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Table 1 Socio-demographic Characteristics of Immigrant Parents and their Children in Spain, 2010 Characteristic Parents Children MadridBarcelona Total Madrid Barcelona Total Age, Average 43.21 41.98 42.62 14.36 13.5 13.91 Gender (Female), % 69.25 66.02 67.72 51.46 45.98 48.66 Parent Has Spanish 41.10 34.34 37.87 45.66 51.68 48.71 Nationality, % Years in Spain, Mean 11.9 10.7 11.4 6.8 6.2 6.5 Language Spoken at Home: Spanish % 77.50 71.71 74.77 73.87 65.46 69.54 Catalan, % 0.0 2.10 0.99 0.0 2.6 1.34 Other, % 22.50 26.19 24.24 26.13 31.90 29.01 Knowledge of Spanish, 1 Mean 3.56 3.41 3.49 3.64 3.46 3.55 Family Structure: Both Biological Parents % 67.95 73.83 70.77 66.86 65.91 66.37 Other, % 32.05 26.17 29.23 33.14 34.09 33.63 34
Table 1, continued Characteristic Parent Children MadridBarcelona Total Madrid Barcelona Total Parental Education 2 : Less than Secondary % 42.19 48.95 45.5917.3415.8016.55 Secondary, % 40.07 34.72 37.4634.2225.8129.94 Some University, % 8.80 9.559.1610.37 9.22 9.78 University graduate, % 8.94 6.787.8911.53 9.8010.65 Does not know, % -- -- --26.5439.37 33.08 Parental Employment Situation 3 : Employed, % 60.66 57.19 58.9787.6980.8084.17 Unemployed, % 23.69 22.46 230910.2317.30 13.84 Disabled, other, % 15.65 20.35 17.94 2.08 1.90 1.99 Parental Occupation 4 : Average Prestige Score 85.13 86.43 85.7587.9688.5588.26 Educational Aspirations for Child: Secondary or less, % 4.98 5.57 5.2625.6428.0526.86 Technical degree, % 17.20 12.72 15.0721.6415.1418.35 Some University, % 1.97 3.642.7614.2115.6714.96 University degree, % 59.68 62.84 61.1929.1331.1430.13 Post-graduate, % 16.17 15.23 15.72 9.3810.03 9.70 35
Table 1, continued Characteristic Parents Children MadridBarcelona Total Madrid Barcelona Total Educational Expectations for Child: Secondary or less, % 12.98 17.0614.9345.0743.5744.32 Technical degree, % 32.60 25.4929.2122.3318.1220.20 Some university, % 5.83 13.20 9.3911.8913.5112.70 University degree, % 39.25 33.4536.4815.6118.6917.17 Post-graduate degree, % 9.25 10.80 9.99 5.10 6.11 5.61 Future Life Plans for Child 5 : Live in Spain, % 84.69 85.3585.0027.2424.5425.90 Move Elsewhere, % 15.31 14.6515.0072.7675.4574.10 1.Scores in the Knowledge of Spanish Index (KSI). Range: 1 (lowest) to 4. 2.Parental figures refer to the parent answering the survey; children’s figures are a weighted average of reported education for father and mother. 3.Parental figures refer to the parent answering the survey; children’s figures are a weighted average of reported employment situation for father and mother. 4.Scores in the PRESCA-2 Spanish occupational prestige scale (Carabańa and Gomez Bueno, 1997). 5.Item in the parental survey asks whether the parent wishes child to stay and live in Spain; item in the children’s survey asks for preferred country to live as an adult. Source: Longitudinal Study of the Second Generation (ILSEG). 36
Table 3-A Determinants of Educational Aspirations among Second Generation Youths in Spain, 2010 Predictors 1 I II IIIIV Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Parent: -Age -.005 -0.67 -.001 -0.18.001 0.16.003 0.27 -Gender (Female).067 0.66.068 0.63 -.051 -0.46 -.016 -0.14 -Years of Spanish.013 1.66.010 1.32 -.002 -0.20 -.006 -0.57 Residence -Nationality (Spanish) -.041 -0.40 -.082 -0.80 -.091 -0.87.015 0.13 -Both Parents Present -.120 -1.13 -.150 -1.38 -.213 -1.89# -.233 -1.99* -Socio-economic Status.631 9.06***.473 6.43***.444 5.69***.373 4.40*** (PSES) -Knowledge of Spanish.207 2.75**.091 1.09.020 0.22.162 1.51 (PKSI) -School Involvement.011 0.12 -.015 -0.16.016 0.17 (PSII) -Educational Aspirations.205 2.63**.121 1.47.145 1.72# -Educational Expectations.607 9.93***.491 7.51***.479 7.18*** Child: -Age -.467 -7.20*** -.505 -7.21*** -Gender (Female).427 4.26***.390 3.82*** -Birthplace (Spain).223 1.17.071 0.35 -School Type (Private).147 1.17.154 1.20 -Year in School.300 3.03**.310 3.11** -Knowledge of Spanish.537 5.38***.608 5.93*** (KSI) -City of Residence -.156 -1.33 (Barcelona) National Origin 3 : -Ecuador -.442 -2.35* 38
Table 3-A (Cont.) PredictorsIIIIIIIV Coeff. 1 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio / Cut 1 -1.367.092 -4.683 -4.572 / Cut 2 -0.304 1.225 -3.480 -3.361 / Cut 3 0.861 2.478 -2.095 -1.959 Wald Chi Sq. 123.43*** 263.80*** 366.24*** 391.07*** Pseudo R N 1665 1636 1577 1576 1.See Appendix for variable measurement. 2.Ordered logistic regression coefficients. 3.Dummy variables for 17 different nationalities are included in Step IV; only significant coefficients are presented. # p <.10 * P <.05 ** p <. 01 *** p <.001 Source: Longitudinal Study of the Spanish Second Generation (ILSEG) 39
Table 3-B Determinants of Educational Expectations among Second Generation Youths in Spain, 2010 Predictors 1 IIIIIIIV Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Parent: -Age -.005 -0.69 -.002 -0.22.000 0.08.003 0.38 -Gender (Female) -.019 -0.19 -.001 -0.01 -.097 -0.88 -.050 -0.45 -Years of Spanish.015 2.32*.012 1.80# -.001 -0.13 -.006 -0.70 Residence -Nationality (Spanish) -.087 -0.89 -.104 -1.03 -.124 -1.21 -.045 -0.41 -Both Parents Present.022 0.22.005 0.05 -.033 -0.31 -.058 -0.53 -Socio-economic Status.504 7.47***.333 4.70***.279 3.82***.259 3.23** (PSES) -Knowledge of Spanish.162 2.25*.041 0.50.019 0.22.161 1.52 (PKSI) -School Involvement -.028 - 0.32 -.050 -0.56.008 0.09 (PSII) -Educational Aspirations.208 2.54* -.128 1.49.139 1.58 -Educational Expectations.611 9.93***.505 7.81***.506 7.58*** Child: -Age -.448 -7.09*** -.438 -6.39*** -Gender (Female).166 1.74#.134 1.39 -Birthplace (Spain).319 1.74#.112 0.58 -School Type (Private).115 0.93.135 1.06 -Year in School.312 3.16**.311 3.08** -Knowledge of Spanish.524 5.12***.603 5.97*** (KSI) -City of Residence.095 0.85 (Barcelona) National Origin 3 : -Argentina -.710 -2.09* -Ecuador -.522 -2.91** -Peru -.527 -2.38* 40
Table 3-B (Cont.) PredictorsIIIIIIIV Coeff. 1 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio / Cut 1 -.860.544 -3.817 -2.869 / Cut 2.474 1.972 -2.294 -1.336 / Cut 3 1.535 3.099 1.092 -0.112 Wald Chi Sq. 78.80*** 222.92*** 320.86*** 348.52*** Pseudo R N 1651 1622 1564 1563 1.See Appendix for variable measurement. 2.Ordered logistic regression coefficients. 3.Dummy variables for 17 different nationalities are included in Step IV; only significant coefficients are presented. # p <.10 * P <.05 ** p <. 01 *** p <.001 Source: Longitudinal Study of the Spanish Second Generation (ILSEG) 41
Table 4-A Determinants of Occupational Aspirations among Second Generation Youths in Spain, 2010 Predictors 1 I IIIIIIV Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Parent: -Age -.002 -0.23.001 0.18.005 0.58.004 0.49 -Gender (Female).033 0.29.039 0.33 -.084 -0.68 -.062 -049 -Years of Spanish -.000 -0.01 -.003 -0.38 -.011 -1.06 -.015 -1.26 Residence -Nationality (Spanish).011 0.10 -.003 -0.03 -.001 -0.01.079 0.61 -Both Parents Present.288 2.38*.312 2.54*.253 1.98#.246 1.88# -Socio-economic Status.054 0.75 -.052 -0.67 -.104 -1.24 -.074 -0.81 (PSES) -Knowledge of Spanish.302 3.45***.226 2.42*.210 2.03*.307 2.47* (PKSI) -School Involvement.037 0.38.006 0.06 -.023 -0.22 (PSII) -Educational Aspirations.092 0.98.049 0.50.065 0.65 -Educational Expectations.324 4.58***.202 2.74**.173 2.31* Child: -Age -.283 -3.97*** -.344 -4.46*** -Gender (Female).725 6.49***.715 6.32*** -Birthplace (Spain).146 0.72.097 0.45 -School Type (Private).257 1.77#.298 2.03* -Year in School.284 2.57*.318 2.82** -Knowledge of Spanish.245 2.14*.220 1.81# (KSI) -City of Residence -.239 -1.87# (Barcelona) National Origin 3 : -Argentina -1.049 -2.33* 42
Table 4-A (Cont.) PredictorsIIIIIIIV Coeff. 1 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Coeff. 2 Z-ratio Constant -1.571 -3.13 -2.495 -4.31.079 0.07.956 0.74 Wald Chi Sq. 19.69** 50.46*** 105.94*** 123.38*** Pseudo R N 1592 1563 1508 1507 1.See Appendix for variable measurement. 2.Binomial logistic regression coefficients. 3.Dummy variables for 17 different nationalities are included in Step IV; only significant coefficients are presented. # p <.10 * P <.05 ** p <. 01 *** p <.001 Source: Longitudinal Study of the Spanish Second Generation (ILSEG) 43
Table 4-B Determinants of Occupational Expectations among Second Generation Youths in Spain, 2010 Predictors 1 I II III IV Coeff. 2 t Coeff. 2 t Coeff. 2 t Coeff. 2 t Parent: -Age -.016 -0.05.116 0.37.075 0.24.110 0.38 -Gender (Female) -2.529 -0.53 2.773 -0.56 -8.033 -1.56 -7.681 -1.45 -Years of Spanish -.002 -0.01 -.058 -0.20 -.706 -2.11* -.403 -1.33 Residence -Nationality (Spanish) -3.252 -0.82 -3.561 -0.91 -4.214 -1.03 -3.475 0.80 -Both Parents Present -5.826 -1.24 -5.953 -1.26 -7.625 -1.56 -7.126 -1.62# -Socio-economic Status 7.711 4.16*** 4.650 2.25* 2.643 1.25 3.259 1.47 (PSES) -Knowledge of Spanish 5.249 2.09* 2.750 1.15.735 0.25.219 0.07 (PKSI) -School Involvement.447 0.14.453 0.15 -.573 -0.16 (PSII) -Educational Aspirations 2.762 0.49.410 0.07 -.703 -0.11 -Educational Expectations 8.601 2.54* 5.366 1.60# 4.828 1.44 Child: -Age -7.111 -3.20*** -6.765 -2.91** -Gender (Female) 11.920 2.88** 12.472 3.01** -Birthplace (Spain) 13.848 1.42 16.620 1.45 -School Type (Private) 1.773 0.48 2.414 0.66 -Year in School 10.551 3.85*** 11.273 3.82*** -Knowledge of Spanish 12.776 3.02** 11.888 2.92** (KSI) -City of Residence 4.065 1.19 (Barcelona) National Origin 3 : -Argentina -22.562 -1.85# 44
Table 4-B (Cont.) PredictorsIIIIIIIV Coeff. t Coeff. 2 t Coeff. 2 t Coeff. 2 t Constant 142.824 9.07 119.664 7.14 176.369 5.38 183.694 3.89 F 5.17*** 6.63*** 8.78*** 4.96*** R N 1615 1588 1530 1529 1.See Appendix for variable measurement. 2.Ordinary least squares unstandardized coefficients with robust standard errors. 3.Dummy variables for 17 different nationalities are included in Step IV; only significant coefficients are presented. # p <.10 * P <.05 ** p <. 01 *** p <.001 Source: Longitudinal Study of the Spanish Second Generation (ILSEG) 45
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