and supply menus. Students will be put into groups of four and assigned to bring in cultural recipes Tuesday Each group will select each course and construct a menu Teacher will assign number of people having each dish Wednesday Students will calculate how much of each ingredient is needed Each group will construct a bill Thursday Each group will construct 8 questions to be used for a contest Friday Evaluation in game format

5 Ingredients Sourdough Pizza Dough 1 1/2 cups sourdough starter, room temperature 1 tablespoon olive oil 1 teaspoon coarse salt 1 1/2 cups bread flour Water Classic Tomato Pizza Sauce 3 Tbsp. - Butter 16 Oz. - Can of Tomato Puree 3 Tbsp. - Olive Oil 1 Tsp. - Salt 3 Cloves - Garlic, Minced 1/4 Tsp. - Black Pepper 3 Large - Yellow Onions, Minced 1 Tsp. - Whole Oregano 2 Quarts. - Canned Whole Italian Tomatoes 1 Tsp. - Whole Basil

6 Evaluation A jeopardy game will be played on the last day where groups will be given the opportunity to compete against each other. This style of grading accomplishes three important aspects; –Individual accountability –Group goals –Competing against peers of equal academic ability Sample questions students may formulate: –If a meal comes to $56.84, what amount is paid, including a 15% tip, and 6% tax? –If tomato puree comes in 40oz containers, and each pizza requires 16oz, how many containers of puree need to be ordered to make 7 pizzas?


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