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THE EVALUATION PROCESS Specify the purpose Determine what is to be measured Define each element in operational terms Devise appropriate data collection.

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Presentation on theme: "THE EVALUATION PROCESS Specify the purpose Determine what is to be measured Define each element in operational terms Devise appropriate data collection."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE EVALUATION PROCESS Specify the purpose Determine what is to be measured Define each element in operational terms Devise appropriate data collection instruments Collect the data Set standards of expected performance Summarise and report results Make a judgement

2 PURPOSES OF ASSESSING STUDENTS Selection Certification Comparison –of individuals (ranking) –of student groups Promotion Diagnosis Evaluating programs and teachers

3 APPROPRIATE MEASURING INSTRUMENTS InformationMCQ, Essay, Oral UnderstandingEssay, Oral PerformanceObservation checklists rating scales anecdotal AttitudesObservation Special scales Interviews

4 QUALITIES OF MEASUREMENT DEVICES Validity Does it measure what it is supposed to measure? Reliability How representative is the measurement? Objectivity Do independent scorers agree? Practicality Is it easy to construct, administer, score and interpret?

5 REFERENCING STANDARDS REFERENCING STANDARDS NORM-CRITERION- REFERENCEDREFERENCED Relative Based on peer performance Varies with each group Cut-off point not related to competence Absolute Not related to peer performance Standard set prior to examination Referenced to a defined level of performance

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