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Healthy Homes Mini-Grant workshop Lynn Little and Jean Austin, Co-Principal Investigators.

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Presentation on theme: "Healthy Homes Mini-Grant workshop Lynn Little and Jean Austin, Co-Principal Investigators."— Presentation transcript:

1 Healthy Homes Mini-Grant workshop Lynn Little and Jean Austin, Co-Principal Investigators

2 Agenda Background Healthy Homes topics Healthy Homes partners Time line Logic model and requirements for mini- grant proposals Train-the-trainer workshop

3 Background April 2006 training with Dr. Michael Vogel Dr. Wei’s interest and encouragement Dr. Joe Wysocki funds –Education and outreach—What we do! Healthy People Healthy Communities 2010

4 Background NACo Green Government Initiative –Green government practices that result in financial and environmental savings –Research shows that 2007 is a tipping point year for green initiatives 10 th Anniversary of the Children’s Environmental Health Act –More than 6 million substandard housing units countrywide

5 Healthy Homes Topics Indoor Air Quality, asthma triggers Mold/Mildew Water Quality – disposal of Rx medications, Baywise Food Safety Cleaning Products Green Schools Radon Lead Recycling Land use, conservation and development patterns

6 Healthy Homes Partners American Lung Association Local housing authority Child Care Association Public/private schools MD Department of Environment MCE Master Gardeners Local health department Others?

7 Healthy Homes Partners Minigrant be for a specific event or for joint events across one or more counties What are the healthy homes education needs in your community? Is there a partnership or collaboration you want to build on? Do you want to use this opportunity to initiate a new program?

8 Timeline for submitting mini-grant proposal Mini grant proposal due July 15, 2007. Program completed by December 15, 2007 ½ $ when grant is approved; ½ $ when program and evaluation is complete Minigrant process coordinated by Lynn and Jean as all paperwork must go thru ORAA to receive funds

9 Healthy Resources Materials from April 06 training -- Montana programs, other texts and partner information Healthy Homes Booklet from EPA Healthy Homes DVD from Cornell Brand new introduction to Housing text A DVD in the works on “Cleaning” Many websites with information and teaching materials

10 Logic Model and Requirements Situation statement/ Focus Area –Assumptions and external factors Inputs –Program planning team and responsibilities –Curriculum development Outputs –Program + target audience Activities Marketing Instructional resources needed Learner resources needed Outcomes –Collection of baseline data –Short and medium term –How will outcomes be measured? - FCS evaluation tools Time line Budget – maximum of $1500. (Depending on number of minigrants) Mini-grant awards announced by August 1, 2007 Program delivery between August 1 and December 15, 2007

11 Train-the-Trainer Date? After the majority of minigrant work completed Sharing with FCS Educators Professional development needs as a result of your project? Next steps for Healthy Homes in MCE?

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