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Terrestrial N Budget “Natural” Biological N Fixation 90 - 125 Lightning 5 95 - 130 Inorganic N Fertilizer 90 Crop N Fixation 32 Fossil Fuel.

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Presentation on theme: "Terrestrial N Budget “Natural” Biological N Fixation 90 - 125 Lightning 5 95 - 130 Inorganic N Fertilizer 90 Crop N Fixation 32 Fossil Fuel."— Presentation transcript:







7 Terrestrial N Budget “Natural” Biological N Fixation 90 - 125 Lightning 5 95 - 130 Inorganic N Fertilizer 90 Crop N Fixation 32 Fossil Fuel Fixation 25 Industrial Uses 15 162



10 1860 1990s Galloway et al. 2004

11 Terrestrial P Budget Weathering of P from Minerals 10 – 20 Phosphorus in Fertilizer 19 Industrial Uses of P 0.8

12 Bennett et al. 2001




16 Urea Soil Organic Matter NH 4 + NO 3 - N2ON2ON2N2 NitrificationDenitrification N2ON2ON2N2 NONH 3 Fertilizer Use and Loss

17 Nitrate change in the Mississippi River



20 Agricultural sustainability in the Yaqui Valley

21 Beman, Arrigo and Matson 2005


23 Urea Soil Organic Matter NH 4 + NO 3 - N2ON2ON2N2 NitrificationDenitrification N2ON2ON2N2 NONH 3 NH 4 + NO 3 - Fertilizer Use and Loss

24 GasSource Role Anthropogenic Ammonia Nitrogen Oxides Nitrous Oxides Vegetation Soils Agriculture Animals Biomass Burning Soils Lightning Agriculture Fossil Fuel Combustion Biomass Burning Aircraft Oceans Soils Agriculture Fossil Fuel Combustion Industrial Processes 83 % 42 % Neutralizes precipitation Transports available N Regulates tropospheric ozone Precursor to nitric acid Transports available N Greenhouse gas Regulates stratospheric ozone 69 %


26 Source: IPCC Third Assessment Report, 2001 100012001400160018002000 Year

27 NO 3 - Input to Marine Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Cropping Systems Urban NO NO X N Deposition Downwind Downstream N2ON2O Upland Ecosystems NO 3 - in Surface and Ground water Saving “land for nature”?

28 Yaqui Valley Human-Environment System Water Agriculture Industry Wetlands Aquaculture Urban Fisheries + Marine Estuaries + Fisheries Climate  Markets  Policies  Technology & Resources  CO2  Note: institutions for each, but no institutions for integrated system Bio Invasions  “natural” lands Conservation NGOs

29 Agriculture and Ecosystem Services: Options for Maximizing Biodiversity Conservation and other Services on Working Landscapes

30 Water Resource UrbanEnvironmental ResidentialCommercial Industrial Agriculture Wetlands Wild + Scenic Rivers Endangered Species In-stream Flows Balancing Agriculture and Other Demands for Water

31 Patronato (Farmer Research) CIMMYT & CGIAR centers Universities INIFAP / CIANO Secretary of Natural Resources Secretary of Health NGO’s (e.g., CI, WWF, Red Fronteriza) Financiera Rural FIRA AOASS Agro- industry (Markets) Agro- industry (inputs) Practice Regulation/ Policy Research Private Banks Phytosanitary Committee & Irrigation District Secretary of Agriculture (State / Federal) Producers Innov ative Credit Unions Agriculture Knowledge System, Yaqui Valley 050610 CONACYT NGO’s (e.g., Foundations)


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